Their soul wanted to escape, but found that Chen Qi ’s Sword Qi had the effect of locking souls, permeating it, like white light, dissipating all the ghosts immediately.

It was as if darkness met the sun, dissipating transpirational smoke, and then completely dying


The Divine Emperor man was shot again several dozen li, but after all, it was Divine Emperor who was not dead. Instead, the battle strength of overflowing heaven broke out.

Wind and rain thunder and lightning, earthquake-like emergence, the circleference number of 100,000 li mountain and rivers are shaking, trembling, obviously completely outraged.

Divine Emperor was very powerful and terrifying. He hit directly, myriad mountain and rivers hit the ground together, and it was bound to kill Chen Qi.


Chen Qi flew over, fist hit, explosion exploded, everything was offset, the body moved, forcibly crossed all barriers, came to the man, grabbed his throat with his left hand, lifted him up, it was difficult for him In the eyes of confidence, a pinch.


His head was screwed down by Chen Qi, rolled down to the ground, not to be stunned, his soul was already pinched to death, and was forcibly killed by Chen Qi’s Rule!

Divine Emperor, let me die.

So far, all of these people have died.

They are all from the Punishing Divinity Valley. Among them is the expert Divine Emperor. Even so far Little Tortoise has not shot. It is the strength of the Divine Sovereign by Chen Qi.

Divine Sovereign, who has been promoted with so many rules in his cultivation, is a Divine Emperor that can cultivate a single Rule.

All of their Divine Sparks fell into the hands of Chen Qi.

“Haha, Boss is terrible, paralyzed, Divine Emperor has been slaughtered by you.”

Little Tortoise hehe said, “But Boss strength can really achieve this. The 3 types of Rule energies of Boss are still extremely terrifying. I don’t know when Boss can break through to Divine Emperor. That’s more awesome.”

“This is to say, if Boss breaks through Divine Emperor, I dare to say that Divine Realm, it is estimated that none of Divine Emperor is his opponent. Mastering 3 of the Rule cultivation becomes Divine Emperor in history, because it is too difficult. Divinity cultivation One kind of Divine Emperor has been heaven defying, not to mention 3 types, which is equivalent to spending many times resources, strength, in order to do it. For another person, I am afraid that dying, oh, Boss is Boss, really A ratio of cattle. “

“Now Divine Realm is full of people who want to kill me. Unfortunately, these people just bring about one’s own destruction. Laozi now has Divine Emperor Battle Pet and I am also a Divine Sovereign. When I break through Divine Venerable, I will directly destroy that Hong. Family. “

Chen Qi while speaking, suddenly hesitated, and suddenly looked down at Divine Emperor, something seemed to burst out.

At a glance, oops, fuck.

secret book: Slaughterous King Sword, eighth style, Extinguishing Heaven All Divinities!

hahaha, cow.

Eighth style also burst out.

Chen Qi immediately learned eighth style.

At the same time, he saw something, and that was.

item: One of the Mangekyou Sharingan cells. It is implanted in the eyes and opened forever accompany. It can perform the invincible Illusion Technique, let people fall into its control in the Illusion Technique, see the enemy weak spot, and have insight into it. Can also be promoted to Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan.

“I have 5 bottles now.”

Chen Qi grabbed the cell bottle and closed it immediately. Suddenly overjoyed.

“When I start Mangekyou Sharingan, I fuck you, an Illusion Technique, let you see King of Hell. You’re paralyzed. Don’t let it go. Go, Little Chicken Little Tortoise, let’s go on hunting, Now go to the Punishing Divinity Valley and Laozi wiped out this enough. “

“Hahaha, enough times.”

“Destroy the Punishing Divinity Valley, destroy the stupid cunt group of killer dogs.”

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~.

The crowd continued to fly, moving towards Punishing Divinity Valley.

At the same time, in Divine Realm, a remote country, over a countless antiquity palace, an antiquity Western Country was established, of which countless Spiritual Divinity, Angel with white wings flew, handsome men, women Beauty is out of the ordinary.

