“Hahaha, Divine Supreme of Gravity, I also cultivate Gravity Rule, you are an item of great nourishment, I originally wanted to make you a dog, but after thinking about it, I still suck you, let you soul flies away and scatters, let You can’t even do a dog. Give me a suck! “

The cyclone in the palm of his hand has swelled like never before, almost instantly, his Divine Spark appeared cracks, and at the moment people around him were attacking Chen Qi.

However, with a big wave of Chen Qi, a breath of Space-Time was filled with them. Their attack first weakened in his Space-Time light screen, and the attack reached Chen Qi. Chen Qi could completely resist it.

Chen Qi within the body flows Royal Family Antiquity Divinity Bloodline, and now it is about to become 8-Stars Antiquity Divinity. The body Water-Fire does not invade, and can be reunited even if destroyed. Unless it can hurt his soul, he wants to kill. He, that is 10000 difficult.

But Chen Qi ’s soul is also very strong, and Little Hei has become a black cat-like form on top of Chen Qi ’s head, and all soul attacks can be offset by him, whether it is a flushy body or soul, Chen Qi is at the moment Have reached a very scary point.

Chen Qi is not afraid of any Divine Supreme at all. Except that the Great Perfection Divine Supreme threatens him a little, what is the Upper Divine Supreme?

“Dead to Laozi.”

Chen Qi fiercely grabbed again, one after another Gravity Rule rippled into Chen Qi within the body, letting him within the body filled with Rule Power, the man Rule Divine Spark shrank and burst in the eyes of fear.

Seeing Divine Spark and once broken, Divine Supreme Spark is not guaranteed, he will drop the altar is not Divine Supreme, and lose the ability to communicate with Rule Source World and become an ordinary person.

Divine Supreme of Gravity was frightened, and he quickly exclaimed, “Chen Qi, no, stop, stop fast, I would rather be your lieutenant, not … when you are a dog, you 10000000 don’t let me lose my cultivation base!”

“Dream. Don’t you dare to shoot at me, don’t you know, Laozi killed you.”

Chen Qi continues to absorb, and within a short time, this Divine Spark of Divine Supreme of Gravity is reduced to ashes, and the pure strength has all entered into Chen Qi’s within the body.

His Gravity Rule has reached an extremely terrifying level.

The body was originally huge, exuding a heavy breath, and shocked the audience.

All around Space suddenly increased. Those Divine Supreme attacks came down and all of them were biased. Just now, the Divine Supreme of Gravity ’s gravity was only blessed by Chen Qi. These Divine Supreme were not affected. Now Chen Qi controls the Gravity Rule. These People become easier to deal with.

Of course, Chen Qi transformed a lot of energy in the process of absorbing the Rule. What is really within his body is pure energy, which can be used by him, and the rest are consumed.

His Gravity Rule just broke through to the point of Divine Lord. And in an instant, it reached Middle Divine Lord.


Suddenly stomped, Void trembled, and I saw a trace of gravity crushing and crushing the Space and hitting those Divine Supremes. Divine Supreme’s body suddenly fell several dozen meters. Chen Qi put it away, and these Divine Supreme did not know what to do. How to attack, always prevent Chen Qi’s change in gravity.

For example, fist strikes Chen Qi. Suddenly gravity was withdrawn. This fist swept past Chen Qi’s head and could not hurt him at all. Chen Qi was as thick as a mountain, as if united with Void, it was difficult to shake.

“kill him!”

The Divine Supreme saw the Divine Supreme of Gravity killed, and immediately launched a crazy attack. Unfortunately, Chen Qi flew directly to catch the middle-aged man who just spoke. He was also a Divine Supreme, and pinched him with 5 fingers. The explosion of his head pinched.

The soul was devouring by Little Hei, his Divine Spark was captured by Chen Qi, and he was still in the storage ring. This person, Rule Chen Qi, kept the cultivation base that could improve other people, but he didn’t need it.

Universe Rule 1000 10000000, too many, it is impossible to cultivate each one, only the powerful absorption can be selected.


Another Divine Supreme man attacked and was exploded by Chen Qi’s backhand palm. This Divine Lord recovered his body and looked dumbstruck. Chen Qi was like the Battle Divinity of above the Nine Heavens, which made them feel desperate and too strong. Already.

“You.” Chen Qi pointed to the Divine Supreme, said with a smile, “Become my dog.”

“Do not!”

The man sent out a desperate roar, but Chen Qi performed the Samsara Dog Life Technique, and a rays of light shot into the person’s mind immediately, destroying all his memories.

But to Chen Qi’s surprise, the soul of this Divine Supreme is so vast and powerful that he can hardly disintegrate for a while.

“I’m fine?”

The man was overjoyed, “Chen Qi, I am, after all, Supreme Supreme, and the soul is powerful. I am afraid that your soul, Soul Power, is not enough to hurt me.”

The man was sighed in relief, using the time of the crowd to attack Chen Qi, he was about to run away.

Chen Qi suddenly grabbed Little Hei and dumped it. “Little Hei, break his soul to me.”

“Okay Master. Look at me Little Hei.”

Little Hei turned into a black line, it was extremely fast, and ignored all the energy attacks, and entered the soul of the man. It was originally a small volume, which swelled in his mind, turned into Devil’s face, and his mouth was in the soul sea. Eat his memory of Chinese food, smashed 4 places.

This Divine Supreme keeps screaming and crying to make him rescue, but no one can save this soul attack. This is a battle in his own Sea of ​​Consciousness. If his soul is not strong enough, he can easily be killed. Off. No one can help him.

The man quickly looked faint, Chen Qi next moment appeared in front of him again, grabbed his throat and lifted him up, both eyes flashed a red light, and Samsara Dog Life Technique was performed with his eyes. At the moment, the man fell.

The dog’s life-long memory entered his mind and brewed, and soon his eyes dissipated, and the dog’s eyes aroused, looking at Chen Qi, only loyal and cheerful, “woof woof, Master.”

“Hahaha, okay, dog, come here and fight with your Master.”

“Good Master, together we can’t let these bad guys hurt the Master. Woof woof, woof woof woof.”

The man turned into a dirt dog, yelling at all around beside Chen Qi.

Chen Qi Dogs now have eight-nine. Glare like a tiger watching his prey.

Hong long!

Chen Qi used this move to turn another Divine Supreme into a dog. Once such a dog is formed, it is extremely powerful. It’s hardly different from the strength of life.

“Not good, let’s run away, this person is not our opponent. We want his things, but he wants to turn us all into his pets. How can this be done, Laozi quits, and withdraws first.”

A Divine Supreme suddenly moved towards the distance, flying a long distance, but he was useless as fast as he could.

Chen Qi Space-Time turned into a big hand, pulled him back, and a sudden shock, Little Hei entered his soul meal, and soon the person bloomed rays of light and became a native dog. There is a ten on his eyebrow. It means that he has become the tenth dog.

“Hahaha, cool, so cool, Divine Supreme has become my pet, and I see how many of you today want to shoot at me, all become dogs, rest assured that I will treat you well. Dogs, come together. “

“Woof woof, woof woof woof.”

The countless dogs yelled cheerfully and fought with their Master. All those who wanted to escape were captured by Chen Qi. each and everyone becomes a dog.

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