Briar Bramble was sitting on a chair in the great hall, next to them was a brown female bear who was carried in his arms and fed and drank. The two brown female bears couldn’t speak, unlike the two intelligent beagle bears of Briar Bramble, but they were tortured by a pair of bear claws of Briar Bramble, and kept making unwilling roars.

“Haha, I’ll fix you tonight, come here, have a drink. I’m drunk and good to do.”

Bramble’s huge claw grabbed the female bear and drank it down.

“Did you guys help me destroy Boundless Sect this time, we also played the football game, the result of the game and so on are not important, we still have what you want, you see.”

Chen Qi beckoned. Suddenly came in from the outside a group of 7 old 80 palace maids, and a female monkey.

“Chen Qi, you’re a bit overkill. Why are they beautiful girls? Old Sun is just a monkey?”

Sun Wukong trembled when he saw a monkey being pulled beside him by a court eunuch.

“Uh … who is this female monkey who is looking for, get me out soon, it’s too impudent, how can you entertain my Brother Sun like this?”

“Yes, yes, we are changing one.”

The court eunuch in the distance is terrifying. This is not Emperor. Would you like us to find a female monkey …

Chen Qi also smiled awkwardly, dare to love that the monkey does not like the same kind, like Human Race.

“Uh … Galen, I didn’t find the blond woman you said, but I know you are a Westerner, so there is a foreigner, so come in.”

Chen Qi covered her mouth and laughed.

“Ha ha, many thanks Brother Chen, let me see what a beautiful woman is.”

Galen was looking forward to staring outside the great hall. At this moment, a figure was a fat woman who walked from outside the great hall. The woman had dark skin. Although her hair was long, her hair was rolled. Her lips were several times thicker than ordinary people. She was wearing a savage dress, her body was dark, and her waist was very fat.

According to Chen Qi, this is an African beauty, not the young, the fat woman.

There is no blond woman whom Galen likes nearby, and Chen Qi has found a similar African beauty, which is also a foreign country. Actually pretty good.

Chen Qi laughed after seeing it.

It is estimated that Galen would not like it, after all, this is not a blond woman, but a fat woman.

Who knew that Galen saw 2 fat eyes and patted her with her hands: “Aiya fuck, fuck, Laozi likes this type, Your Majesty, I love you. Come, girl, you Master Len is here and let Master Len take a good look. “

Galen frowned, holding the African fat woman, obviously very happy.

No, what kind of taste does this fuck do? Chen Qi was confused.

“Your Majesty, don’t you? I like it too.”

Suddenly there was a voice of Magneto next to him. Magneto’s eyes were straight and his eyes were twitching Chen Qi.

At this time Galen pats Magneto’s shoulder: “brother, people in the same community, heroes see similar, all like this beauty. Visible eyesight. Let’s have a drink another day. Haha.”

Chen Qi gave a deep glance at Magneto, a move in the arm, and came in an African fat woman.

“Fuck, many thanks Your Majesty, this is mine and no one can grab it.”

Magneto ran over and pulled the African fat woman next to her. Suddenly a table of beautiful women was ready.

But Chen Qi is even better, with at least 6 people dressed in expensive Empress accompanying Chen Qi. These Empress are Empress of other Country, and now they are Chen Qi.

“Emperor, come, drink.”

“Emperor, drink mine.”

“Emperor, drink mine.” … Chen Qi was drunk by a group of Empress. Hugging left and right, unhappy.

After three wine tours, everyone sang loudly and sang.

Although Chen Qi’s system is closed, there are still set audio equipment in the storage ring, and microphones and everything are complete, and the sound of music bursts through the great hall.

