“En? Where is the group of dumbass, is this going to stop me from being promoted to Divine Lord? All go, otherwise Xiu Guai Laozi is not polite to you.”

Chen Qi is suffering from the baptism of thunder and lightning, and is bathed in the Rule. Both eyes such as Thunder Divinity are suddenly shocked by the Divine Lord, and the soul is almost scared to death.

“Chen Qi, we Sir are going to kill you, you want to be promoted to Devouring Divine Lord, and do n’t look at how many Divine Lord of our Devouring Lineage, and it is fighting Divine Lord, attacking Divine Ability which is not the master of other lineage, compared to you It’s your pleasure to shock us, Perfect Sir Divine Lord, to kill you. Let’s die. “

“Dog stuff, who to let go? Who do you think you are, overestimate one’s capabilities, wait for death.”

The crowd didn’t buy it at all because they were too many. There are at least 100 people coming.

Divine Realm is vast and vast, and Rule Source Space is even larger and has no margins, which can cover the entire All Heavens and Myriad Realms range, because Rule exists in any plane.

The Divine Lord Space of their Devouring Lineage is located throughout the Universe, and many Divine Lords can be born within 1 billion years.

This is not even the number of those who have been promoted. Divine Lord, who has only been promoted, is countless.

In this World, mortal is as much as mole cricket and ants, Immortal is as much as mole cricket and ants, and Spiritual Divinity is the same, and so is Divine Lord, but because Divine Lord is mostly in deep sleep, he realizes that Supreme Profound Mystery wants to be higher Divine Lord, so rarely appeared on other planes.

But that doesn’t mean they are small.

It ’s like antiquity Antiquity Divinity Race, members of the entire Influence Royal Family, members of Antiquity Divinity, almost all in All Heavens and Myriad Realms, and powerhouses are so many. That ’s why we can deter Rule Divine Lord of 3000 Rule Great Dao, Great Perfection Divinity, Divine Supreme, Become the Paragon family of Divine Realm.

They used to be afraid of the Antiquity Divinity Race, but now they are trifling a fallen Antiquity Divinity Race, how could they be looked at by them.

Their people are still coming continuously, surrounding Chen Qi all around, leaking the water around him. Anyone who dares to come and help, is expected to be killed by them.

There is a rule to promote Divine Lord. You cannot send too many people, but this rule is obviously ignored by the Great Perfection Divinity of Devouring Lineage.

As for why you dare to ignore it, that’s because Devouring Lineage has Divine Supreme. Deep in Antiquity’s Devouring Rule Source Space, there is a Rule Divine Palace, and the splendorous and majestic established by it is magnificent. One of them is a Divine Supreme of Devouring residence.

This set of rules was formulated by many Rule lineage’s Divine Supreme in order to ensure balanced development.

But now that Great Perfection Divinity is so desperate to kill Chen Qi, it is actually the Divine Supreme’s advice.

Against Chen Qi, he will not shoot, in fact this Divine Supreme is paying attention to everything here.

This behavior shocked many great characters of Divine Lord Space, each and everyone talked in private, and Divine Supreme of Devouring was obviously breaking their rules. However, the Divine Supreme of Devouring battle strength is superior, and everyone has found that Chen Qi is not an ordinary person. If he really wants to be promoted, he may suppress all their different Rule Divine Lords, and they have defaulted this behavior.

countless double antiquity both eyes staring here, hoping Chen Qi is dead.


For a time, countless Divine Lord struck a strong attack on the strength, Celestial River mighty, star and moon, swept Chen Qi.

“courting death !”

Chen Qi palm falsely gripped, myriad Heavenly Tribulation thunder and lightning turned into Thunder Dragon, suddenly turned into a mighty Thunder Dragon, prestige is like a prison, among them countless thunder and lightning Qilin, thunder and lightning big bird, 10000 beasts Pentium, trampled away.

This thunder and lightning was the thunder and lightning method condense of Chen Qi’s Divine Lord cataclysm, which he mastered. The circumference became thunder prison, and the space collapsed and spread.

Crackle and rattle.

The countless thunder and lightning thrashed, and those attacks broke down and spread all the way to Divine Lord.

Aaaaaaaaah! Those Divine Lord each and everyone screamed screams, blackened by high intensity thunder and lightning, and screamed again and again.

Their Rule body couldn’t resist this kind of thunder and lightning, and some of the screams of Divine Lord came to an abrupt halt and they were beheaded. Into ashes.


Thunder and lightning continued to spread, and in a blink of an eye, all 100 Divine Lords were all turned into nothingness. Divine Lord Sparks flew out, and even their Divine Lord Sparks became scorched, caught by Chen Qi, and exploded into fragments under a pinch. The strength of the essence was extracted and entered into Chen Qi within the body.

Chen Qi imposing manner is more powerful.

All fourteen rules are expanding.


A long howling sound passed, ringing through dozens of millions li Space, everyone heard the sound of tingling ears.

A rule of prestige, halo diffused into 7-color divine light, all subsequent myriad attacks were hit by this rule power, and countless people spit out a large amount of blood. A look of fear.

Why is he so strong?

This is a bit too strong.

countless Divine Lord looked dumbstruck, watching Chen Qi didn’t make much of his shot, it was Rule halo, they couldn’t resist, how could they fight.

“Attack once in concentration!”

A Middle Divine Lord, with a tall figure, a narrow look, a strong murderous intention, and a sudden sky attack swept Chen Qi again.

A line of sight glanced over, Chen Qi fist strikes. At this moment, his body had reached 300,000 feet. Just now he had inflated again. This fist burst the air, disintegrating layer by layer.


peng ~ peng ~ peng ~.

The countless body explosion sound and screams up here, down there, the Middle Divine Lord man complexion greatly changed, “Everyone retreat!”


Just after finishing speaking, the man was crushed by the fist wind coming over, the body was swept in, and the explosion was crushed from head to toe, leaving only one Divine Spark also breaking.

Yes, the Chen Qi attack is that Divine Spark can be eliminated, but Chen Qi not at all did this to kill the group of Divine Lord. Chen Qi grabbed it by hand, one crystal clear and near-transparent Divine Lord Spark, many Shattered before Chen Qi. absorbed.

Chen Qi is absorbing at this speed very quickly. Almost just now, the energy of Divine Lord Spark robust has been refining into its own Rule energy by Chen Qi. The body continues to expand and has reached 400,000 feet.

400,000 feet, beyond Divine Ability’s imagination, is that Antiquity Divinity Old Ancestor Suoluo was shocked to see this scene.

I originally thought that Chen Qi’s eyebrow stars imprint had increased. At a glance, it was actually 7 and a half. In other words, he grew to such a height that it was only Sub 8-Stars Antiquity Divinity.

But such a body is already approaching 8-Stars Antiquity Divinity.


“This person is evildoer, he is not a person.”

“really strong.”

“It won’t be too late if you don’t leave. Run away! Ahhh!”

A Divine Lord has just revealed a murderous intention, and has not escaped Chen Qi ’s beheading. A path of Slaughterous King Sword erupted from his body. Divine Consciousness tracked and locked, and each a sword light could cut across 100 Divine Lords.

At this moment, Chen Qi killed Divine Lord without any effort, not because they are weak. On the contrary, these Antiquity Divinity are very strong, devouring rays of light are blooming on everyone, Divine Lord against them at the same stage will be attacked by them Powerful attacks kill or absorb them.

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