This person is Darkness Physique, both eyes pitch-black, but the eyebrow eyes are red, just appeared, all around countless Hell, Tongue Ripping Hell, Lava Hell, Blade Mountains Hell, all emerged, a force of horrible evil swept through After that, Space was swallowed up.

“Great Divinity of Hell, kill this stupid Human Race in front of you, he is blaspheming you.”

“Kill him, this kind of offended Divinity is punished.”

The countless man immediately fell on his knees and was extremely respectful. I shivered on the ground, greeted their god.

In their opinion, Chen Qi angered their Spiritual Divinity and was punished and killed. Soul would be thrown into Hell to suffer torture forever. This is the price he paid to offend Divinity of Hell.

Chen Qi can see that this body is just an avatar, not a true body at all. It is generally strong to a level. If there is no other important thing, it is basically to learn the higher nature in Rule Space. Some retreats As long as 10000 years, it rarely comes out.

Chen Qi estimates that this Evil Divinity avatar is just a projection of some true body consciousness. strength is not too strong.

Even so, Chen Qi was frightened.

This Hell avatar, holding a huge 3 fork in hand, sprays of Light of Darkness, which spreads a Power of Death, one after another assaults the senses of death, contaminated with Chen Qi, if it did not break through Divine Lord’s Chen Qi, will certainly be contaminated by this Power of Death, and the soul of the body will decay and degenerate.

This strength of strength has even surpassed the strength of Divine Supreme of Devouring.

An avatar is so powerful, it seems that Hell Evil Divinity is not a small person. There is much to come.

But who is Chen Qi? No one dare not provoke it, immediately took out Sun and Moon Divine Sword, Divine Supreme Artifact, and the word was beheaded, and a strong unrolled bolt of white silk was drawn.

The believers of Evil Divinity originally thought that Chen Qi was going to be killed by their god. Unfortunately, Chen Qi sword went up and directly disintegrated the blow, killing this dark silhouette by 2 and a half, lying on the ground on the spot. , Smoking all over, seems to be condense, but also angry that he was actually hurt by Chen Qi.

A roaring force surged, this silhouette again appeared, 3 eyes of red light permeated, “Very well, your strength is very good, I give you a chance to become a faithful slave of this Divinity, hand over your soul, Be part of Evil Divinity, I won’t kill you, if you don’t, I will let you know, what is Hell Evil Divinity! “

The man said, “Do you know how many people want to be my slaves? Being my slaves is not the same as those kneeling on the ground. You can get the strength of my true body and become very powerful. I can see that you It ’s Divine Lord, but in this World, Divine Lord is just the beginning. Any powerhouse above can kill you if you come out. Do you think that Divine Lord can be moved to move unhindered in the whole world? ?

Really a joke, I can see that you have this mentality, but unfortunately your vision is too small, this Eminence has lived for 1 billion years, and the powerhouses I have seen are so many, and the Universe Realm World I have seen is even more like crossing the river. .

And you, but you have made a small achievement in this World, but you do n’t know that the World outside this is beyond your imagination. This Eminence is so powerful, and you do n’t have the confidence to defeat anyone. Everything is careful, even more how you a Divine Lord.

By the way, I forgot to tell you brat that this Eminence is a Hell Ruler, a Spiritual Divinity that you can’t imagine. How, you’re not a slave to this Eminence. this Eminence can make your strength soar even more! “

“Let me be your slave. Your dream is very good. You, my slave, Laozi, have to think about it, courting death.”

Chen Qi didn’t care.

“Impudent! Dog thing, this Eminence deserves you and really treats itself like a joke.”

This avatar shadow is roaring, the complexion is extremely rampant, and suddenly palm again, myriad Hell vents and turns into a spirit storm, countless black wind blows across the earth, this black wind carries soul storm, which is Divine Supreme accidentally In the stroke, it may also hurt soul. Formidable power can blow countless Foreign Dimension Space.

