“Don’t panic, just a Divine King, kill every minute.”

Chen Qi was frightened, but he waved his hand, calming the scene.

The old Divine King in the distance suddenly flew over, from head to toe, like mad ferocious beast, which inspired the imposing manner of Berserk. Rule has distorted all around Space, within the body, like 100,000 volcano erupting, jumping suddenly Out of the Phoenix Flame burning the heaven and boiling the sea.

Obviously, this old Divine King has also mastered Phoenix Flame and it is good to see Chen Qi’s eyes bright.

As long as the Phoenix Flame is continuously absorbed by him, Chen Qi’s strength can continue to grow.

“Is it you who killed my son? Little bastard, you are so ruthless, destroy my entire ancestral Supreme Elder, that many Divine King, how did you strike?”

Divine King both eyes blood red, all directions are the flames on him, Flame Rule is mixed with Phoenix Flame, like Spiritual Divinity reborn from the ashes, murderous intention 铮铮.

“Hahaha, Old Guy, you Phoenix Sect are going to kill me, I will fight back naturally, I haven’t killed all your Phoenix Sect disciples, it ’s kind enough that someone else is going to kill me, Laozi is waiting for him to fail, it ’s your head that ’s bad Is it still water, or is it short circuited? Dumbass, you. “

Chen Qi said: “I see that you Old Guy is already living unconscious. How many 10000 years have you lived, have you got a sickness?”

“OK! Little bastard, you have a seed. The old man killed you!”

Suddenly, the old Divine King showed a trace of tragedy in the eyes. He knew that Chen Qi strength was strong, but his son was killed. He wanted to breathe out, and his brain was full of revenge. Even if he died, he had to let this brat get some punishment.

Although Chen Qi had just been shakily retreating by him, he still felt daunted. After all, it is the person who killed that many Supreme Elder. It is impossible to have such a poor strength, maybe it is intentional.

Suddenly, a path of blood essence was spit out of this old man’s mouth, and the blood exploded and turned into a layer upon layer blood color. The mist surrounded the old man, and the Phoenix Flame boiled violently. Chen Qi can feel burning aura assaults the senses, extremely hot. Secretly thought this Old Guy is pretty good.

The old man thought that Chen Qi was still strong, but he didn’t know that Chen Qi was now a flower rack, suddenly shot, the flame turned into a sharp Phoenix Claw, and the shot came over, and the speed of Chen Qi shocked.

“Phoenix Claw! Die!”

A paw came and stirred the situation. Chen Qi had just prepared to want to fight back. That paw had already come. Chen Qi kept erupting Phoenix Flame while performing Almighty Push. At the same time, he wanted to resist. A loud boom and a strong strength shock. Chen Qi was shaken flying several dozen li. .

He appeared on the surface of the Phoenix Battle Armor, and at the same time, he played Time Rule Power. Rule continued to strike. Even so, Chen Qi felt the pain within the body and almost didn’t shoot him.

“The really strong Divine King, almost died.” Chen Qi was a little worried, but everyone was shocked.

Big Brother? This is what you said in minutes?

How can this not work!

No, why not?

Destruction Divine Palace ’s disciple has been dumbstruck for a while, and the people in Divine City are even more aggressive. The feeling of this brat comes from acting cool. It is the old Divine King. In the eyes, after a while, it seems that he thought something but laughed. heartily up.

“Hahahaha, it turns out that you simply are not a powerful expert. If I didn’t guess wrong, you can kill Divine King because you have mastered the powerful Divine Artifact, but the use of Divine Artifact has a time limit, so you are now back to the original Strength, you simply do n’t have the ability to kill and behead Divine King, otherwise how could you not even bear an old man’s blow? ”

The old Divine King was suddenly excited, and thought that he could not revenge, but now he wants to come, this Chen Qi is just that.

“If this is the case, then you have to die. It is easy to kill you with my power. Not only that, the old man has to destroy everyone in your sect. This is the cost of provoking Phoenix Sect. You must die!”

