Chen Qi strength is too strong, stronger than him. It just happened to unite with this woman, maybe it can be killed, that’s the best.

But Nangong Yue’er was sneaked, “No need, wait for me to kill you, and behead him in the future!”

“Icebound the whole world!”

Suddenly, a stronger Icebound Rule diffused from a distance, faster than just now, hiding the sky and covering the earth, the moment passed, the silhouette of Nangong Yue’er flashed, and it suddenly appeared in Hua Tianjun Before, double attack.

A long sword in his hand, repeatedly assassinated, with cold chill.

Hua Tianjun is shrouded in this imposing manner, from head to toe frozen into bone marrow, the cultivation technique is not sensitive, startled. Suddenly, 1000 blazing suns appeared in all around, melting cold-ice, and fighting back.

The blazing sun tore the cold, enveloping Nangong Yue’er, Nangong Yue’er 5 grabbed it with a finger, and it was enveloped by the Icebound Rule, which shocked the audience. The ka-cha sound of ice blocks everywhere, myriad volcano, the ground lava The instant condense turned into ice cubes, flew from the ground, and smashed into 100,000 Icebergs.

hong long! ……

The entire Space exploded, shaking again and again. Hua Tianjun was getting more and more surprised. Before watching Chen Qi fighting with Nangong Yue’er, I didn’t see anything. I came to know that the strength of this Nangong Yue’er was simply abnormal.

His meridian didn’t work well, there was a blockage, the blazing sun was crashed by the mountain, the cold air overflowed, forming a circular condensation, and trapped Hua Tianjun.

Once trapped, Hua Tianjun is bound to die here.

Sword Qi is also impacting.

Hua Tianjun infused Divine Artifact into Flame Rule, Blazing Sun generally bloomed the Sun radiance, forming a path of flame city wall, colliding with it, Ice and Fire World produced a huge roar, naked eye can see, his flame will be Nangong Yue ‘ er’s attack shook. Using the formidable power of Divine Artifact, Nangong Yue’er took a few steps back.

But just backed off, there was another flash. Sword light penetrated nothingness, that silhouette had disappeared. It was actually a phantom. The real body appeared to the right of Hua Tianjun, and the sword came to assassinate him.

His flame was too late to resist, and the body protection was assassinated by the sword as it was disintegrated and constantly exploded. Hua Tianjun had severe pain in his chest, and his body was blown out of hundreds of hunted li, which rolled again and again.

Fortunately, at the last minute, the condense Rule formed a defensive light barrier to vent, let it escape. Otherwise, if you win, you will die.

“Damn!” Hua Tianjun suddenly took out a Ruler Level weapon, an Immortal Blade, and threw it out suddenly, facing Nangong Yue’er who rushed over, and suddenly clashed, Self-destruction.

Hong long!

When the overflowing heaven passed, Hua Tianjun fled quickly, and escaped while exploding. Not at war with Nangong Yue’er.

He found he was not an opponent of Nangong Yue’er. But looking back, Ruler Level’s Immortal Artifact Self-destruction made him feel a little distressed, but fortunately, Divine Artifact was in his hands and was not robbed.

He wanted to see if Nangong Yue’er had been killed. This level of Immortal Artifact explodes, and the formidable power is still very strong. If you pay little attention, you may be killed.

However, a 1-layer ice layer light screen appeared on the surface of Nangong Yue’er, which resisted the explosive formidable power and was not damaged.

Hua Tianjun complexion greatly changed, and fled without looking back. Go to 1-layer.

“Not Chen Qi’s opponent, but even this Western River Continent World genius Sacred Maiden opponent. It seems that I can only break through the Reached Divinity Boundary in order to subdue these people, not only to kill Chen Qi, but also to kill the woman. . Bitch. “

Hua Tianjun jumped like thunder, the complexion 5 officials twisted into a ball, looking for other places again, as long as he finds Divine Spark, both of them will die!

layer upon layer search and continue through the 1000 cabin portals.

At this time, a taller light screen suddenly appeared in front of him, and Hua Tianjun’s eyes were excited. Generally, this taller cabin light screen represented a wider storage space, and there was a possibility that a higher level would exist. Grade items.

In the hands of Divine Artifact Fire Pearl, he fired successively, hitting the light screen, and rippled the layer upon layer ripples. After a few moments, the light screen couldn’t bear the dense strikes and broke apart.

