(Hehe, everyone sorry, the previous chapter was a loophole in the reading software. The chapter I uploaded was not repeated, but the software duplicated it. Everyone deletes the book, clears the cache at the opening setting, and clicks the chapter when the book is found. No problem, I’ve tried it. Haha, I earn more money for everyone’s books, really sorry …



“No way, really strong killing intent. Where did he come from this powerful sword technique? Also, the long sword in his hand is actually the Divine Sword of the Universe Level. How is it possible?” Jiang Li felt strange when he looked at it.

The point is that this thing popped up, simply makes people puzzled. I don’t understand how Chen Qi suddenly made these things.

Jiang Li saw the vast Sword Qi, Horrible to see, and the silhouette in the sky became extremely scary.

Now everyone is setting off a huge wave of overflowing heaven. Chen Qi looks at the long sword in his hand and strokes it. I feel that the killing intent of this sword is stronger than his imagination. As long as the sword technique is used, Chen Qi has a mood of slaughtering the Spiritual Divinity. .

However, Chen Qi not at all makes this emotion affect himself, otherwise, once the madness is initiated, it cannot be controlled, which is extremely terrifying.

Chen Qi put this Universe Level Divine Sword on his waist, like the same white light, Sword Qi Approaching Clouds, which is extremely scary.

Everyone doesn’t know where Chen Qi got such a sharp Divine Sword. There are too many things in Chen Qi that they don’t know and can’t understand. What happened to Chen Qi broke the common sense too much.

So after they were shocked, they accepted it completely. Not to mention that now Chen Qi directly took out a Slaughterous King Sword, which was to come up with something more powerful, and everyone felt that Chen Qi was like that.

An evildoer has so many possibilities. Who knows how many good things are hidden in him?

“Boss, Boss is so powerful, it’s getting stronger and stronger, Little Chicken, look at it, Divine Realm will be our Boss in the future, haha, Laozi will be the first Sacred Beast of Divine Realm. You will do it later Divine Realm’s best little chicken. “

Little Tortoise said with a chuckle. Little Chicken’s expression was terrifying, where did Chen Qi get it from.

“Really?” Little Chicken startled. Was shocked by the murderous aura just now.

“Yes, follow us Boss, everything.” Little Tortoise frowned.

At this moment, suddenly, I do n’t know when it is far away. There is a huge movement. Take a closer look. It is Chen Qi ’s last word, the aftermath of the word sputtered on the ground, and the reaction that appears from the depths of the earth seems to be Sword Qi trembled, emitting dozens of flame light beams.

The breath twists the sky, the hot high-temperature radiation is from the Phoenix feather breath deep in the ground.

“A feather appears, fast!”

Many Divine Sovereign complexions were overjoyed at the scene, and they didn’t care about that. From the point of view of breath, there were at least dozens of feathers. At this moment, the whole audience radiated extremely greedy rays of light.

whiz whiz whiz whiz!

a path of silhouette Go to that place in the distance, explode everywhere, smash the earth, and finally everyone finds a few thousand meters deep in the earth, there are dozens of feathers together, the bright red flame erupted into the sky and was After the crowd blew the ground, they were even connected to Heaven and Earth.

It’s all big feather. Jiang Li’s gaze moved. “Go, this is Phoenix feather. It’s worth it.”

Jiang Li moved to snatch.

How many people are there now? It can’t be counted. After all passed, they were deeply robbed, but dozens of feather breaths squeezed together to form a vacuum zone. Some people couldn’t get near. The heat wave forced them to advance too hard.

Even though some Divine Sovereign can only be opened at 20 meters away, simply cannot get feather. If it is a feather, they can still be approached. Once the number is too large, it cannot be approached, and it has to be said that this is a huge irony.

But suddenly, Jiang Li approached the past, suddenly slammed palms, heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, and behind him came a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, Myriad Spiritual Divinities that galloped across the field, terrifying, all of which hit the past.

Hong long!

magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, rushed into it, blasted a Channel, and the whole person penetrated.

A feather was suddenly caught by him and pulled out. Although Jiang Li was a Grade 5 Divine Sovereign, it was powerful terrifying. Battle Rule hiding the sky and covering the earth washed up and exploded continuously, directly into it.

The others couldn’t get close, he passed quickly and got a feather, complexion overjoyed.

After taking a feather, Jiang Li wanted to get more. At the same time, he sent a message to the people of Patron Saint Divine Dynasty, and he felt that the Phoenix Place of Falling might actually have a bone.

How terrifying it would be to get the entire bones of Phoenix?

That value, the implied flame and Phoenix Bloodline, even bones can be used to create Divine Sharp Weapon. For their Patron Saint Divine Dynasty, it is also a huge resource, which has cultivated a large number of experts.

He was going to get the second Phoenix feather, but at this moment, Chen Qi moved, appeared there, looked at it, and suddenly grabbed one claw, “Jiang Li, just give you one, the rest The chicken feather is Laozi’s. Whoever dares to grab it will kill me. This is what I discovered in Sword Qi. It’s Laozi’s. Go away. “

Chen Qi took out his Slaughterous King Sword, Sword Qi Ling Tian, ​​the whole person rushed directly to the past, the powerful fire could not stop the arrival of Chen Qi, all were lined up to form a straight Channel, came to dozens With a big hand in front of feather, he took all these bright feathers in his hands.

“So hot!”

Chen Qi grabbed at least 30 feathers in his hands and looked very happy. If he absorbed them, his cultivation base could be increased.

“Chen Qi, you have snatched it all. With so many people here, how many roots do you have to keep?” Suddenly Jiang Li saw that Chen Qi put all Phoenix feathers into the storage ring, and the distressed drop of blood was suddenly more than 30. Phoenix feather!

“That is, Chen Qi, although you have strong strength, but leave us a few, this is what we discovered together, do you want to swallow it alone?” Growled a Divine Sovereign.

“Hehe, feather is on me, you can come and grab it if you have the ability? What nonsense that many do, snatch this thing, there are too many capable people, talk big has a hairy purpose.” Chen Qi will leave when the body moves, but that Jiang Li is frowned.

Chen Qi actually provoked him. His identity is Crown Prince of Patron Saint Divine Dynasty, under one person above ten thousand people.

“This thing, you scored half of it. Otherwise, I would like to see my strength, who is better than you.” Jiang Li’s voice came, with a hint of war, trying to fight Chen Qi.

“I’m not interested in you. You’re not my opponent. Get out.”

Jiang Li appeared in front of Chen Qi, and Chen Qi flew past him as soon as his body moved, but Jiang Li suddenly fisted out, a magnificent magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, just like the actual Spiritual Divinity battlefield appeared, strikes Chen Qi.

For a while, myriad battle horse, Spiritual Divinity roar, thrilling, one after another divine might passed from Jiang Li, crushing Chen Qi.

Chen Qi also fist out, a flame of light, like a shooting star, is extremely bright, pierced through all the magical army with thousands of men and horses of Jiang Li, then Myriad Spiritual Divinities, battle horse contact this flame meteor, as if tearing the universe A blow that smashed all Space, the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses melted away.

In this blow, strikes on Jiang Li’s body protection. His body protection burst on the spot. The whole man flew out of several dozen meters and spit out blood. Jiang Li looked great astonished. The move just now was his best move It was such a simple crack by Chen Qi.

“Jiang Li, don’t think you are Xiao Mei’s Big Brother, I will give you face. Whoever dares to stop me, I will fight who. I was not your opponent at the beginning, but now, I will kill your backhand, do not try Challenge me. “

Chen Qi came to Jiang Li and looked at Jiang Li.

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