Little Feifei knows that in addition to his father, Vermilion Bird Race actually has a lot of Vermilion Bird Race Old Ancestor in the Fire Rule Source Space, among which there is no lack of powerful experts.

These Rule Source Spaces are interconnected with Divine Realm. Some Divine Lords live in Divine Realm, and some Divine Lords live in their Rule Space.

Among them, like Divine Realm, the countless palace was established only by the Divine Lord. Others could not escape.

“Little Feifei, you look down on you father me too. Many Old Ancestor characters, but I have n’t even met a few times, where can I please move. It ’s your Little Feifei, the Grandfather Ba Ke punish you very much, if you find Grandfather Ba Ke, it can save Chen Qi. “

“Grandfather Ba Ke?”

Little Feifei immediately thought of in their Parasol Tree Sacred Mountain, when they were young, they often saw a white-bearded Old Master, a generation of antiquity Vermilion Bird, already a Great Perfection Divine Lord and an Old Ancestor Level character.

Grandfather Ba Ke loves Little Feifei and should help.

Although he may not be able to save Chen Qi when looking for him, Ba Ke can come to the Divine Supreme of Flame Rule Space, which is also the highest Vermilion Bird Battle Divinity. It is possible to save Chen Qi.

But just to repel these people and resist the Divine Lord and Divine Supreme of the Devouring Lineage, it may be difficult to kill.

But it is enough to save it.

“I’m going to call Grandfather Ba Ke now.”

Little Feifei suddenly took out a jade pendant. As long as the jade pendant was crushed, Grandfather Ba Ke would appear immediately. This was what Grandfather Ba Ke gave her for life. As long as it was crushed, Ba Ke Divine Lord no matter where , There will be rescued Little Feifei.

Now for Chen Qi, Little Feifei can’t control that many, it must be crushed.

But suddenly Void surged, and a bright portal appeared, connected to the depth of Space-Time.

Then a white-bearded old man with a touch of red Vermilion Bird Imprint on his brows, a powerful old man with a red crown appeared.

This person is boiling with flames, that is, both eyes are burning with blazing flames, as if erupting to burn the heaven and boiling the sea, burning all the circumference space, within the body, it is very scary to master the Vermilion Bird Sacred Fire.

In addition to Divine Supreme, the most powerful Great Perfection Divine Lord Ba Ke in Flame Source Space.

The old man stood still, said with a smile, “Little Feifei, don’t worry, grandfather is here.”

“Grandfather? Very good, when did grandfather appear.” Little Feifei was so surprised.

“pay respects to Old Ancestor.”

Little Feifei’s father looked shocked. Didn’t expect Ba Ke Old Ancestor actually appeared. He didn’t know, “Old Ancestor, how are you here?”

“No need to be polite.”

old man laughed, “This brat broke through such a big movement and shocked more than 100 10000 Devouring Divine Lords. This is rare in history. Not only is the old man being alarmed, but our Divine Supreme, the Flame Rule, is paying close attention to Space. Everything here, I am afraid that all Divine Lord and Divine Supreme of Three Thousand Great Daos are paying attention. The magnitude of this matter is not what you can imagine. “

The so-called Three Thousand Great Daos Rule refers to a general reference, which actually means Myriad Rules Great Dao.

Rule Great Dao countless, countless, everything exists, there is a corresponding Rule, such as human heart can produce compassion, hatred, anger, equality, and peace. Then there are Mercy Rule, Rule of Hate, or Equality Rule, Peace Rule.

For example, poison exists in World, flowers, plants and trees, Five Elements Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, Dark, Light, or Blade, Spear, Sword, Stick.

blade domineering, arrogant, sturdy, master the attack of Rule of Blade.

And Rule of Sword, sharp, showing off one’s ability.

long spear pays attention to everything, total annihilation.

Different Rule, the method rendered by strength will be different.

So there are many Rule in World, and Rule of Dream, Destiny Rule, Karma Rule, Samsara Rule, Nirvana Rule, Rule of Sentiment, Poison Rule, Death Rule, Life Rule, Summoning Rule, Faith Rule …

Now, I don’t know how many great characters, Divine Realm’s powerhouse, are paying attention to everything here.

Little Fei’s father dumbstruck. Is it so serious?

“Divine Supreme of Devouring, this time with the thought of killing Chen Qi, and Chen Qi is actually the Slaughter King reincarnation, this thing is not so simple. Antiquity Slaughterous King and Divine Supreme of Devouring once fought and was cut off by Slaughterous King One arm, hatred is still in the heart. Although so many years have passed, old man is certain that Chen Qi hit the Divine Supreme of Devouring this time, nine deaths and still alive. “

In the past, Divine Supreme of Devouring was not alive. His battle strength was superior, divinities were strong, and it was extremely unpleasant to see Slaughter King, because Slaughter King killed his brother, Sword Dao Divine Supreme.

At first, Slaughterous King was promoted too fast, beheaded Divine Supreme, how long did it take to not at all, and Divine Supreme of Devouring was learning about Rule Xuan, and when the response came, Sword Dao Rule Divine Lord had been killed.