The sound and its ice-cold reveal the aura of Divine King.

Suddenly howling wind and torrential rain-like Rule Power swept from afar, the diffuse circleference did not know how many ten thousand li, the entire sky changed color, from day to suddenly and suddenly, and even to dark night and sky. Black clouds roll, wind and rain thunder and lightning, flame jets, and various volcano scenes rise.

There was even countless Phoenix tumbling in it, spitting out myriad Phoenix Flame, and the sky became red again. Chen Qi saw the deep red flames of Phoenix in that flame. Rotate around that Divine King all around.

Just throw the countless Divine Monarch into it, and you can burn it to ashes, because this is a Phoenix Flame that Divine King uses Divine Power to ignite. The formidable power is even more horrible. It contains Divine King Will, Ruler and everything. Off.

Everyone looked horrified. If the Phoenix Flame of Chen Qi is a stream, then this person’s Phoenix is ​​a great wave river, which is basically impossible to compare.

It seems that ginger is still old and spicy, this Old Ancestor Level character, the flame of mastery, strength are extremely powerful.

In fact, this Old Ancestor is the Founding Ancestor of Phoenix Sect. The entire Phoenix Sect was established by him alone. It has a history of more than 10000 years. This has grown to the point where it is today, and it has been promoted to Divine King. Some Old Ancestor The characters are also Divine King powerhouse.

And his son also worked hard to become a Divine King expert, and controlled a great sect, but this sect died in the hands of Chen Qi. He should have been able to develop further. The welcome Divine Realm has a huge influence. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case. I hope.

Are dead. Divine King both eyes is spitting fire. It can be said that Chen Qi can directly destroy a foundation that has been developed for more than 10000 years with a single card.

“Slow.” At the moment when strikes Chen Qi was about to strike, Chen Qi suddenly shouted loudly, “Dare to ask your last name, I will not kill the unknown.”

Chen Qi already has a card in his hand.

item: Named Card, whoever shouts out his name will lose 90% of his strength for 9 seconds.

The berserk flame swept over, Chen Qi couldn’t feel the resistance. The flame temperature was too high to be destroyed at all. Let him have a little Celestial Divinity against Divine King. To be honest, that is impossible unless this Universe Rule collapses, let Little Celestial Divinity has several destruction powers that are more powerful than himself, otherwise this kind of thing cannot happen.

Chen Qi can kill and behead Divine King. It also uses cards, which is equivalent to opening a plug-in, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to kill.

At this point, Chen Qi knows clearly that unless he is promoted to True Divinity Boundary, this possibility may be resisted. If it reaches Divine Monarch, it should not be a problem.

Although Chen Qi is powerful, it is only a small Spiritual Divinity. After all, this kind of invisible boundary division cannot be broken. What Divine Realm’s strength system is divided into has its reason and is difficult to cross. There is no small gap between each grade. Not to mention this big boundary leap.

“Old man Xiong Long. It ’s okay to tell you. Anyway, you are also a dead person. With your strength, you threatened to kill the old man, and you are dreaming. You still die!”

The old man pushed with both hands, as if pushing the entire Universe Realm World, then Phoenix Flame hiding the sky and covering the earth, the explosion was even more powerful, and it came over.

But Chen Qi issued a laughing heartily, “Old Guy, you are hog ah, now that you tell me your name, you’re dead.”

What do you mean?

old man doesn’t understand what it means. Chen Qi activated a card in his hand and shouted, “Xiong Long!”

Hong long!

The card immediately exploded and turned into a layer upon layer invisible strength. It appeared on top of Xiong Long’s head, infused with 4 bones on his 100 limbs, intercepted him within the body Rule, Divine Power, and even qi and blood were not working properly, 100% Strength is removed by 90%.


“How is it possible, why can’t my strength be used?” The old man looked dumbstruck, and the attack was reduced by nearly 90% because there was no backup supply.

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