Even the figure is extremely rich.

Not the beauty of the East, but from the Antiquity Divine Realm Western Country. The Western Country established in the sky is just the Western Divine Realm, one of many countries, but it is also a very noble race country.

Ao Feinuo Western Divine Country.

It is rumored that Divine Maiden Ao Feinuo of this country was a horrible Western Angel 10000 years ago, at least the existence of Divine Lord Level. But after all these years, Divine Maiden Ao Feinuo disappeared.

No one knows how to disappear, but only knows that after going out, he did not return.

For many years, the family country of Ao Feinuo has gradually become lonely. It has only gradually risen in recent years and developed into a great family influence in the western land. However, compared with those Peak families, it is still a little worse.

They have a lot of family and inheritance methods, but no one inherits them, but recently a woman’s ascension was directly sensed by the Divine Maiden Ao Feinuo bloodline, and escort came to them.

As a result, I found that this woman has the pure bloodline of Divine Maiden Ao Feinuo, which is the descendant of the female Divine Blood vein.

Immediately, this Western Country piled all the inheritance, resources, all on this woman during this time, and wanted her to replace Divine Maiden Ao Feinuo.

In fact, it succeeded.

This woman showed an amazing bloodline innate talent. In a short time, now already is Divine Venerable, and she is about to break through Divine Emperor. The speed is almost infused with the energy of Ao Feinuo in her within the body.

Because before Divine Maiden Ao Feinuo left, he left a powerful within the body energy, enough for one person to upgrade the cultivation base to Divine Emperor, and this energy group is preserved to this day, because only people with a pure descendant bloodline can fully inherit it. Otherwise, it will explode.

Now they have found this person. That’s Nangong Yue’er.

The reason why Nangong Yue’er owns the Divine Maiden Ao Feinuo’s bloodline is because Nangong Yue’er’s mother was spilled on the body by a block of Divine Blood that suddenly landed in the sky and successfully integrated Divine Blood.

At that time, her mother was pregnant with Nangong Yue’er, which caused Nangong Yue’er to absorb a large amount of Divine Blood during this period, and only later opened the bloodline.

And her mother, there are some memories of the Falling Spiritual Divinity in her mind, where the Divine Maiden statue was established to open the bloodline and stimulate the use of Divine Power. Unfortunately, her mother died of bloodline fusion and eventually died. Instead, Nangong Yue’er successfully merged Divine Blood.

And this Divine Blood is Ao Feinuo and Slaughterous King, Peerless Exploding The Heavens, 3 people as allies, doing a dangerous thing, being seriously injured, blood exploding countless Foreign Dimension Space, came to the world, which led to this scene .

In order to hide this, Nangong Yue’er’s family threatened that their ancestors had Ancestral of Western Spiritual Divinity, which is exactly how it came.

At this moment, Nangong Yue’er, a white long coat, white clothes of the Western Holy See, with a little armor nature, from head to toe, extremely beautiful, both eyes are blue, figure is tall and slender, and her hair has become deep blue. Spilled on the back waist, a cold temperament of western Divine Maiden appeared.

Enough to attract anyone’s existence, her eyes are deep blue, like the ocean, overlooking the mountain and rivers of Divine Realm, and like the Divine Maiden of aloof and remote, people can only look up, but not approach.

The blood in her within the body seemed to be cold, and the circumference all around was a cold state, that is, when Divine Sovereign approached, she would be frozen to death.

She sat on her throne, which was the snow throne, tall, antiquity, with mysterious incantation rune on it, branded with this country antiquity civilization, glorious once, countless Angel, Battle Divinity, on the back grows a pair of wings , Sacred and prestige, inviolable.

In front of the woman, all Angels were extremely respectful of her and did not dare to neglect.

“I heard that a Digen Realm character recently appeared, called Chen Qi, isn’t it?” Nangong Yue’er’s icy voice, without any emotion, the beautiful five senses, showed a cold beautiful and alluring temperament, both eyes without the slightest emotion.

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