“This brat is dead. Eldest Senior Brother’s secret art doesn’t know how many people and Monster Beast have been killed. He shot icebound the whole world. He is a genius who can skip grades to challenge. See how this brat can resist?”

At this moment Zhang Xing taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune, along with the rest of them, stared at Chen Qi as if they were looking at the dead.

In their eyes, Li Jianbang’s shot of Chen Qi is almost dead. Li Jianbang is famous for being vicious and merciless in the sect. His method is superb and his cold-ice True Qi is the point of cultivation to the point of perfection.

“Playing ice in front of Laozi.”

Facing this evil sword Chen Qi, he smiled evilly, holding the 2 handles Dominating Sky Dual Hammers in his hands, and the whole man flew up.

Li Jianbang’s face showed a look of ridicule, sarcastically: “You just want to resist my Sword Qi, wishful thinking, get out.”

Li Jianbang within the body dantian was filled with thick Cold Ice Qi, and suddenly burst into a path of hoarfrost radiation all around, and poured into the long sword in his hand. The cold-ice giant sword in his hand is getting more and more scary, and the Heaven and Earth Space that it evokes seems to be Icebound.

People closer to Li Jianbang felt cold all over, and a chill penetrated into the bones from the body surface, and a frost appeared on their faces.

These people are Tai’A Sect disciple of some cultivation base. The cultivator is still like this. If this cold wind falls on the city of the earth, I am afraid that the whole city will be caught in the dead zone of Icebound and frozen into ice.

The thick hoar-frost coldness spread from the white sword, obstructing people’s sight. White and blank. All around people shivering.

But Chen Qi has nothing at all, the boiling flames flowing within the body, the least feared is Ice Cold Qi, no matter how thick Ice Cold Qi can not hurt Chen Qi.

Hong long long !

The dual hammers in Chen Qi’s hands suddenly rose and turned to hit Sword Qi on Li Jianbang.

The attack of the two hit together, and Li Jianbang was still ridiculed at first. Then, his complexion changed greatly, and suddenly found that his cold was sprayed on Chen Qi. Chen Qi was still normal and there was no sign of Icebound.

Suddenly a huge strength passed from the giant hammer. Chen Qi pushed gently, like a Mount Tai hit. The hammer immediately smashed his Sword Qi, Ka-cha broke, and the magic sword in his hand also shattered, turning it into the sky. Forcibly shattered by the strength of the giant hammer.

Dominating Sky Dual Hammers is originally Low Grade Dao Artifact, which contains a hint of Heaven and Earth strength. Chen Qi robust’s True Qi permeates it, and every wave like 10000000 million strong horses is crumbling, which contains the gravel road that breaks the mountain.

Chen Qi immediately swung his right hammer and hit Li Jianbang’s chest at once, but a rays of light flashed over to form a body protection treasure light surrounding him. Chen Qi’s one shot only knocked him 1000 meters, but there was no Can kill him completely.

“The Eldest Senior Brother was hit, so am I dazzled?”

“How can it be, fuck.” A group of disciples were stunned, as if they were hell.

Chen Qi stared at the treasure light. His heavy blow didn’t break Li Jianbang’s treasure light, which really surprised him.

Li Jianbang both eyes Spitting the flames of anger. In his hands is a circular treasure pearl, treasure pearl white, blooming rays of light forming a barrier to surround Li Jianbang’s body.

This is a defensive magical treasure. It contains the mighty body protection power of his Master Hundred Years Daoist, that is, the attacks of the Transcending Tribulation Perfection powerhouse can be resisted.

His Master Hundred Years Daoist is Supreme Elder of Tai’A Sect. Strength is also in the Great Ascension Stage, deep and unmeasurable, and has a high prestige on the True Martial Continent. Continent’s second-rate influence If he dared to offend him, he would be able to destroy it without Tai’A Sect’s shot.

Li Jianbang was taken in as a disciple because of his good innate talent.

The reason why his Master is called Hundred Years Daoist is to use this legal name to travel in the void before the age of 100 to achieve Immortal Boundary. It is therefore limited to 100 years to encourage oneself. However, Hundred Years Daoist is now 99 years old, and it is almost 100 years to go in one year. It is just a long way from the traveling in the void, Heaven Trampling ladder, and the Immortal Boundary.

It was a shame for Li Jianbang to deal with a brat using the life-saving pearl given by his Master.

“Snow-Icebound Sword, reversing the Heaven and Earth, changing the Heavens and switching the Earth, Icebound!”

Suddenly, Li Jianbang roars angrily and sings the Nine Provinces, such as Heavenly Thunder billows, and the circle reference number of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi in this brief moment is violently surging, meanwhile he is within the body’s ice-cold Nascent Soul both Eyes opened, white strands of cold air spread, like rivers and seas, venting.

“Not good, retreat. This is Sword Qi of icebound the whole world. Regardless of the enemy, if we are contaminated by this cold, we all need Icebound.”

Tai’A Sect’s disciple each and everyone complexion is horrified, all fly up moved towards all directions to retreat. One person growled and all directions retreated, showing that the strength of Li Jianbang was strong, and even reached the level of ordinary Transcending Tribulation.

Chen Qi, 100 meters away from Li Jianbang, looked at Li Jianbang acting cool with interest, that Li Jianbang was roaring there all the time, and the circlehundred li tree formed ice crystals, rolling mountain range The turbulent river between them was completely still and became ice.

Not to mention the ground, a vast expanse of white, and a big heavy snow fall under the sky.

With Li Jianbang as the center, all around becomes a scene of World of Ice and Snow. Chen Qi was not affected at all, the dual hammers in his hands collided with each other, making a loud sound of peng ~ peng ~ peng ~. Chen Qi looks like a teenager, holding a big hammer of several ten zhang, looks particularly domineering.

Wu wu wu !

Suddenly at this moment, all the cold air in the circleference gathered together, and a cold-ice giant sword was condense on top of Li Jianbang’s head. The sword is like a mountain, with a length of 500 zhang. The body is surrounded by cold, and every trace of cold can freeze people to death.

There were screaming cold winds everywhere, biting violently. This cold wind contains the power of Li Jianbang’s cultivation base, which penetrates into the inside of the person. It is not so simple to get rid of it. Even someone once played against him and got into the body by his cold, but has not recovered yet. Icebound has veins inside the body which is wasted. The chill is like a sacral crest, which makes people live in pain all their lives, in the torture of cold-ice strength.

“hong long! ”

Li Jianbang both eyes madly flew into the giant sword and became part of the giant sword, controlling the cold-ice giant sword from the sky.

This scene is accompanied by flying white snowflakes, which looks magnificent, but actually contains a cold Murderous intention. The sword fell into the space and solidified, showing Icebound Heaven and Earth.

“This is my strongest blow from Li Jianbang. Today I will show you what is the Core Disciple of Tai’A Sect, what is a real genius character, and a small person offends my prestige. Divine Immortal also rescued Can’t you, die for me! “

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