The arrival of Chen Qi caused a sensation in overflowing heaven. All the people in the city, as well as the Divine Soldier in the sky, the formation Monster Beast seemed to feel the threat, and each and everyone will lock their eyes on Chen Qi.

Instantly countless divine sense glanced and crushed on Chen Qi. Chen Qi visually observed that among these people, only the Spiritual Divinity had reached 10000 people. Most of the other people in Divine City are Immortal Emperor, Immortal Saint.

Spiritual Divinity is not that good cultivation, and these native people may not be able to cultivate faster than Lesser Realm people.

Of course, if the innate talent is very good, in Divine Realm cultivation, the start is very high, and in more than ten years, it is possible to complete the boundary that Lesser Realm can’t break through for 100 years.

Count 10000 Spiritual Divinity breath lock Chen Qi, ordinary people are deterred by this aura, they will be oppressed and die on the spot, the flushy body is crushed into a powder, but Chen Qi immediately runs Vermilion Bird Burning World Secret Art, the spirit is shocked, powerful Rule diffuse Body, perfect protection.

All divide sense swept away, simply couldn’t help him.

“Kill him. Dare to destroy Divine Prestige City formation, this is a provocation against Divine Prestige City.”

“Brat, come and announce your name, who is your influencer? Openly provoking Divine Prestige City, this is your courting death, you know?”

A Divine Soldier, Divine General all prestige glanced, flew over, murderous-looking, the waves billowed in front of Chen Qi, a word of disagreement was about to kill.

At a time, the numbers of 10000 Divine Soldier each and everyone in Divine City were all mobilized. Rows of armor rays of light bloomed, holding long spears, flying from all directions in the distance, and the people in Divine City below were watching the excitement.

“Who is this? Courage is not small. Divine Prestige City is guarded by Sir Lei Tian. This person is too brave. This is to die.”

“Looking at his breath as Lesser Divinity, I’m afraid he won’t live long, but I’m curious. He seems to be a Lesser Divinity, even if the Rule inside the body has not been completely transformed. How did he bombard the Divine Prestige City formation? Is there a problem with the formulation? “

“Unclear, but I only know one thing, this brat is going to die. It’s miserable.”

A Lesser Divinity in Divine City stared up and sighed, “Laozi hasn’t seen many people in many years, but it’s the first time I’ve seen this kind of courage. Doesn’t he know that Sir Lei Tian is Who is it? We, Sir Lei Tian, ​​are Upper Divinity. Mastering the thunder and lightning strength represents Heaven Prestige. Maybe he doesn’t know how powerful we are. There is a good show. “

The middle-aged man stared at the swaying silhouette in the sky, but to see how Chen Qi was an opponent of these people.

“Hey, I’m looking for you City Lord, it’s just a small thing. I Chen Qi is a reasonable person and doesn’t kill innocent people, so let’s let you City Lord come out and talk to us. It’s always bad to kill and kill. , 10000 you slaughtered, you said that it is not easy for you to cultivate for so many years? “

Chen Qi said with a chuckle.

“Just you want to see our City Lord? It’s crazy to say that City Lord won’t see you as a small person. You broke our Divine City illusion formation, crime deserving ten thousand deaths, brothers, kill me, get Got his dog’s head. “

A Middle Divinity General’s eyes showed a strong murderous intention, and all of them rushed to death with all the others.

Chen Qi is a Lesser Divinity, for him, he can kill easily.

For a while, myriad attack was directed at Chen Qi, and Chen Qi was put to death. The attack of 10000 people was very horrifying. Hiding the sky and covering the earth, you could lose your life if you didn’t pay attention.

But unexpectedly, they thought that Chen Qi would flee and flee, but Chen Qi was suddenly fisted, pu chi sounded constantly, and a large hole was attacked in front of him. Myriad attacked the light screen, and he came from this hole Drill in to avoid the attack cleverly, otherwise it is still a bit dangerous to use his current strength against 10000 Spiritual Divinity.

After drilling, he suddenly fist again, hit the star cluster, and smashed into more than 300 Spiritual Divinity.

These Spiritual Divinity were originally fierce and murderous intentions, but at the moment of strikes, they felt an irresistible force, and they suddenly struck into their bodies. The bodies actually exploded. They did not respond to death. They were actually killed by a Lesser Divinity. Recruited and killed hundreds of people.

The EXP prompt in Chen Qi’s mind kept ringing.

“Ding! Congratulations to Host for killing Lesser Divinity and rewarding EXP 4000. The current EXP is 21.1 million / 22 million.”

“Ding! Congratulations to Host for killing Lesser Divinity and rewarding EXP 4000. The current EXP is 21.3 million / 22 million.”

“Ding! Congratulations to Host for killing Lesser Divinity and rewarding EXP 4000. The current EXP is 21.8 million / 22 million.”

“Ding! Congratulations to Host for killing Lesser Divinity and rewarding EXP 4000. The current EXP is 22 million / 22 million.”

“Ding! The current Exp Points are full. Congratulations to Host for being promoted to Middle Divinity. The current EXP is 0/23 million.”

Hong long!

A large number of rules were inserted between Heaven and Earth, and Chen Qi’s body exploded continuously, directly rising to Middle Divinity Boundary, and the strength increased at least ten times.

Rule swept all around, and the wind was surging. The rule of Chen Qi within the body has not yet completely changed into Divine Realm Rule, but the boiling atmosphere has made everyone dumbstruck powerful.

“Hundreds of Spiritual Divinity actually died, and how did this person break through the Middle Divinity directly? It was all Lesser Divinity just now, why so fast?”

“I’m understood, this person is Chen Qi of Immortal Realm, the one who killed us Divine Prestige City.”

All of them reacted for a while. The Middle Divinity General shook his look, and a terrible attack broke out again, and ordered his subordinates, dozens of them, to arrange a series of each and everyone formations, as if the squares were impacting Chen Qi.

But now Chen Qi strength skyrocketed and became Middle Divinity, not even these people can deal with, fist hit again, Heaven and Earth vibrated, a path of huge fist appeared in front, meteor strikes in general, the attack in front collapsed, collapsed, changed Become a diffuse wave, rebounded back.

Hitting these people, many people spitting blood, complexion pale.

Chen Qi hit fist again, the world birth of star cluster, meteor shower, harvesting these people’s lives. each and everyone The so-called Spiritual Divinity was buried under the Chen Qi fist, and the equipment on the ground broke out. They simply could not bear the Chen Qi fist.

How fist his fist is, can casual people be able to withstand it, some people are hit by explosions, some hit flying, their bones are broken, there is no perfect place.

“courting death !”

That Middle Divinity didn’t seem to think that Chen Qi was so powerful. Suddenly, the hands were opened and closed. A large long blade was chopped over. The blooming edge was a divine mountain that could be broken into pieces and smashed in front of Chen Qi.

Chen Qi flickered for a moment, abruptly avoided, appeared on the side of the man, grabbed his head, and he continued to struggle. Chen Qi’s hands were like magic claws, making him unable to escape.


Rule stunned and a scream came. This person died before the counterattack, and soul was caught by Chen Qi as nothingness.

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