A sword light, as if nothing was cut, immediately appeared in front of it, tearing it all apart, splitting avatar again in half.

Chen Qi grabbed his hands and brought out Nothingness Demon. It just appeared and turned into a Demon Qi rolling Great Demon. Opening a big mouth, he devouring the Evil Divinity and Divine Ability measure into his mouth, and sent a scream, but to no avail. , Quickly merged by Nothingness Demon, strangled clean.

But before the man disappeared, he calmed down abnormally, leaving a sentence, “I will kill you!”

“The only person who can kill me is myself.”

Chen Qi annihilated this person, but was thinking in his heart. What this person said just now, he does not deny that this is true, but can Chen Qi not know? As a Slaughterous King in his previous life, he experienced a lot of things, knowing that this World is big.

But that’s why Chen Qi wants to be a stronger person.

Throughout the cultivation process, although endless, he believes that there is a Peak, but few people can reach it.

The Slaughterous King of the previous life is a cultivation madness, which coincides with the memory of Chen Qi now, and further strengthens Chen Qi’s cultivation road.

“Dead? Are we Evil Divinity dead?”

“Impossible, how could it be.”

“No … we run away, this person strength is too strong.”

Those people were lying on the ground, and all stood up at this moment, panicked. The powerful god in their hearts was defeated. Although this is just an avatar, Chen Qi strength is too scary.

“None want to leave.”

A light is thrown from the depths of the sky, Light Rule, to dispel the misunderstanding of darkness, all evils will disappear without trace, their existence, their soul and body are evil breaths, illuminated by this pure Holy Land, immediately risked There were sooty smoke, screams of misery, rolling all over the ground, and his complexion, all purified to nothingness.

Even the souls of filth, greed, and slaughter are cleaned up.

Everything, under the Chen Qi Light Rule, all turned into ashes. These evil and cruel believers were all cleansed, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, turned into a plume of blue smoke and disappeared in this world, leaving no trace of dust. under.

“We are saved.”

“God, thank you so much.”

“Yeah, without you, we would be dead now.”

each and everyone The arrested common people, men, women, young and old, are lying in front of Chen Qi at the moment, constantly hoeing, complexion excited, they know that Chen Qi is different from them, Chen Qi is not an evil believer, but a good person.

They thought that they were about to die just now, and they were reborn at this moment, each with a happy look. Chen Qi waved his hand. It’s better to leave quickly. “

“Thanks so much for Spiritual Divinity. I don’t know the name of this Divine Venerable. Although we can’t repay it, we are willing to give our heart to you as your loyal believer and provide you with Power of Faith.”

Groups of common people are grateful.

Power of Faith?

Chen Qi didn’t expect these people to think so, but also, in Western Continent, many Spiritual Divinity cultivation must gather Power of Faith, Evil Divinity, and Justice Spiritual Divinity. For these ordinary people, For better help, faith a formidable Spiritual Divinity is a good choice.

Of course, Chen Qi not at all cultivation is a Power of Faith’s cultivation technique, so for him, at least for now, it is dispensable.

“No, you go.”

Chen Qi not at all accepted, but Power of Faith who could still feel a strand of soul passed from these people into the depth of his soul, it seemed to increase his strength.

For Chen Qi, he didn’t care about the strength of the salary. These people were grateful and left here. Chen Qi continued to hurry, but there were many places of this kind of Evil Divinity followers he saw along the way.

It was bloody along the way, and even some Evil Divinity devotees in some villages, Divine City, were looting and crime, and the city was crying.

Obviously, that evil Hell Ruler has some action now, and wants to strengthen his strength, more and more believers are expanded, in order to get strength, people have invested in arms of Divinity.

There is also such a person in a giant great city pool in front. Each and everyone missionary, wearing a blood red robe, with a thin and slender complexion, has a Hell pattern on the robe, which represents the symbol of Divinity of Hell, who If you don’t want to obey, kill them, and make them the object of sacrifice.

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