Little Chicken was horrified, and Little Tortoise also had green bean-sized eyes.

“Hahaha, Chen Qi, you can’t go, the Hong Family will kill you on the spot. I reminded you long ago that you didn’t listen.” Jiang Li laughed in the distance.

“Too many people, too many people, right? There was a good show this time, didn’t expect, really didn’t expect, Chen Qi choked hornet’s nest, Hong Family was furious and dispatched a large number of Divine Army, if he doesn’t die, unless Heaven and Earth reverses. “

“That is, he is just Divine Monarch. You see, now there are more and more people. It has reached more than 300 and 10000. Let me be good, this is to rectify Chen Qi to death.”

“If there is a lively look, you can do it. If there is a big fight later, we can see if we can find any cheap.”

Each and everyone looks at the Spiritual Divinity, widens both eyes, and dumbstruck looks at the army in the distance.


Suddenly, the sound of a path of iron hoof came from Void in the distance. In the eyes of everyone, a large number of Divine Army appeared in the distance. These Divine Army are different from ordinary people. They are large white light troops, thousands upon thousands, numbering 100,000. Void trampled from a distance.

They are all white noble pegasus, which is three times as high as the ordinary horse. They are bright and shiny, with a pair of white wings spreading out, fast as lightning, even without using wings, just the strength of Tianma can be in the sky like The ground was flat and the flight was very neat.

Sitting on it is each and everyone, wearing a Spiritual Divinity in armor, dressed up like Pegasus Corps, coming on, setting foot on the sky, invincible!

“My God, this is the Dual Wings Pegasus of Hong Family, which is itself Divine Monarch Boundary, and is famous for its speed. It is extremely powerful. Those Spirit Divinity are also Divine King. Experts selected by Hong Family, this Pegasus Corps is a killing , 1000000 Demon Army will be washed alive, very awesome. “

“The horse has a sharp single horn, which is said to be the sharp weapon of the Divine Soldier, which is 5 meters long, is it too formidable? Chen Qi is dead!”

The sound of Tianma resounded everywhere, as if bringing everyone to the Antiquity Battlefield, trillion Fiend Divinity, and Controlling Myriad Realms. The Great War broke out, everyone breathed faster, and heartbeat accelerated.

It seems that Hong Family was angry this time.

“Boss, there are more and more people. They are coming at us. Should we run away?”

“Yeah, let’s go. Boss’s life matters.”

Little Chicken Little Tortoise 2 are anxious, worried that Chen Qi will be surrounded by the crowd and die.

But they just want to leave, and now they have no time. The Spiritual Divinity army surrounds them all around, that’s too fast.

“kill him!”

Suddenly, a Divine General revealing a Murderous intention, and directly ordered 1000000 people. Pegasus Corps all rushed over. The immense horror imposing manner crushed Chen Qi, above the heavens and below, densely packed and surrounded Chen Qi. The water is leaking.

All directions Strong pressure crushed Chen Qi’s body, making him feel the pressure increased. This Hong Family disciple is too much, so much that Chen Qi’s surroundings space has been crushed by the imposing manner.

But Chen Qi Rule trembled, and pressed the imposing manner of his body, bounced off.

Suddenly, 8 times berserk was turned on, the atmosphere of Grade 10 Divine Monarch was revealed, the word was killed, blood flowing into a river, and the Divine Army who rushed in front of the spot was a Divine Sword unrolled bolt of white silk. Hundred li, cut and flew, 4 screams.

Divine King died tragically, but Chen Qi now has Grade 10 Divine Monarch Boundary and instant kill these Divine Kings. There is no EXP, and for so many people, killing so many people does not make him leave quickly.

Bang bang bang!

Fist punched out, and none of the army that came forward in front of Chen Qi could survive.

Sword Qi was side by side, murderous aura wantonly, swept out of Chen Qi, Phoenix flew out, burning the heaven and boiling the sea, myriad creature just entered the fire sea and was burnt to death in the fire sea. Up here, down there, deafening, makes people think they are in Hell.

Chen Qi is like Slaughter Divinity coming out of Hell. He is in charge of Heaven and Earth. He is invincible and kills all directions. Anyone who approaches is kill without mercy.

A Slaughterous King Sword killed the imposing manner of overflowing heaven. His eyes were cold and prestige. Each time he issued a sword, Sword Qi with a length of several hundred li was chopped up and down, and cut left and right, like a path of white light. unrolled bolt of white silk, dropped from Nine Heavens Milky Way, and buried countless Spiritual Divinity.

Those Spiritual Divinity, no matter how heavy the armor was, the various Divine Artifact resistances were also cut by Chen Qi sword.


“Kill this little bastard who provoked Hong Family!”

“Kill us Young Master, don’t forgive, kill!”

Countless double eyes stared at Chen Qi, and they continued to smash into it. How strong was the formidable power of the Hong Family ’s army?

In the history of Divine Realm in the past, there were many family and Divine Realm Dynasty and Hong Family had great friction, but Hong Family sent a family army to sweep the invincible, as pointed by the sword, blood flowing into a river, the enemy army The killer is not staying.

Their army often scours and works together to bloom out the rays of light of Death Divinity, breaking through the sky, and an enemy corps may be immediately killed. Extremely powerful.

That group of various Spiritual Divinity troops, who have Flame Rule, are all fire-red, lined up, and circlecircumference several dozen li, all blooming in red rays of light, and even those who control Dark Rule, entire body Darkness, like Devil, scatters rays of light and sweeps over.

The Spiritual Divinity army with Metal Element Rule is a vast group of golden Sword Qi towering the sky and forming a Sword Qi great formation. A scour, Sword Qi is like a myriad school of swarms, and fires at Chen Qi.

There are 5 colors everywhere, and they have only one purpose, to kill Chen Qi, a person who dares to provoke Hong Family.

“Dog stuff, Laozi is going to strip your skin.”

A Grade 1 Divine Venerable middle-aged man stared at Chen Qi, shining cold glow, long blade cross-cutting, turning into a vertical Blade Qi, tearing the space, and beheaded.

Hong long!

Chen Qi backhand palm, Blade Qi broken, this middle-aged man was beaten by hunt Qi ’s 7-colored hands, and was hit by successive 10000 troops. The Spiritual Divinity with the impact exploded and pulled out a long Death front.


Another Divine Venerable Boundary’s expert rushed over. A Divine Artifact in his hand was crowned like a giant mountain, but just came down, Chen Qi sword was killed, Divine Artifact was broken, and the middle-aged man’s body became 2 1/1, in fear. death.

“Okay, Laozi relies on you to break through Divine King. I’ll see how powerful your Hong Family army is!”

The cold murderous intention spread out from Chen Qi, with a loud drink and aerodynamic clouds!

The Chen Flame’s Phoenix Flame on the body surface is thicker, and the Vermilion Bird Imprint at the center of the eyebrow suddenly shows up, with a noble atmosphere, all prestige like prison, and a pair of large Phoenix Wings behind it.

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