The 49 All-Divinities Jade was obtained by Chen Qi, but the absorbed destiny was contaminated by the Great Emperor Heaven Devourer soul contained in it, that is, Chen Qi could not absorb it.

Now that the Great Emperor Heaven Devourer has proactively revealed destiny strikes, Chen Qi can plunder and absorb it and turn it into his own destiny.

This process has been going on for ten breaths. Although the absorbed destiny occupies only a small part of the Great Emperor Heaven Devourer, it is also robust enough.

The Great Emperor Heaven Devourer seemed to find it, and suddenly hesitated. It was found that although Chen Qi’s body was swollen, it seemed that Chen Qi had done so intentionally. So far, there was no soul explosion. Instead, it was absorbed by Chen Qi.

The Great Emperor Heaven Devourer immediately withdrew his fist technique and did not let Chen Qi absorb it.

However, he thought about it, Chen Qi himself could not be defeated in a short time. No matter how he attacked, Chen Qi mostly avoided it. Divine Lord Wings was too fast, and even if he hit, Chen Qi ’s fleshhy body was defensive. Can weaken him, unable to kill him.

It is imminent that he is promoted to Middle Divinity. He simply launched destiny again and let Chen Qi absorb it. He used this time to continuously resist Heavenly Tribulation. At the same time, he was also absorbing his refining Power of Destiny. He wanted to strive to be promoted to Middle in the shortest time. Divine Lord.


There was a huge Great Explosion in the sky, Heavenly Tribulation thunder and lightning were still falling, Chen Qi absorbed destiny, and Great Emperor Heaven Devourer was in Transcending Tribulation.

“It seems that the Great Emperor Heaven Devourer knew that I was absorbing his destiny, but did not stop, but dragged me with destiny, so that he can be promoted to Middle Divine Lord himself. In this case, I will let him be promoted to Middle Divine Lord, first absorb this destiny said. “

Chen Qi now, as destiny enters within the body and soul merges, I feel that I am in the fortune, and there is a trend to break through.

This is a good thing. What about letting this Great Emperor Heaven Devourer break through the Divine Lord? Will be killed directly.


At this time, several Divine Lord Sparks in the Chen Qi storage ring all emerged, showing a blazing sun-like radiance. Each star, like a dazzling star, bloomed with dazzling light spots, shining brightly, and contained powerful ripples.

It is the Divine Lord Divine Spark that Chen Qi killed before. They are the treasure resources of Divine Realm Supreme.

Getting Divine Lord Divine Spark is more powerful than anything.

If you take a Divine Emperor to absorb the refining, you can certainly break through the Divine Lord, but the speed of this refining is flawed, and it takes at least a few years.

Chen Qi need not worry about this.


With a grab on the arm, a powerful devouring vortex appears, wrapping a few Divine Sparks. With the devouring strength of Chen Qi, Divine Lord Divine Spark can be hanged.

Ka-cha, Divine Spark shattered immediately, although it is very small, it will soon shatter all of them, and the pure Rule Power is missing to continuously infuse Chen Qi within the body.

In Hong Tian ’s Divine Lord Spark, the powerful green Wood Element Rule Power continuously, boundless enters Chen Qi within the body, making his body swell.

The Divine Lord Spark of Dark Divine Lord Situ Erte is also exploding, and the dark strength is transformed into lines of light beams into Chen Qi Divine Spark.

His Divine Spark is much smaller than this Divine Lord Spark.

But Chen Qi ’s Divine Spark is also very condensed. When he gets a lot of supplies, it looks like the hungry Fierce Tiger is eating and showing vigorous momentum!

Everyone can see that Chen Qi absorbs Divine Spark’s energy at an astonishing speed, while still absorbing the strength of the Great Emperor Heaven Devourer.

Great Emperor Heaven Devourer is currently promoted to Middle Divine Lord, and both of them are promoted to strength at this time.

Chen Qi wants to break through to the higher Divine Emperor. He now breaks through Divine Lord. Obviously these energy are not enough, but as long as he breaks through a few grades, his strength can also show a trend of skyrocketing.

The Great Emperor Heaven Devourer is originally Lesser Divinity. Once promoted to Middle Divinity, it will definitely be stronger.

“The speed at which Chen Qi absorbs Divine Spark is simply heaven-defying. Fuck’s is really constantly comparing oneself to others will only make one angry. These resources, such as Divine Lord Spark, are jealous, but it is just a few years for us to absorb them. At least a few months, right?

You see, he absorbed hundreds of times faster than us. “

“It’s true. Evildoer is evildoer. We can’t compare with him, but even if he is promoted to a few Divine Emperor Levels, if at this time he does not defeat the Great Emperor Heaven Devourer to advance to Middle Divinity. After his promotion is completed, Chen Qi will break through several What’s the use of Divine Emperor Level? It’s not about to be defeated. “

“If it was me, I would defeat the Great Emperor Heaven Devourer first and be here to advance, otherwise you would be too late. What do you think?”

An analysis by Divine Emperor.

“This is not clear. With Chen Qi’s method and ability, he should know this. He must have his ideas to do so. Although he is not Divine Lord now, he is the strength of Divine Lord. I cannot wait to figure it out. .

You also said just now, if it was you who would do it, but Chen Qi is not you, people are evildoer, would it be the same as you? “

The other was shaking one’s head.

“Anyway, I think I’m right. You look at it. Chen Qi is too late to stop it. He is giving the Great Emperor Heaven Devourer a chance to advance. Now Chen Qi can fight with him a few times. Immediately It’s going to die very quickly. What’s wrong with evildoer? Didn’t evildoer do anything wrong? He obviously did something wrong and just walked into dead end.

This Divine Emperor man, but shook the head against it, stood against his shoulders, both eyes squinting at the scene of the sky, he believed that he was right.

“Then wait and see.”

Another Divine Emperor smirked. Who can Chen Qi compare to? don’t tell me he evildoer might as well have a vision for you as a Divine Emperor? What an idiot.

Hong long long.

Chen Qi’s atmosphere is rising steadily. The strength in a Divine Spark is half absorbed by Chen Qi, and it immediately breaks through to the level of Grade 4 Divine Emperor.

All around Void The powerful Rule Power is continuously drawn by Chen Qi, and together with the strength in Divine Spark, Chen Qi is replenished, so that his breath suddenly rises and he is promoted to a grade, which is equivalent to raising the battle strength nearly several times, greatly improving ,very horrible.

His absorption strength also strengthened.

The vortex absorbs light and ca n’t wait to absorb human eyes. All around the airflow rotates and shrinks, collapsing a Black Hole, and then the energy is transmitted to the inside of the body through the palm of Chen Qi, five viscera and six bowels. Divine Spark.

Divine Spark rays of light is magnified, flowing light is full of color, Chen Qi 5 official 7 tricks are emitting rays of light, more and more dazzling, even with the body into 7 colorful rays of light body.

It’s like Multicolored Spiritual Divinity overlooking everyone in the sky.

Ka-cha, ka-cha ……

With the passage of time, 2.5 minutes, a Divine Lord Spark has entered Chen Qi within the body, the first is the Divine Lord Spark of Hong Tian, ​​added to his Divine Spark, making green rays of light extremely Dazzling.

All around the ground grew out of a large piece of green grass, and even the deep soil was illuminated by this rays of light. Tree saplings had grown, and then slowly evolved into towering trees.

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