“hong long! ”

Just then, the sky of Boundless Sect suddenly gathered a series of several dozen li’s black clouds, which shook the entire sky. A path of white thunder and lightning shone in the air, which was extremely scary.

It’s dark like night here, only Chen Qi’s body is blooming with white rays of light.

However, he heard the sound of the sky and clouds, Heavenly Thunder’s formidable power was extraordinary, and he looked around 4 places.

At this moment in a corner, Little Tortoise walked upright, lightly, and looked very cautiously moved towards the distance. When he saw Heavenly Thunder in the sky, he knew that the wretched Master would let him come out to resist Heavenly Tribulation. .

“Little Tortoise, it turns out you’re here. Just right.”

But he didn’t go far enough, a voice came to his ear, and then Chen Qi’s silhouette appeared in front of him, with a smile on the face, hehe grabbed his little tail and threw him into the sky.

For a while the sky spins and the earth goes round, and then a boom, the first Heavenly Tribulation in the sky fell on him, and Little Tortoise smashed with smoke, although Heavenly Thunder, like a dragon, could not break his defense, But Little Tortoise also felt the pain in her body and made a path of screaming.

“Master, why can’t you treat me better, wu wu wu.” Little Tortoise tried to escape with a snot and a tear. Chen Qi waved his arm with True Qi sweeping him and fixed him at 100 meters above Chen Qi. The Heavenly Tribulation that landed on a path of Landing fell on Little Tortoise.

Chen Qi started looking for equipment again on the ground.

“Well? What the hell is that.” Chen Qi eyes shined, seeing a pitch-black card on the ground, unlike other cards, this card pitch-black is exuding an eerie atmosphere with a huge picture on it portal, portal 2 The countless skeleton head surrounds the door. Inside the door is a pitch-black piece.

World Card: Ghost World Day Tour.

This World comes from another Foreign Space, with many Yin Soldier Ghost General belonging to Ghost World.

“Fuck, you can.” Chen Qi hasn’t been to Ghost World yet. Quickly put away the card. Keep looking. Soon he found another card.

World Card: Hokage World Day Trip. A magical World.

“Well, what is this? It looks familiar.” Chen Qi walked to a corner, picked up a small square blue thing, and painted a round cake on it, which turned out to be a tube of mahjong.

item: Explosive Mahjong, contains a powerful blasting formidable power, which can be used to kill the enemy. The bigger the number, the stronger the might.

Chen Qi took a tube of beager to have a try, and suddenly threw this mahjong to a mountain range in the distance. The blue mahjong tube went up to a hunted zhang in the air, and fell into the mountain peak, and then boomed. A loud noise exploded, blasting the mountain flat.

“So fierce.”

“Are there still? 2 barrels. 3 barrels, 4 barrels.”

“There are 8 more in here. Hey, another, one, two, three.”

Chen Qi took a look. The round of Mahjong is a bomb. The bar can emit a huge shock wave. The larger the number, the larger the huge might.

“What is this white armor?”

As Chen Qi continued to search, I suddenly saw a white dazzling rays of light under a tree, which contained a horrible atmosphere. A look at it is a silver battle helmet.

This silver battle helmet is very exquisite. It has a deep texture when touched. I do n’t know what material it is made of. It has a heavy feeling. It has a strong defense.

“Ding! Detecting the current equipment …. Checked! This item is one of the Immortal Armor suits and belongs to Immortal Helmet.”

“Immortal Artifact, isn’t it? Fuck, no wonder it’s so horrible.” The silver Immortal Helmet had huge energy hidden in it, trembling constantly, and Chen Qi was shaking in his hands.

Immortal Helmet? How strong is the defense of this Immortal Helmet!

If you bring Immortal Helmet, your head is absolutely safe. There are a few people in the world who can split it. Chen Qi was overjoyed, and Immortal Helmet was about to be worn on his head.

“Ding! This Immortal Helmet contains Immortal Power, which can’t bear the Player’s current cultivation base. You can only put a full set, and start the running formation of the Immortal Armor set to barely wear it. Once the full set, run the Immortal Armor array and have supernatural Beings can’t stop, destroy Mortal World destroying Might! “

so awesome?

Chen Qi studied Immortal Helmet for a while, but didn’t feel the existence of Immortal Power. Now he can’t put it on, so he has to put it away.

“It’s another thing.”

After looking at 4 other things, Chen Qi went to a place and picked up a small palm bridge. This small bridge is surrounded by countless magpie.

Chen Qi identified it.

item: Magpie Bridge. The bridge built with magpie has a magical function. As long as 2 people love each other, you can see your beloved on the bridge no matter how far away you are.

This bridge comes from a folk allusion, The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl.

According to legend, Weaver is the granddaughter of Queen Mother. She is smart and weaving, and can use her deft hands to weave 5 colorful clouds. Once there was an orphan named Cowherd. Although hardworking, he had lived a poor life. Later, under the direction of Old Ox, Cowherd took away Weaver’s clothes taking a bath in the lake. Weaver also loved Cowherd, and the two became a husband and wife.

From then on, men and women weaved, gave birth to a son and a daughter, and lived a happy life.

Who knew Weaver descending on the mortal world and enjoyed the joy of heaven with Cowherd in the world, and ruined the cloth Yunzhixia, Queen Mother knew, flies into a rage, and sent Celestial Soldiers to capture Weaver back to Celestial Palace. Cowherd, with the help of Old Ox, packed his children in baskets and chased them to heaven. When Queen Mother saw Cowherd chasing her, she used the golden urn on her head to draw a river between Weaver and Cowherd. This was the Milky Way. The gushing Milky Way water relentlessly separated Cowherd and Weaver from the two shores, and they could only cry across the river.

Later, Queen Mother saw them crying sadly, and moved her heart, and ordered magpie to send a message every 7 days. Who knew that magpie had made a mistake and said that Seven Moons Seven Suns met once a year. So Queen Mother fined magpie to bridge The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl.

Every year on the Seven Moons Seven Suns night, The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl meet on the bridge made by magpie and talk heartily. It is said that tonight, in the dead of night, the whispers of Cowherd and Weaver could be heard under the grapevine. If it rains in the sky, it is their sad tears.

Chen Qi laughed when he saw this, which means that he can see his Xiao Mei?

“Hahaha, Xiao Mei, I’ll see you soon, haha, see if I can’t break you.” Chen Qi carefully closed the Magpie Bridge. This is something to see Xiao Mei.

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