
Chen Qi lance continued to pierce his body while Rule trembled, slaps his chest, and thundered. Huo Yantian exploded and turned into Heavenly Fire, but he didn’t die, but suddenly turned into a head. The huge Fire Crow of the huge hundred zhang.

The blazing golden flames jumping all over the body, the fire hiding the sky and covering the earth, was extremely scary. Chen Qi was surprised in his eyes. This Fire Crow is like Spirit Physique. Simply not flesh is extremely powerful and has not been beaten by him. dead.

In the previous move, any Divine King was replaced, and his body was blown. Soul was buried in the hands of Chen Qi.

“What’s wrong, shouldn’t you just die? Why are you still alive, this Huo Yantian is so good, it’s not dead, is he an Undying Body?”

“Unclear, but it feels that Huo Yantian is a bit strong.”

The crowd on the sidelines also did not understand, but suddenly one person said, “I understood, this Huo Yantian is said to be a Fire Crow born from the sun, and also a type of Flame Spirit. It is Spirit Physique. Simply is not a flesh. “

“What? Flame Spirit?”

“Yes, every attribute strength of the Universe has the birth of Spirit Physique, which is the purest strength between Heaven and Earth. Usually, this kind of born consciousness has the ability to connect to heaven, and is very powerful. Unless its soul is completely annihilated, it is impossible to die, because simply does not depend on the physical body, and it will not die if it is destroyed. To some extent, it is indeed the Undying Body. “

“I see. Although he is Fire Crow, he has no source. It was not born of Monster Beast. It was Fire Crow Will born from the flame, so the Fire Crow form appears, right?”

“Yes, that’s right.” Everyone froze, and countless Spiritual Divinity was shocked.

“Hahahaha, Chen Qi, you did n’t expect me, you ca n’t kill me? You thought you could kill me, in fact this is my true strength.” Huo Yantian changed into a huge Fire Crow, the entire body is transparent, Only flames can be seen burning in the flames.

Not only that, Chen Qi took a closer look. Fire Crow actually has 3 feet and is shaped like a chicken, but it has sharp eyes and red with golden radiance. It is extremely dazzling, like the Divine Bird above the Nine Heavens, from head to toe flowing light. , All around Space is distorted by his existence.

“Why do you have 3 feet? Could it be you that changed?” Chen Qi said curiously.

“Hmph, I’m Fire Crow, but as long as breaking through Divine Sovereign, Laozi is the Golden Crow Divine Bird of Divine Realm. It already has 3 feet. Why, now do you know the terrifying of this King? Tell you, this King is between Heaven and Earth The born Divine Bird, once promoted to Golden Crow, burning the heaven and boiling the sea, slaughtering Spiritual Divinity is like an ant. Now you kneel to this King, this King can still just abandon your cultivation base, otherwise, this King is welcome to you. “

Fire Crow was smug, with a sharp mouth, shaking his head and staring at Chen Qi.

After bursts of heat waves assaults the senses, Chen Qi was shocked. It seems that this is more likely than the existence of the recommended Divine Crow Three-legged Golden Crow, which is extremely important.

But Chen Qi said, “My pet is Antiquity Sacred Beast. Just Divine Bird, Laozi, don’t put it in your eyes, what are you dragging in front of me? Little Tortoise, show me.”

With a big wave of Chen Qi, Little Tortoise suddenly flew out of the storage ring and transformed into a huge body of Black Tortoise. He made a cheerful call, covered with scales, his head was even heavier than a dragon. The tail is like divin hammer, splitting heaven and earth apart.

Now the strength of Little Tortoise is not what Monster Beast just got Divinity. Not even the previous False Divinity.

While Chen Qi helped everyone to improve the cultivation base, Little Tortoise continuously absorbed Divine Spark cultivation in the storage ring. Divine Spark absorbed more than those people, and Little Tortoise is Sacred Beast, which can be absorbed without hesitation. Since entering Divine Realm, he has been absorbing Divine Spark.

So, just after the appearance of Little Tortoise, it showed a terrifying strength, imposing manner overflowing heaven, Grade 1 True Divinity Boundary, circumference several tens of thousands of li, shrouded in the prestige of Black Tortoise, extremely terrifying. Running into inheritance, Golden Astral Qi has been transformed into Divine Astral, shrouded in the same golden Golden Tortoise.

There was a constant rumbling sound, like antiquity Hong Zhong’s turbulence.

“Little Chicken, are you looking for abuse? Show your Divine Bird identity in front of my Master, compare with Laozi, stand by your side.” When Black Tortoise appeared, berserk imposing manner suppressed the audience, everyone was shocked. shocked.

“This, this, this … Is this Black Tortoise? What’s going on, how did Black Tortoise come out, is this Chen Qi’s pet?”

“I’m not mistaken. This Chen Qi has an extraordinary origin and is not a casual person. Now, if you look at it, it is true that Black Tortoise Sacred Beast can be regarded as a pet. You can imagine the mysterious person.

each and everyone The spectators are already silly.

I just felt the breath of breath coming down from the sky, I wish I could kneel down and worship Sacred Beast Black Tortoise.

What is Sacred Beast? In Divine Realm, not everyone can see it.

Not to mention the Divine Realm 4 Great Saint Beast, Blue Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, Black Tortoise. It is Phoenix Divine Bird, which is not visible to ordinary people. A Place of Falling, it is possible to bury countless Spiritual Divinity, not to mention the real Alive Sacred Beast?

From the shock of everyone seeing the Fire Crow, it can be seen that the existence of this Divine Bird level is very rare. Who knows that a Black Tortoise Sacred Beast is now running, which is even more amazing. No one can accept it.

“No … how is it possible, this is really Black Tortoise Sacred Beast?”

When Huo Yantian saw Little Tortoise, his tail kept swinging, as if he could beat it at any time. Although Little Tortoise’s strength was True Divinity, it gave him a terrifying imposing manner that he did not dare to provoke, from the prestige of the suppression by Monster Beast.

Completely above him.

“The thing in front of me is Black Tortoise. On Monster Beast status, I simply cannot compare. Chen Qi actually has Sacred Beast!” Huo Yantian even wondered if he was looking at the blindfold.

But how do you look at it, the Little Tortoise in front of him is really real, and the breath is constantly stimulating, so that his soul will be deterred.

“Well, this is my Battle Pet. You haven’t become a Golden Crow yet. It ’s awesome, but how does it compare to him?”

“I can’t compare to Black Tortoise, but I’m not dead, I can run away at any time.”

Suddenly, Huo Yantian took a big sip and ejected a large golden flame from his mouth, hiding the sky and covering the earth sweeping through Chen Qi and Black Tortoise.

Hong long!

The flame was burning the heaven and boiling the sea, and the air was burning, chi chi sounded, hit Black Tortoise, did not break his Astral Qi, hit Chen Qi, Chen Qi was hit by a fist, and the world of the star cluster came. At the same time, several 100,000 Flame Phoenix appeared and slammed against each other without any harm.

Instead, Chen Qi held the lance, assassinated continuously, the body moved, and the armor he was wearing, bashing sideways and colliding straight on in the flames, constantly attacking Huo Yantian.

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