The Demon Divinity change was performed, and Yan Sen ’s strength was increased by dozens of times. He stepped out, stepped on the ground with a huge foot and stepped on a few feet deep. The nails of the magic foot azure were several feet long and looked very oozing. people.

Yan Sen made an evil voice, as deep as Hell, Demon Qi on the surface formed a demonic pillar connecting Heaven and Earth.

A ten meter long Demon Sword appeared in his hand, and the surging Demon Qi swallowed on it. The wide Demon Sword is horrible when held by Yan Sen giant demon body.

Demon Body ran on the ground, black qi swept away, and for a while The earth shook and the mountain quivered, where the ground where he appeared all turned into ruins, all the flowers and grass that touched Demon Qi on him, all the trees withered, and even Some mountains and rivers were also contaminated by Demon Qi and turned into black rivers. The countless little fishy turned up the white belly.

The mountain peak where Chen Qi is swaying violently. At this moment, Yan Sen came galloping and a Sword Qi chopped down Chen Qi’s head, which contained an irresistibly strong huge might.

Sword came out, circumference several dozen li, crying, and fell into the ice cave.

black Sword Qi long thousand zhang, making a loud noise, splitting mountain and rivers!

The Demonic Path disciple in the distance rejoiced, waiting to see the show.

Chen Qi’s burning white Fallen Heart Flame on his arm, several hundred meters in a row, washed up and hit black Sword Qi, that Sword Qi melted instantly in Yan Sen’s horrified eyes, and even spread to his Demon Sword, Demon Sword Collapsed and disintegrated at the speed seen by naked eye, melted into black liquid by white flame aflame.

“How could you possibly have such a terrible flame?”

With a look of horror, Yan Sen threw away the sword in his hand, and the white flame gave him a sense of danger.

“Dead, gorilla!”

Chen Qi flew into the sky, and the long sword in his hand turned into the sky. Sword Qi fell and hit the demon body. The strong strength was no less than the mountains. Shakily retreating the Yan Sen. Each step trembles when exiting the ground.

“Sect Master was repelled?” The Demonic Path disciple in the distance froze, with an incredible expression on his face.

Yan Sen was trembling, Chen Qi seemed to have a stronger strength than him.

“I have been engaged in Yan Sen cultivation for decades. The performance of Asura Demon Divinity Transformation physical body strength has soared dozens of times. Experts of the same level have to avoid 30% in the face of this Eminence. You cannot fight back by this Eminence. You turned out to be shakily retreating. this Eminence? “

The shock in Yan Sen’s heart could not be remedied, Chen Qi was just too old, but a 5-year-old brat who had been cultivated for decades by Chen Qi shakily retreating. It would be a great shame. Those at Demon Domain are dead jokes.

“Gorilla, do n’t you do that? I ’m sorry to kill you. I ’ll scream if you beat you. If you are defeated and killed, you must not be ashamed and resentful to death, find a hole to drill Go in. “

Chen Qi shouted in the distance.


Yan Sen both eyes flashed a bit of domineering. Although he was shakily retreating, Chen Qi tried to kill him by 10000.

Suddenly, Yan Sen roared to the sky, and Demon Qi surged around his body. At this moment, the whole Boundless Sect Space was shaking, and the countless skeleton head emerged from the thick Demon Qi.

All these skeleton head ghosts rushed out from the palm of Yan Sen, densely packed, and there was no less than 1000000 skeleton ears with a ghastly scream of all around.

Countless dark shadows roam around the surroundings, covering the entire sky. These skeleton heads are folk souls that Yan Sen spent a year collecting, most of which are the common people he killed in several cities.

He incorporated these souls into his own within the body with a secret technique, condensed with Demon Qi, gathered together for his use, and used these people’s response qi to generate huge strengths that could erode the body and mind. Entered by the countless skeleton within the body and killed him.

“Million departed spirits enter the body!”

Yan Sen ice-cold’s voice came out, and under his control, densely packed skeletons made strange noises and gathered together moved towards Chen Qi.

But when all the skeletons were close to Chen Qi’s body, the Fallen Heart Flame on Chen Qi broke out in circleference several hundred meters, and the white fire burning within the range turned into nothingness before they came in completely. Feeling the terrible heat, these ghosts screamed horrifiedly.

“What the hell is this flame!”

Yan Sen once again saw the formidable power of Chen Qi flames by frowned. The flame temperature is so weird that even invisible ghosts can burn.

You know, ordinary flames can burn ghosts, but he’s the first time he’s seen flames that cause so much damage to ghosts.

Seeing the serious injury and death of his inspired soul, Yan Sen both eyes burst into anger and took out 2 hammers from the storage ring.

2 big hammers, entire body pitch-black, made of special black iron, the hammer rod is 2 meters long, and the round hammer on the head has a circlecircle, which is very smooth, and there is a glimmer of light in pitch-black. It looks extraordinarily terrifying, with a hint of the power of Heaven and Earth rippled to distort the surroundings.

2 Put a pitch-black big hammer, weighing 1000 tons, and inject Demon Qi to explode a gravity of 100,000 tons, that is, ten ten thousand zhang high mountains can be leveled forcibly.

Yan Sen’s look was fierce. The 2 big hammers poured Demon Qi into his hands, and suddenly the enlarged zhang circumference increased, such as 2 huge black iron balls. It was extremely horrible to be held by Yan Sen in his hands.

This Yan Sen has a body of 150 zhang, and two giant hammers in his hand have a hunted zhang. Running up gives people the illusion of a peerless ferocious beast, as if with his footsteps, the entire True Martial Continent is shaking.

“Ding! Checking Dominating Sky Dual Hammers belongs to Low Grade Dao Artifact, which perfectly fits any strength and is a rare magical treasure.”

Chen Qi immediately identified it. both eyes shine.

Good stuff, absolutely good stuff.

“You gorilla are good. I gave such a big gift as soon as I met.

Chen Qi flew over, but in order to verify whether this device is really so powerful, when he was near Yan Sen, Fallen Heart Flame erupted and filled with 2 big hammers.


The two big hammers made their own crackle and rattle sounds when they contacted their Fallen Heart Flame, which seemed to be melting, but this speed and its slowness are definitely made of precious metal, which can resist the burning of control fire flames.

No loss is Dao Artifact. Chen Qi thought about it, so as not to destroy his hammer, his body avoided Yan Sen’s attack and appeared in another corner.

“Gorilla, this Dominating Sky Dual Hammers, I want it.”

Yan Sen hearing this smashed the big hammer in his hand. With the strength of his fleshhy body and the weight of the giant hammer, each drop would cause a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering sound.

Hong long!

Chen Qi had just escaped, and there was a deep ten zhang pit on the ground just now, and even a crack appeared on the ground, which was broken by the hammer.

bang! bang! bang! …… Yan Sen smashed like crazy. But I can’t find the silhouette of Chen Qi. Chen Qi is faster than him.

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