“what happened?”

“We Nine Thunders Sect was attacked by Monster Beast, and we will go back to support it.” Yang Tao expression grave, too late to say anything to Chen Qi, thank you and leave.

“Brat, you go, don’t stay here, this circumference Monster Beast riot, accidentally you will die miserably.”

A female disciple came out and said, “Senior Brother Yang can save you once, but it doesn’t mean you can save you twice. Hello, let’s do it for ourselves, let’s go.”

“I’m fine anyway. If you have any difficulties, I can solve them at any time. Anyway, I’m going to go deep in the continent, let’s go together.”

Chen Qi said with a smile.

“Pu! You? Brat, are you joking? You can solve it on the fly, I ca n’t say that I ’m a dignified Divine Venerable Elder, and you can survive this riot. Are you brat too arrogant and conceited?”

The woman frowned, and almost smiled, “Forget it, I do n’t have time to talk to you. I ’m not happy with you The embarrassing and magnificent group of earthworms, especially the huang huangfu, also hurriedly hurried the bad strontium, the strontium tube lied, the vain, and the stunned pedal!

The woman seemed to explain something at Yang Tao, but now she does not want to talk nonsense with Chen Qi in an emergency.

And Yang Tao thought about it. Although Chen Qi has strong strength, those Monster Beasts may be Divine Emperor. Chen Qi has saved his life and cannot let him take risks.

This is a matter of their own sect and can only be resolved by them. He arched his hand and hurried back immediately. complexion anxious.

“This group of idiots, I don’t know how powerful you are, Master. Go, wave your hands, who can’t be eliminated, hey.”

Little Hei shaking one’s head. It’s sad to see this group of people.

“Anyway, let me see what a riot is.”

Chen Qi Divine Consciousness unfolded, radiating circumference millions li. In his induction, he indeed saw a huge Divine Sect in the depths of continuous, attacked by countless powerful Monster Beast.

These Monster Beasts are both thunder and lightning Monster Beast. They are full of white light and very fierce. Some are like calves, while others are like immemorial giant mountains. They are full of scales. Some are orc faces. Issue a path of thunder and lightning, or red Monster Qi hits the sect’s mountain guard great formation.

This great formation has several consecutive circleferences of millions of li, which is extremely scary. The high-temperature thunder and lightning are reversed on it. If it is contaminated, it will be immediately turned into ashes.

This Divine Sect is a Nine Thunders Divine Sect of Thunderbolt Great Realm World. Among them, the disciple of men and women is as high as 1000000, densely packed all flew out at this moment to resist Monster Beast.

The powerful Elder came out and hunted those leading Monster Beasts. The remaining disciplines urged Divine Power to infuse the formation and maintain the formation’s operation from being broken by Monster Beast. Once broken, they would be in danger. The whole mountain gate will be instant Destroyed clean.

Monster Beasts are countless like locusts, and there is no end in sight, black and dense one piece, each and everyone sends out crazy roar, chooses people to eat, both eyes scarlet.

Countless strong Eldest Disciple, Elder, Supreme Elder, and even the Headmaster are outside to fight against the strong great monster beast. The fierce killings, from time to time, someone falls down and is killed.

Monster Beast within the body Monster Qi is boiling, it seems no worse than their strength. Among them, there are too many Monster Beasts like Divine Venerable powerhouse. The follow-up Monster Beast is continuous, and they ca n’t hold on for a long time.

Chen Qi took a closer look and found that this Nine Thunders Sect was on the edge of the Monster Beast mountain range. Monster Beast attacked the Human Race continent. The first one was passing here. Nine Thunders Sect naturally took the lead and was affected.

And Chen Qi looked at these Monster Beasts. It seemed to have a premeditate, not an ordinary beast tide. With his Divine Consciousness, he found in the depths of the endless Monster Beast Headcounts, countless monsters, the gathering place of Monster Emperor, and Human Race. The presence.

These Human Races are wearing dazzling robes with flashes of light. Looking closely, they are similar to the Thunder Firmament Divine Sect costumes killed by Little Hei before, but these people are Supreme Elder and even a Divine Sect’s Old Ancestor Divine. Emperor Level characters, apparently united to want to attack Nine Thunders Divine Sect.

“Thunder Firmament Headmaster, this time Laozi has helped you a lot, launched a beast tide, dealt with Nine Thunders Divine Sect, and afterwards, remember your commitment.”

A huge human head lion, a human body, but a huge Lion head on the head, is extremely vicious and domineering, walking wildly, is actually a Monster Emperor powerhouse, while speaking, the smell of assaults the senses in the mouth, the smell of vomiting.