Hua Tianjun moved like a wind, and got into it excitedly.

Looking around, this is a ruin, an Antiquity Spiritual Divinity Battlefield that was forcibly moved here. There are potholes, gully cliffs at war, and deep valleys, tall ancient trees, hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Even on a ten thousand zhang cliff, there is a huge palm seal, wide several hundred zhang, deep into the cliff wall several dozen li, forming a huge Channel.

Hua Tianjun probably guessed something by groping in this Ghost Divine Ship.

These cabin spaces of Ghost Divine Ship are not condensed out of thin air, but the real mountain and rivers. The previous sea and the Mountain of Flames are all real. They are used by the Spiritual Divinity powerhouse to break the countless space. Foreign Dimension, traveling around myriad area, forcibly moved the mountain and rivers.

So this is the cabin space condense into, and the land in front of it, from the perspective of the broken continuous plate, should be a battlefield fragment of Spiritual Divinity, which was moved here.

The body sneaked in and found the depths of the underground here, with countless skeletons, Monster Beast skeleton, and Human Race.

The bones are not ordinary bones, most of them are Monster Beast of Immortal Emperor Level. Even Hua Tianjun also saw a bone, emitting mysterious light halo, a divine filled with remnant, is the body of Divinity.

Hong long!

Hua Tianjun knows that there is not much time, and I don’t know when Chen Qi and the woman will break in, so we must hurry to find it.

The flame turned into a huge fist, constantly blasting the ground, and a dirt of land hit a path of big pits, blasting out a large number of corpses, but not at all found Divine Spark, but a wreck with Monster Beast and Spirit Divinity, Most have been shattered.

Obviously, there has been a big battle here before. Battles belonging to Spiritual Divinity.

After a while of effort, Hua Tianjun searched for a large area, and suddenly he flew into a valley bottom, watching on the edge of a cliff, staring at the huge Palm imprint Channel, eyes flashed, and Hua Tianjun rushed in.

This palm impression was shot deep into the cliff, and the pitch was black. Even after so many years, the Channel still has some strong breath, and it is the Rule remnant left over from the Spiritual Divinity battle.

Channels are filled with cracks in the Void, seemingly unable to recover.

I do n’t know how many years ago the battle can still destroy Space and leave a crack in Void. From this we can see that the battle strength of Spiritual Divinity is not something that Immortal can figure out.

Hong long!

Hua Tianjun continued to strikes, while avoiding remnant energy, and went straight to the forefront, then he stopped and looked dumbstruck.

There are still five fingerprints in front of the Channel, but a man with a long robe wearing dark brown luxurious silk and a long robe skeleton is located here.

The bones of the body exploded and the skull dangled. It was lived here by palm. Cracked even bones. Died by death, but the hair is still there, scattered like a ghost.

After so many years of death, the broken bones emit red light halo, like crystal ruby, Divine Bone.

Hua Tianjun seems to have seen a generation of Divinity, to rebuke Heaven and Earth, domineering, absolute powerhouse, but was shot dead by a palm, and fell here. Killed by Divinity stronger than him.

The breath surprised Hua Tianjun. Although the bone was corpse, it gave people a deterrent to look up, and he found the bone with a trace of heat, like a living creature.

Hua Tianjun looked happy. From the point of view, the Spirit Divinity is cultivation in front of the Fire Attribute Rule.

However, the storage ring of the corpse was not on the body, and was apparently taken away by those who killed him.

Hua Tianjun was certain for a while, knowing that the corpse had no lethality and was really dead.

He kept rummaging on it, but found nothing, a little disappointed. When he was preparing to collect these bones, and later refined the energy essence, he discovered that this skeleton released rays of light from 2 eye positions, A ray of gloom appeared.

Hua Tianjun took the skeleton in his hand and shook it constantly. I wanted to see if there was Divine Spark. Generally, Divine Spark of Spiritual Divinity is not in the heart position. Then it is in the skull that the corpse eyes emit a dim light. in.

Thinking of this, Hua Tianjun is cautiously shaking.

With a snoring sound, a nail-sized red square suddenly fell from Skeleton’s eyes. It was very heavy, with mysterious veined patterns all over it, and a trace of hotness flowing in it.

Rule breath is very restrained, you can feel the boiling strength of the deep.

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