Monkey Wu Sun Wukong was drunk standing on the table and sang loudly: “cough cough, 俺 Old Sun will present a nice song for everyone today, dare to ask where the road is dedicated to everyone, think 俺 Old Sun sings I applaud, I think Old Sun also sang badly, thank you. “

Sun Wukong took a look and started singing directly: “cough cough … you take the burden, I take the horse, welcome the sunrise, and send away the sunset ~ …”

“Falling ups and downs, becoming Great Dao, fighting hard, starting, starting again …”

“Okay! Brother Hou sings well, everyone applauds!”

Galen patted it with a big hand, and by the way fiercely slaps on the brunette.

“Aiya, Master Len, kiss.” The brunette glared at Galen.

Everyone sang a song and had a lot of fun. Everyone was boxing, they were siblings, they were singing, they ate he he. At this time Chen Qi proposed that everyone sing my good brother together.

Everyone learned the lyrics, the music sounded, and everyone sang along with the tune.

“Ah … let me sing a song for you in your glorious moment.”

“My good brother, I have bitterness in your heart and you tell me.”

“Walk along the road ahead, even the river.”

“A bit tired and tired, what can it be.”

“I will spend time with you when you need me.”

“My good brother, you have bitterness in your heart, you told me that life has its ups and downs, but still have to live a strong life, crying and laughing, at least you and me.

The whole great hall was sung and danced, and then Chen Qi played another hi-tune, named: Yi Tao, Liang Jiandong, Night DJ.

When the song was played, the entire Imperial Palace seemed to be shaking, and the subwoofer’s sound was at its maximum.

Chen Qi also closed all the doors of the great hall. With a wave of his arm, the entire great hall fell into the darkness during the day. A group of True Qi balls appeared in the air, emitting multi-colored rays of light. , The whole atmosphere suddenly became a breath of night scene.

“Hey, everyone shakes up, don’t stand still, click!”

Chen Qi drank a glass of wine, as if turning into a night prince, when he saw the palace maid in the distance, he suddenly greeted him. At first those palace maids were very shy, but where they heard such hi dance music, they were stimulated by nerves, immediately hi, their heads trembled, and some palace maids were dancing.

“Well, it’s good, it’s all old driver. This dance is impatient. Little girl is very promising. I will incorporate you into harem another day.”

“Many thanks Emperor.”

The palace maid became bolder and beat harder.

“Hahaha, refreshing.”

Chen Qi laughed. The value of this crossing. But it ’s still not enough to play like this, Chen Qi is going to drive BMW back to Earth for a few days. Wait for system upgrade to see if you can return to Earth to play.

Chen Qi seemed to dismiss the subwoofer’s sound too low. A True Qi shot on that subwoofer, and the sound of that subwoofer suddenly expanded dozens of times with the power of True Qi. With a bang, the whole great hall shook directly.

Not only was the great hall shaking, the palace maids in the Imperial Palace, the court eunuchs were taken aback, even the old common people in the entire Imperial City were stunned, this voice was too loud.

The voice of Hi Qu is far from the circumference number of 1000 miles, and radiates out with the Huaxia Dynasty as the center. The people who are a little hi Qu are twisted, but more people are scared.

The trees and flowers throughout the earth seemed to be shaking.

This sound penetrated into the depths of 1000 meters underground beyond a few hunted li and alarmed a certain colossus.

This colossus could have endured that gurgling sound. But the sound is getting louder and louder, it is difficult to fall asleep, and in the end it can’t stand it. Suddenly a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering is bigger than the sound of the hi song, rushing into the sky, the si si’s angry roar vibrates the circleference number 1000 miles of mountain and rivers earth, countless people hear this sound as if they are knocked in the heart He stunned and almost frightened.

This sound is similar to the sound of a snake, but louder than a snake. It is close to the sound of a True Dragon, such as the Great Desolate Fierce Beast howler. Suddenly, the earth cracked like an earthquake, all tall trees all around collapsed in this brief moment, as if Peerless Ominous Beast was born, The earth shook and the mountain quivered, shocked the countless influence’s powerhouse.


ps: Everyone has a few tickets, thank you.

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