All around is the demon lord, there are great snakes, apes and the like, who are in charge of the circumference million li circumference Monster Race territory.

A middle-aged man with a pair of pale whites was heartily laughed, and the headmaster of Thunder Firmament Sect said, “You can rest assured that after the completion of the work, the bloodline of Immemorial Divine Lion, a whole pot, will definitely be served with both hands, this Immemorial Divine Lion, at Antiquity Era, it ’s the Great Divine Beast in the prestige shakes the eight directions, a can of bloodline, which is very powerful for our Human Race Spiritual Divinity, but after all, Human Race is Human Race, and it will greatly absorb the blood of monster blood. Waste the effect.

But you are a Monster Race descendant. This Immemorial Divine Lion bloodline will reach you within the body, which will certainly help you to upgrade a grade of cultivation base, and even inspire you within the body of hidden Antiquity Bloodline. For the sake of strength, this transaction is very cost-effective, and we don’t require much. Just cooperate with us to destroy Nine Thunders Sect and get a copy of Thunder and Lightning Secret Art. “

“En? I do n’t know Thunder Firmament Headmaster, what you call Thunder and Lightning Secret Art of Nine Thunders Divine Sect, I do n’t know which one, the sect that is famous for your specialized cultivation thunder and lightning, can be regarded by you, surely It’s not a leisure cultivation technique. Listen and rest assured, this thing doesn’t help us much. I only need the bloodline. Everything else is yours.

But when Nine Thunders Sect is destroyed, their territory is ours, and their survival disciples will all become slaves of our Monster Race, acting as cattle and horses for us. “

The sound of human head lion robust shook.

“The name of this cultivation technique is very vulgar, but the effect is very strong. It is the Supreme Secret Art of cultivation thunder and lightning. It is said that it is only an incomplete version, but even so, it can be cultivated to Divine Lord Boundary. The name of this cultivation technique is called Acting Cool Divine Art. “

Thunder Firmament Headmaster said solemnly, and complexion was very excited. It seemed to be getting this Divine Art soon, and the performance was very exciting.

“acting cool ?”

Human head lion said for a moment, “Who picked this word, it sounded like garbage secret art, Acting Cool Divine Art?”

human head lion shaking one’s head, disdain, “Your Human Race is really amazing, such a vulgar name, who can think of it, tsk tsk, I don’t want to give this thing to me.”

human head lion laughed heartily, a little disdainful.

“For you? This is our supreme treasure of our cultivation thunder and lightning Spiritual Divinity. What do you know?”

Thunder Firmament Headmaster shaking one’s head, “Do you know what sect was Nine Thunders Sect before? That’s a sect like Thunderbolt Great Realm World Peak. It was born of Divine Lord’s strong great sect. What is it? Acting Cool Divine Art, an incantation method that specializes in cultivation thunder and lightning, can motivate Heavenly Tribulation tempering the body, and can also strengthen the strength of control thunder and lightning. It is the Supreme Divine Art of body and thunder and lightning dual cultivation.

This thing is rumored to have been created by Divine Supreme. “

“Which Divine Supreme?”

Lion frowned, first heard.

“In Divine Realm, Peerless Exploding The Heavens Divine Supreme, who is a friend of Slaughterous King, is said to have fallen. In the past, this Nine Thunders Sect was a secret book that was casually given by Peerless Exploding The Heavens. In the end, it has grown to the current Divine Sect scale, but it is now declining, but it is reported that the secret book is still there. “

“It ’s incomplete, and we get and useless Monster Race. It ’s really bloodline. Inspiring the bloodline can strengthen the physique, and it can sense the existence of Rule, absorb the vitality, and strengthen ourselves. OK, I guess Nine Thunders Sect can’t hold on How much, etc. As long as this Eminence comes out, this sect will be instantly destroyed.

However, this Sect extermination is such a big thing, you are sure that this Nine Thunders Sect does not have any diversity Divine Sect. If you kill any other sect halfway, my Monster Race loses a lot. This Eminence has to increase the stack, at least more bloodline is needed. Row. “

“Rest assured, I investigated. Nine Thunders Divine Sect is no longer the same, but there are a few Old Ancestor Divine Emperor. There is no alliance sect. With my Thunder Firmament Sect and your Monster Race, I will destroy him with no difficulty.

This time, both of us are good, and this Nine Thunders Divine Sect is going to be reduced to ashes, hahaha, it’s really fun. This sect is profound. I do n’t know how many resources magical treasures are hidden. It ’s useful to your Monster Race. It ’s yours. It ’s ours that are useful to us. Is that okay? “

Thunder Firmament Headmaster said with a smile.

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