“Fuck you sister, pester and chirp hair, hurry up, I’m going to start the strongest defense.”

Little Chicken nodded, ran to Little Tortoise’s arms in an instant.

Little Tortoise guarded Little Chicken and Chen Qi. Suddenly, the scales of the tortoise shell suddenly shattered into pieces and flew out. Each scale was like 10000 alchemy iron. Under the wrap of Astral Qi, golden radiance bloomed. It will shine here like the golden sun.

Pieces of scales are stacked on top of each other. Little Tortoise’s mouth has cracked teeth. This move is Black Tortoise’s inheritance secret art. This is the first time he has performed it. Does it really hurt?

As long as it is cast, the whole tortoise shell and scales will fall off. It is a method of Golden Cicada’s shelling, which can be used to escape enemy attacks, and can also be used as the strongest guardian and defense expert much stronger than himself.

Less than 10000 will not be displayed, and at this moment Little Tortoise is on display.

dong dong dong! …

When the golden scale layer upon layer was superimposed together and wrapped around Chen Qi and Little Chicken, a golden sphere, several hundred meters circumference was formed, and the golden light was scattered outside, and the defense strength was increased by unknown times.

It was useless to hear all attacks from outside entering here and was offset.

But every time the offset, the Little Tortoise inside is complexion ugly, obviously those scales are connected to his mind, the attack will cause him a little injury.

“Boss, how long do you have to break through!”


Chen Qi suddenly picked up Phoenix feather in his hand, and now his body is relaxed. Not only that, the strength of tempering fleshhy body, meridian, dantian toughness, 100 times stronger, both eyes flashed a little madness, holding the chicken feather, with a mouthful Live, suddenly sucked again.

This time is all, and every drop of Flame Essence goes into Chen Qi within the body.

“Vermilion Bird Burning World Secret Art” is working fiercely, wu wu makes a sound, and all these Flame Essences are absorbed into the body. At the same time, the upper Divine Spark exploded and turned into a large Rule, initiating Chen Qi.

Rule Power has skyrocketed like never before, and he doesn’t remember how much Divine Spark strength he absorbed, but the Multicolored Divine Spark in the back of his mind is getting brighter and brighter, the god sacred light is incredible.

At this moment, all Phoenix Wings essence is absorbed, Thousands upon thousands of Rule Divine Spark is broken, Chen Qi is like the sea, the sea is 100 rivers, the capacity is big, the strength is getting stronger and stronger. He felt close to Divine Monarch.

The so-called Divine Monarch, Monarch, Monarch Overlooking The Whole World, prestige out of the ordinary, control myriad divinities.

This level is nothing in front of Divine Sovereign, but once Chen Qi breaks through, the strength improvement is incomparable. He feels that he has a little time to break through this 1-layer, when the time comes all Rule Power burst Divine Sovereign is going to die.

“This Black Tortoise Sacred Beast really strong defense, so many Divine Sovereign can resist, it is incredible.”

“But they can’t defend for a long time. According to this siege momentum, at most half an hour, the defense will not break. The Black Tortoise is strong, and it is impossible to withstand so many attacks without being consumed. Once broken, when the time comes all killed.

“However, how does Chen Qi own Black Tortoise, even Divine Sovereign cannot get this kind of thing, may come by with luck, but not by searching for it Sacred Beast, how did he get it?”

“It’s possible that he signed the contract when Black Tortoise was young, so that’s why he got Black Tortoise. This person’s chances are destiny too strong. Divine Realm that many people don’t, he has.”

“The good things were obtained by the Hong Family, not ours. When Chen Qi died, they were all Hong Family’s, and no one dared to grab them.”

each and everyone Spiritual Divinity In discussion, his eyes were full of curiosity and shock.

“In insistence, you can’t escape the sanctions of the Hong Family. You won’t be able to last long, Chen Qi, your dog bastard, how long are you going to hide in? You can’t get out soon.” Hong Tao could not help but shouted. Anymore? “

“Hong Tao, you are here ji ji wai wai shit! Just like you, we Boss came out, you dare not come forward, scared like anything, do you dare to challenge us Boss alone? Do you dare ? “

Little Chicken was unwilling. The sound passed from the ball. The Hong Tao complexion was a ugly one. It was extremely ugly.

He did not dare to challenge Chen Qi because he was not Chen Qi’s opponent. Had it not been for these Divine Sovereigns, he wouldn’t even have come to Chen Qi. At the moment, Little Chicken said, complexion was extremely popular.

“Hahaha, look at it, look at it, just like that, what do you really think you are, if you are not Hong Family disciple, how much hair do you think, what do you think you do?”

Little Chicken’s voice came out again. Hong Tao complexion is getting ugly.

“Fight me, fiercely, I’ll kill them all.” Hong Tao fly into a rage out of humiliation, drinking constantly.

More than 50 Divine Sovereign attacks are even more fierce. After strikes for 2.5 minutes, the golden ball gradually shrinks, and the rays of light become smaller, which seems to be dying.

“Boss, I can’t take it anymore, it really hurts.”

Little Tortoise is a tortoise with skin peeled at this moment. She is all glazed, and Tintin is exposed, and her both eyes are weak.

“How, can’t you hold on? Then die.”

Hong Tao’s voice came from outside.

But at this moment, when everyone thought that Chen Qi and the others could not work, a flame of overflowing heaven burst out from the ball and went straight to the sky. It was more scary than before, like the flame connecting the entire universe.

At the same time, a breath of Divine Monarch appeared. Just showed, sweeping the sky, but directly surpassing Divine Sovereign, breaking everyone’s cognition, the entire circleference number of 100,000 li is constantly exploding, lava is boiling, because the existence of Chen Qi has heated up sharply.

“So high temperature. So terrifying Divine Monarch … he broke through!”

The whole audience was boiling, and everyone saw the ball gradually opening, and a young man stepped out of it. Although the flesh was blurred, it was gradually being repaired. The breathy shore, crushing surroundings all Divine Sovereign.

Chen Qi was covered with blazing flames all over his body. It seemed to burn this Heaven and Earth, bury the trillion creature, and let everyone die in the flames and turn to ashes.

His eyes were filled with the burning Will, both eyes turned into two dazzling blazing suns, and no one was not shocked and frightened at this moment.

Chen Qi breakthrough to Divine Monarch Boundary, the horror imposing manner displayed, everyone on the scene was unable to compare. Those dozens of Divine Sovereign breathes, covering Heaven and Earth, but in front of Chen Qi, it is like the gap between Fierce Tiger and Black Dragon.

Now Chen Qi is a migratory Black Dragon, powerful and powerful. He absorbed Myriad Rules Divine Spark, the flame strength of the entire Phoenix feather into his within the body, breaking through the Divine Monarch, and the strength has changed dramatically.

If Chen Qi was a lake in the past, now he is a sea of ​​berserk.

At the moment he appeared, Little Tortoise Little Chicken looked surprised, sighed in relief. Little Tortoise put away his scales and flew weakly over Chen Qi’s shoulders with Little Chicken.

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