“Hong Tian, ​​kneel down for me, I won’t kill you.”


Hong Tian complexion was red and white for a while, let him kneel down Chen Qi, but what he said to Chen Qi before, now let him kneel down for Chen Qi, isn’t it the opposite?

“En? Why, aren’t you kneeling? Well, I’ll kill you now.”

Chen Qi’s eyes flashed through a rays of light, Hong Tian said, “Little bastard, although I have just been promoted to Divine Lord and don’t want to die, but you let me kneel, I would rather die.” In fact, Hong Tian is also fighting for time.

He knew that grandfather had been Divine Lord for so many years. There should be a lot of Divine Lord friends, but he would not find them as a last resort.

And now it’s this time, his grandfather is already spreading the news, I believe that his Divine Lord friends will come to deal with Chen Qi soon. when the time comes who doesn’t live who lives.

“Laozi asks you to kneel, and finally asks you, why don’t you kneel?”

“Release Hong Tian.”

Suddenly at this moment, Space ripples appeared in the distance, and then a path of Void Portal appeared, and three powerful middle-aged men appeared here, covered in white robes, and hair like a priest with a bun The bright glow of the eyes shone, and the atmosphere of the whole person seemed to be connected with Heaven and Earth.

At first glance, there is a kind of power, which is definitely a great character.

“Situ Erte, we can also say that we were born to die, didn’t expect that you can’t even deal with a Divine Emperor now. It seems your strength is very humid.”

One of them looked at Chen Qi with contempt, then looked at Situ Erte with a ridiculous smile.

The three Divine Lords are all friends of Situ Erte. They were born and died together. Although it is not really a brother’s friendship, this little help will still help them. After all, they helped each other before, but less than 3. You have no choice but to use relationships.

Now Dark Divine Lord has to.

“Hmph, Zhang Tian, ​​this brat is not so easy to deal with, you have to be careful. Although you 3 and us 2 can’t reasonably make mistakes, this child must die, but be careful. His strength How strong is it? I still didn’t touch it clearly. “

Dark Divine Lord sent a sound transmission, fearfully.

“Oh? Is this brat so strong? Tell a joke?”

One of the middle-aged man who had a dignified appearance flashed a look of surprise and looked at Chen Qi with a puzzled look. He looked up and down, indeed, Divine Emperor could not do it.

“Trifling Divine Emperor, dare to challenge Divine Lord. By the way, I just talked to you just now, didn’t you hear? I let you let go of Hong Tian. Kneel down.”

This Divine Lord middle-aged man masters the Divine Lord Rule of the Water Element column. The sound of overflowing heaven is immediately heard, and the boundless sea rises behind it. The countless Foreign Dimension Space is full of roaring sea water, turning into ten thousand dragons. Ascension, immediately overwhelmed, we must teach this dog thing in the eyes.


This man did n’t agree with the shot, and he was also a formidable person. His character is extreme and can not tolerate people. He is often used to pampering himself. When he suddenly meets a Chen Qi, he dares not to listen to him. Both eyes are angry and hit. A powerful blow.

The air waves billowed and came out, covering Chen Qi.

However, when Chen Qi shot backhand, the Great Explosion resounded, breaking the countless Foreign Dimension Space, and a large hand stretched out of the air. At the same time, Chen Qi both eyes flashed, showing Tsukuyomi, and the person felt a sore throat when he got a meal His eyes moved quickly, and he pulled him in front of Chen Qi.

How can it be.

The man was terrified and his breath was frozen. How he did it just now, he didn’t see how Chen Qi grabbed his hand at all, and when he was awake again, Chen Qi grabbed his throat and looked like a man who slaughtered him, how could this not surprise him.


Chen Qi threw this Divine Lord to the ground, stepped on his face, and slammed, his head exploded immediately, even with his body, but did not die, Rule escaped, condense elsewhere come out.

At Divine Lord level, it is difficult to be killed.

“courting death !”

The other several Divine Lords suddenly burst into a powerful attack. Hong Tian and Dark Divine Lord took the opportunity to burst out of full-strength, broke free of Nothingness Demon, and united the other three Divine Lords to beheaded.

In this way, there are 5 Divine Lords jointly attacking Chen Qi.

“My God, it turned into five at a time, and Chen Qi can resist, isn’t it a monster?”

“Well, absolutely monster.” All around everyone was numb and shocked by Chen Qi.

Chen Qi’s existence is completely a character who breaks their common sense.

“Yeah, they are still working together, but it is useless for you to work together and die. Slaughterous King Sword, ninth style, Sword Moves Myriad Realms!”

The Divine Lord Sword in the hands of Chen Qi shook, and suddenly appeared the Murderous intention of overflowing heaven. This Murderous Intent almost turned into a substantial unrolled bolt of white silk. A Sword Qi turbulent Myriad Realms horrible Sword Intent, killing the world. Cangsheng Dog Concept was born.

Just now, the entire directions were oppressed by a turbulent atmosphere, the earth burst, and the endless Sword Qi washed out. Heaven and Earth with swords everywhere, the sea of ​​swords, the mighty.

8 times berserk!

That is, at this time, the 8 times berserk showed that the sword light suddenly inflated 8 times, bursting Myriad Realms, everyone’s ears were numb, and the word cry was extremely horrible. The earth was cut off. I do n’t know how many layers, 5 Divine Lord looks Zhen, they saw their attacks receded, and they were bounced back.


Strikes directly on them, 5 Divine Lord flew out, spitting blood.

Sword Qi washed their bodies and kept cutting, Rule’s robe disappeared, and even the body was chopped into countless portions, and when it was condense again, it was already very injured.

“It’s impossible, Situ Erte. This is definitely a Divine Emperor? Why is this Sword Qi so strong, we are 5 Divine Lords and can’t resist his sword.”

Several Divine Lords were frightened.

“hahaha 。你们5 个clay chickens and pottery dogs ,在this Master 面前,也不怎么样嘛。”

Chen Qi 仰天长啸,不过那5 个Divine Lord 再次对视一眼,突然联合在一起,打出一道强烈的Rule sword formation ,似乎极为不甘心,与出同时,几个Divine Lord country 也降临在场。

属于水Divine Lord 的Divine Country ,黑暗Divine Country ,其他Space Divine Country ,火焰Divine Country ,好似几重antiquity 的Foreign Dimension country 哐当一声砸了下来,要将Chen Qi 笼罩。


又是一道Sword Qi 横扫而来,斩破一切攻击,countless Divine Country 全部爆竹似的碎裂开来,Sword Qi 切割进入深处,他们的身体也被斩成2 半。元气再次大伤。



刚才那个叫嚣非常厉害的Water Rule Divine Lord ,此刻心有余悸,和Chen Qi 交手,有一种随时被斩杀的错觉,让他很恐惧。


5 道silhouette 分别从不同的方向逃脱,速度之快,超越light beam 很多倍,眨眼就要消失不见。

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