Sword Dao Divine Supreme and Divine Supreme of Devouring are powerhouses on a ship. Brother was killed and he naturally flew into a rage out of humiliation. I felt Slaughterous King did not take him seriously.

2 people battled, but Divine Supreme of Devouring almost died in the hands of Slaughterous King, which is now Chen Qi.

“If you think this is just a simple battle, you are wrong.”

Old Man Ba ​​Ke solemnly said, “No one can save Chen Qi this time, because Divine Supreme of Devouring, in order to avenge and kill Slaughterous King, has already cooperated with Divine Supreme of Strength, Divine Supreme of Time, Divine Supreme of Soul, Divine Supreme of Water secretly united.

This time, if these masters Divine Ability killed Chen Qi, they would not have come forward, but if they could not kill them, the consequences can be imagined, these Divine Supreme would come out and kill Chen Qi in the bud. “

“How can this happen, Grandfather Ba Ke, then Chen Qi must die?”

Little Feifei’s eye circles are red. This is just the moment I meet. Is Big Brother Chen Qi dying?

So many Divine Supreme has to deal with Chen Qi, a little girl of the age of Little Feifei, also understands the sinisterness and it is almost difficult to survive.

“Maybe, you know, this young man is not an ordinary person. He is the Antiquity Slaughterous King, who killed Divine Supreme with Divine Lord strength. It is a generation of Legendary, a generation that makes all Divine Supreme awe.”

Ba Ke said, “Even if grandfather is in front of this person, it is just a mole cricket and ants. Now that he is facing such a strong enemy, grandfather must be of no help, it depends on his fortune.”

“Little Feifei, it will be fine.”

Little Feifei’s father saw that Little Feifei was so worried, and he could not help shaking one’s head.

The atmosphere at the scene was relatively depressing. Countless people knew that Chen Qi’s ending was not very good. Divine Lord of countless Foreign Space also watched and was not optimistic about Chen Qi.


Chen Qi was trying to communicate with Devouring Source Space, but found out that suddenly his communication channel, a connection in the middle of it, was just when he broke through the Divine Lord, and suddenly … disconnected.

“What is going on?”

Without a communication channel, he cannot connect with Devouring Source Space, and his Divine Lord cannot be promoted at all.

This meant that he immediately promoted Divine Lord to skyrocketing strength, and there was no bargaining chip against these people.

“Not good !”

The rays of light on the sky Chen Qi shrank, and the developing rays of light diminished. The blind eye can see that Chen Qi’s promotion failed.

Old Ancestor Suoluo scolded the goddamn, and he should not say that Chen Qi is the Slaughterous King reincarnation. As a result, the entire Divine Realm now knows this news, and the Divine Supreme of Devouring must be understood.

How could a Divine Supreme watch a threatening person grow up, he would inevitably do a full-strength interception and kill Chen Qi.

If Chen Qi can’t break through and face such a strong enemy, they will not be the opponent at all.

“Are we the Antiquity Divinity Young Master just about to break through, are we going to run into unexpected events?”

Suoluo, all the other members of the Antiquity Divinity Race are dumbfounded, and I hate these Devouring Divine Lord each and everyone is too overbearing. A Divine Emperor breaks through the Divine Lord, and so many people stop it, leaving no way for life.

The situation now is that Chen Qi wants to be in the upper ranks, but those who have great power are struggling one after another. Without Chen Qi approaching the center of rights, it is impossible for him to master the qualification to possess the Devouring Rule.

“Hahahaha, are you stupid?”

“I see how arrogant you are now. Wait for death.”

“Increase strength and kill it.”

Wei Cheng laughed wildly with a group of Divine Lord. Knowing this must have been cut off by their Divine Supreme of Devouring. The rays of light on Chen Qi’s body were obviously weakened, and the imposing manner faded. There is no rising phenomenon just now.

The people at Huaxia Corps, Little Tortoise and Little Chicken all matched.

Little Tortoise was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, constantly grinding his teeth in place.

What to do, what to do, so many Divine Lord, how do they deal with Boss?

The light barrier of Chen Qi’s body surface began to shrink and shatter under these people’s onslaught.

“Little bastard, this time I seized the opportunity, can still get you up? Dreaming! This Eminence will not kill you, this time you will never be born again, it is not Divine Supreme!”

Deep in Space, a tall and sturdy man wearing a black robe, prestige like a prison, gaze as if a torch, has an aquiline nose beam, has long narrow eyes and shines brightly.

Especially the boiling of the breath, almost controlling the strength of the entire Devouring Rule Source, and rotating around his body. Generally, Divine Lord will be unstable when standing in front of him, and he can shatter Divine Lord soul with a single drunk.

Because he is Divine Supreme, strength overflowing heaven. It is the great character in Divine Realm, Divine Supreme of Devouring!

“At that time, I broke your arm. This Eminence will not let you go. I will let you know that you were terrible and died in my hands.” The man hated. This hatred he kept in mind.

When everyone was not optimistic about Chen Qi, and Devouring Lineage Divine Lord was proud, Chen Qi turned his eyes, but sneered, “You think that if you cut off the connection, I will be killed by you? Really whimsical!”

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