“We are worse than anyone who can kill this Touch Dragon Divinity, and whoever can kill it last, the benefits are huge. It is better that we shot together, and whoever finally kills this Touch Dragon Divinity, the Touch Dragon Divinity corpse belongs to Who, how, this way is more powerful. “

Zhao Ying grinned with a smile.

“Ge ge, a few beautiful men discuss together, how can I have less Feng Die?”

Suddenly, a ‘beauty’ with an oversized breast flew over from a distance.

The woman had a duck’s beak, cross-eyed eyes, and a mole-sized mole under her nose. Wearing a green long skirt, his body was walking around Void, and it seemed to be deliberately displayed. The huge breasts were undulating, and the audience was immovable.

“I’m a beautiful girl who has joined you in the big men’s camp. It should be enough. Ge ge.”

The woman Feng Die covered her own duck’s mouth with thick fingers, and her cross-eyed eyes made herself a beautiful smile, pretending to be ashamed, and blinked at Zhao Ying.

“Pu chi! ”

Chen Qi took a sip of wine and fell down.

Sitting in the distance at the Imperial Palace pavilion, tilting one leg over the other, while tasting Chen Qi of wine, he suddenly noticed Feng Die in the distance, and saw the woman’s thick fingers covering the duck’s beak. Zhao Ying blinked the expression, and immediately pu chi sipped wine in his throat, almost not choking.

“Scared Laozi.”

Chen Qi flushed, it took a long time to slowly recover.

At the top of another palace, Little Tortoise’s smoky 7-knob smoked white smoke and fell to the ground.

Zhao Ying was blinked by Feng Die’s cross-eyes, complexion deathly pale, and embarrassed, “Feng Die, as the first genius of Sky Immortal Sect, naturally has this qualification.”

“Ge ge.” Seeing the weird expressions of the few people in front of him, Feng Die thought that they were shocked by their charm and could not help being more confident. The laughing flower branch trembled, a pair of cross-eyed eyes stared at Zhao Ying, his chest undulating.

Your uncle, can’t you look at me like that?

Zhao Ying laughed awkwardly, but in his heart he scolded Feng Die countless times.

Zhao Ying as the first genius of Big Dipper Sect, I do n’t know how many beauties surround him. Normally, for cultivation, although he has the thoughts in this respect, he tried to suppress them, and made himself go further along the cultivation, that many beauties Zhao Ying didn’t fancy it, not to mention the ugly Feng Die, but this woman has a strong self-confidence, is the first genius of the Sky Immortal Sect door, but nobody said anything.

But face to face, seeing this narcissistic woman, Zhao Ying got up all over goosebumps, and her belly was tumbling. But with his personality, he wouldn’t say it. Only awkward laughed. Perfunctory.

After everyone agreed, all of them attacked Touch Dragon Divinity together. Suddenly, the 4 Great Ascension Stage was about to emerge from the beast Immortal generation Heavens Chosen, with a terrifying attack on their bodies, a powerful atmosphere permeating the circleference number hundred li, and the voice of sky cry crying, and everyone showed their strength.

The four silhouettes are breathtaking, but Zhao Ying has intentionally or unintentionally distanced himself from Feng Die. Looking at the confident smile Zhao Ying is really uncomfortable.

However, the Feng Die’s strength is not worse than them. A lot of lotus flower emerges from her body and rotates around her body. Together with Yao Xuelan’s lineage, she has obtained the secret art inheritance of Sky Immortal Sect and powerful formidable power.

It’s just that the multi-colored lotus flower is surrounded by Feng Die surroundings. The beautiful lotus flower shows a sharp contrast with her face, which makes people can’t bear to look straight at it. Even Zhou Yi can’t stand it, and hurry away.

“Ge ge, do you guys look at Feng Die so beautifully, you can’t stand it? It’s okay, you like me and I can pursue me. Maybe they can easily agree.”

Feng Die’s male duck voice came from the side again, and the shocking man’s complexion was ugly.

Chen Qi complexion Green for a while, red for a while, his body trembling slightly, fist squeezed tightly, really want to say something to you, growl past, but people are not vengeful to you, Chen Qi is a very reasonable person.

Hong long long !

Playing heaven-shaking, earth-shattering in the distance, Touch Dragon Divinity’s poison qi is very corrosive, and the body is hard. Even the genius of Four Great Sects can’t deal with it all at once. This battle lasted for one day and one night, and there were more and more people in surroundings. At noon on the 2nd day, the family genius who watched in the distance couldn’t help it.

A young man with a thick appearance and surrounded by thunder and lightning, thunder and lightning bloomed all over his body, and flew into the sky to join the battle.

This person is a genius disciple of the Eastern Domain Great Aristocratic Family Lei Family, named thunder rolls, cultivation family Thunder Attribute cultivation technique, and thunder and lightning of the crackle and rattle shining between the body movements, full of beerserk feeling. He is also a genius in the Great Ascension Stage.

With a long howl, this tall and sturdy youth was full of white thunder and lightning, a stout several dozen meters thunder and lightning was caught in his hands and thrown away, the poison qi venom wherever he passed was disintegrated and hit Touch Dragon Divinity The body made the sound of crackle and rattle. Although it did not cause damage to Three Eyes Touch Dragon Divinity, it made Touch Dragon Divinity howl.

At this point, a group of people were standing on Void, over a distance in the mountain range.

The first person is a middle-aged man with a thick prestige, a square face with thick eyebrows, a generous figure, and standing on the Void both eyes. The essence of his own strength has reached a terrible level, far surpasses the genius characters of the Great Ascension Stage.

His eyes, even if he only looked at one another, made him feel the body and mind trembles, as if he were seeing a fairy.

This group of 100 people is the Eastern Domain Great Aristocratic Family, Nangong Family. The status is as prominent as Four Great Sects. This man is the Patriarch of Nangong Family, Nangong Chen, and there are 7 or 8 genius of Nangong Family beside him. There is also a figureure girl, wearing a white clothed, beautiful woman. It is Nangong Yue’er.

At this moment Yue’er was looking at the silhouette of Chen Qi at 4 places. She knew that Imperial Palace of Huaxia Dynasty was not far away. Both eyes have the color of expectation, and want to see Chen Qi.

This scene was seen by Nangong Chen. Nangong Chen said: “Yue’er, you ca n’t be stupid. Although Chen Qi innate talent is high, after all, it is a hairy brat. If you compare it to Heavens Chosen youth on these sects, if You really like his words, unless his strength surpasses these sect genius, or if he is involved in my Nangong Family, otherwise he will not agree. “

Nangong Chen knows that Nangong Yue’er has a fondness for Chen Qi.

I have been feeling unhappy since I went back last time. After being informed by Nangong Chen, I found out that Nangong Yue’er saw a brat called Chen Qi.

After many investigations, he learned that Chen Qi is still a good teenager with innate talent. He is not only proficient in pill refining, but also very strong in strength, but it is said that Chen Qi became Emperor, which is obviously a craving for worldly affairs heart. move.

In Nangong Chen’s eyes, there is still no future for these sect genius.

This time, he also came to see who was so fascinated by his daughter.

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