But at the moment of the attack, Chen Qi looked utterly innocent, and showed the Slaughterous King Sword tenth style.

And blessed 8 times berserk.

Chen Qi is surrounded by Sword Qi, sweeping 10 million li mountain and rivers, sweeping the world, sweeping the world, Sword Qi erupting from his body can hardly look straight.

Vacuum Severing Dao Samadhi Sword!

At this moment, Chen Qi’s mind entered a vacuum state, without a sense of self, all living things phaseless, everything in the World disappeared, Void was born with an overflowing heaven giant sword, Sword Qi’s ice cold, tearing the space, there was a An imposing manner that pierces Heaven.

Chen Qi disappeared, and all his breath was integrated into the sword.

Facing the powerful attack of Divine Supreme of Devouring, Chen Qi has merged the memory of the Slaughter King, performed this move very easy, and entered the ethereal state with only one sharp sword left.

“It’s Slaughterous King tenth style, my God, this is the sword of the Antiquity Slaughterous King beheading Divine Supreme, and it was actually exhibited by Chen Qi.”

“This is a trick he originally created. It is very powerful.”

Everyone saw Chen Qi disappeared and disappeared. When the sharp sword was empty, it suddenly chopped out, like the light of a universe, piercing a vacuum.

Divine Supreme of Devouring’s attack touched it, collapsed directly, and penetrated a huge hole.

This sword was so fast that it appeared directly in front of Divine Supreme of Devouring, and was about to penetrate his chest.

However, Divine Supreme of Devouring seems to have been expected, and the hands are suddenly printed. The Devouring Rule boundless spray from Source World is in front of it, forming a huge Black Hole.

This is a trick that Divine Supreme of Devouring has been studying for a long time to resist Slaughterous King, and it can instantly produce layers of Black Hole.

This is not a Black Hole, but thousands upon thousands of Black Holes superimposed together. Any attack can be absorbed and it is Absolute Defense.

Normally Divine Supreme cannot break his defense.


The two sides met and the light beam exploded, and Chen Qi’s word was not able to split, his silhouette appeared.

“In order to resist you from this move, this Eminence researched this secret art instead of 2 days a day. I have taught you about this move before, and cut off my arm, how could I not be guarded.”

Divine Supreme of Devouring said with a sneer.

Indeed, at the time Slaughter King performed this move and almost killed him. Divine Supreme of Devouring In order to prevent Slaughter King from being beheaded by this move again, painstaking research, it can give birth to 10000 Black Hole devouring forces in an instant, absorb everything , No matter how strong your attack is, you can resist it.

“Resist you this move, you are not qualified to fight me.”

Divine Supreme of Devouring keeps attacking, and the whole Heaven and Earth is only his silhouette.

Ray of Devouring blooms, spinning around, and even the Black Hole erupts and hits Chen Qi, trying to absorb him and hang him.

Plundering Technique!

Countless cyclones were born in Chen Qi surroundings against those Black Holes.

These cyclones are not devouring Rule Power, they are a kind of cyclone that tears the air, Chen Qi has always been skillful.

Now, as long as he communicates the Devouring Rule, Divine Supreme of Devouring will cut off this connection strength.

Chen Qi can’t communicate, but his own Devouring Rule is still there, but it has been weakened infinitely.

Devouring Rule is close to Divine Supreme of Devouring, there will be a feeling that the soldier encounters General, and the strength is weakened.

But this cyclone is different, because it is not Rule Power, it is another kind of strength.

The countless Black Hole touched up and exploded in 4 places. Although Chen Qi’s resistance became difficult, it was not mastered by Divine Supreme of Devouring.

“What secret art is this, it radiates suction, but it is not the Devouring Rule. Interesting.”

Divine Supreme of Devouring seemed very unexpected. He increased the strength. Suddenly he slammed suddenly. Chen Qi all around Space collapsed and turned into Devouring Source Space World.

He landed the devouring space here, completely broken, and boundless devouring strength around Chen Qi, tearing his body.

Chen Qi Antiquity Divinity Body could not bear it, and it burst again.

Everyone could see that Chen Qi was a bit of a sign of defeat.

“We have no enemies that Sir can’t handle, Chen Qi dying.”

“Well, our Divine Supreme of Devouring is very powerful, and it is naturally not a problem to kill Chen Qi. This time he fled at cataclysm.”

Divine Lord of each and everyone Devouring Lineage is all complexion surprises. In the distance, the Hong Family people each took the pleasure of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

Divine Lord in other Spaces also thinks Chen Qi seems to be dying.

After all, it is Divine Supreme who has mastered the entire Devouring Rule lineage. Chen Qi has just restored the memory of Slaughterous King. The memory has not yet been perfectly integrated. It must be a little rusty, and there is a gap in the displayed strength.

But next moment, Chen Qi suddenly both eyes burst out, “Since I am the Slaughterous King, the best is naturally Sword Dao secret art. My previous life is Sword Dao Divine Supreme. In this case, I am re- mastering Sword Dao secret art. Now. “

Chen Qi thought secretly that he suddenly found out the controlling Sword Dao Rule mysterious in Slaughterous King soul, and exploded trillion Sword Qi, and in a haze, Chen Qi felt a strong breath full of Sword Dao Rule.

Sword Dao Source World, vast boundless, Rule runs everywhere.

Chen Qi was thinking, all of a sudden, the Sword Dao Rule Power from the depth of Space emerged, tearing Space, and coming to Chen Qi all around was absorbed by him.

A piece of Chen Qi palm gives birth to a 10 million li atmospheric vortex, a horrible Rule descends like a great waves sea, and a Myriad Layered Sea 1000 heavy wave enters his body.


Berserk’s Sword Dao Rule entered within the body, such as fingertips. During his absorption process, Chen Qi continuously shot back to fight against Divine Supreme of Devouring. Although his body was fragmenting, his breath kept rising.

And in an instant, Chen Qi point a finger, Time Rule Power will surround the Time Acceleration of his.

Immediately, the time around all around slowed down. Where he was, Time Flow Speed ​​had reached ten times.

A breath is equivalent to the amount of Rule for ten breaths.

At the speed of Chen Qi’s absorption, Divine Lord can be sucked into a dead body in one breath. At this moment, the breath is constantly rising.

A breath of Sword Dao Divine Lord emerged.

This is his original cultivation base, not to mention just being promoted to Sword Dao Divine Lord.


No one is blocking this promotion, because Sword Dao Divine Supreme has not been born for so many years, and those Sword Dao Great Perfection Divinity, Divine Lord, are not qualified to cut off the communication between Chen Qi and Sword Dao Rule.

Even if there is Sword Dao Divine Supreme, it can’t be stopped. He has too many Sword Qi in his Slaughterous King soul. What Chen Qi needs is time integration. As long as he gives him some time, he will play the best of Slaughterous King Sword.

With Chen Qi’s method, delaying for some time is no problem.

But now he has saved even the delay. Sword Dao didn’t have Divine Supreme, Chen Qi absorbed it madly, and promoted Lesser Divinity directly.

No one is stopping at this time, and those Rule Divine Lords from Sword Dao are watching everything here in a Foreign Space at the moment, but they dare not shoot.

Chen Qi’s strength can compete with Divine Supreme. They went up as courting death.

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