“What is this special?”

Chen Qi stared at the depths of the front continuously, Divine Consciousness glanced out, surroundings and several Heavenly Venerate accompanied Chen Qi.

There are several azure stones ahead.

“Alliance Lord, this is the Primordial Chaos Stone, but it’s too small.”

A Heavenly Venerate points to the stones in front, those stones are small, and accumulated over the years under the drift of all around countless Primal Chaos Qi and Primordial Chaos Qi.

“Small is a bit small, but there are a lot of stones.”

Chen Qi grabbed his hands, ka-cha, and at least several hundred azure particles caught in his hands and exploded.


On top of that Heavenly Venerate’s Primordial Chaos Stone, Chen Qi Now Primordial Chaos Qi within the body is already very scary.

It was only three days, and suddenly, a strong breath shot out from the body, a breath of High Grade Heavenly Venerate soared from Chen Qi and stirred the circle million li Space. Shocked.

“High Grade Heavenly Venerate, Alliance Lord breaks through High Grade Heavenly Venerate.”

A few Heavenly Venerate’s pupils are dilated, and it feels incredible. The breath of High Grade Heavenly Venerate has reached such a level, terrifying.

The main thing is that this Chen Qi is their Alliance Lord. The stronger he is, the more secure he is to them.

Hong long long.

Chen Qi keeps expanding, and the gas of azure forms a tornado outside the body, sweeping all directions, agitating the Heavenly Venerate of the surroundings to stand unstable, and the daoist robe swings everywhere.

It was only a few days later that this aura calmed down, Chen Qi sat on the Void, all around the wind gradually subsided, Chen Qi both eyes opened, and that gaze seemed to make people die alive.

Extremely scary eyes!

“Congratulations to the Lord Lord for breaking through High Grade Heavenly Venerate, and the strength has increased.”

A group of Heavenly Venerate looked at each other and congratulated them.


Chen Qi nodded, looking at this endless cloud of sea, “I have broken through the High Grade Heavenly Venerate, but this is not enough to fight the Bordering Universe, the Kaite Family and Saar Family, and what Tech Dynasty, if all come to deal with me, but It will be difficult. Tsk tsk. “

Still have to think of a way to save my father. Father is in the hands of the people there, one day will not come out, this heart is uneasy one day, eh?

Chen Qi thought of the scene of meeting his father, his father was thin, and his face was still that face. My father was arrested for Chen Qi. Chen Qi was anxious, but knew it wasn’t something that happened for a while.

“Little White, what can I do to get stronger quickly now. This Primordial Chaos Stone is too few to simply use. It’s difficult to get stronger.”

Chen Qi just said, face changed, “Not good, someone attacked our universe.”


all Heavenly Venerates complexion greatly changed, “Is that the Kaite Family again? Cao, they dare to come? Just happen to Alliance Lord, your strength has gone up and killed them.”

Chen Qi stepped out immediately, and the whole person disappeared into the Void. Within a few steps, he had already reached the outer space of the universe. Through the 1-layer light screen, he saw the Void outside, a huge battleship. Arranged like a locust, it burst into flames and flew over.

“Well, this is not the battleship of the Kaite Family.”

Chen Qi suddenly saw Tang Zichen, the woman on the battleship headed in the distance. Next to him was a young man who had a dignified appearance. This young man carried several thousand battleships, followed by the Kaite Family and Saar Family. They actually came together.

“Tang Zichen, that Chen Qi is in this universe, is that him? Well brat, dare to hit you, I Wu Shao can’t spare him.”

“It is indeed this person.”

Tang Zichen saw Chen Qi in the light screen and looked away from her.

There are many Heavenly Venerate standing behind Chen Qi, wearing blue daoist robe, red daoist robe, white daoist robe, and middle-aged man with long hair, or Heavenly Venerate with golden crown, or Divine Supreme, Divine Lord, all standing behind Chen Qi, at this moment, the silhouette of each and everyone densely packed is flying out of the universe.

All are Chen Qi Heavenly Venerate Alliance’s army, and countless Spiritual Divinity. each and everyone with a murderous intention, staring at the countless battleship ahead, knowing that this is going to be a big battle again, what is so special, this Bordering Universe is really endless, really when we are so bullied?

Many Heavenly Venerate are already angry.

It is also very irritating to be attacked by other influences, not to mention it has been repeated many times. Simply bully intolerably.

Tang Zichen stared at Chen Qi with a sneer. She wouldn’t let go of this hooligan to her. Thinking of Chen Qi kicking her and hitting her chest, she couldn’t get angry.

The handsome man next to her looks like a young man in her 20s who is from Wu Family.

The Wu Family is a large influence family. Battleship does not know how much. It occupies a large territory and is extremely powerful.

The family disciple is 1000000, and this Wu Shao is the tenth Young Master of the Wu Family. Even so, because it is Direct Disciple, it has a very high status in the family. To put it bluntly, it is a rich 2 generation.

You can easily mobilize several thousand battleships, and his strength is extremely powerful, with the universal battle strength of Universe Disciple 1000-Step Peak. Gene energy is powerful.

It is no secret that Wu Shao likes Tang Zichen.

In fact, many people like Tang Zichen, because they are young at a young age, and they are so beautiful and attractive.

The most important thing is that the Tang Zichen family is also a small family. In addition to her own strength and rights, the Tang family is also a great family. If Wu Shao can marry Tang Zichen, he Wu Shao is very much wanted.

Existing beauties can play with them every day, and their status is also improved because of the Tang Zichen family. The more important they are in the family, the more cultivation resources they get.

He had many things to do, so he knew that Tang Zichen had been bullied by a Chen Qi and was very upset. He found Tang Zichen directly and wanted revenge for her.

Tang Zichen originally refused, but thinking of Chen Qi, she was really too angry. In this world, no one dared to kick her Tang Zichen’s ass.

Wu Shao saw Chen Qi in the distance with a touch of disdain.

“Smelly brat, Tang Zichen, my woman, you dare to bully, you don’t want to live? It is said that you are Heavenly Venerate, I am hesitant? Are you paralyzed, so is this Heavenly Venerate?”

Wu Shao looked at Chen Qi without paying any attention to him.

In fact, Universe Disciple level 2 can be comparable to Heavenly Venerate, not to mention that he is 3-Step, so he is not afraid of Chen Qi, nor is he afraid of the army behind him, because who is Wu Shao? But the person who owns the battleship unit will still be afraid of Chen Qi?

That is impossible.

Tang Zichen frowned. Although he did not like Wu Shao’s appellation, it was useless to know it. But thinking that Chen Qi would be sanctioned later, she was very happy.

Only by killing Chen Qi can she wipe out the shame Chen Qi has given her.

“Impudent, this is our Alliance Lord, what are you, dare and scold us, Alliance Lord, do not want to live?”

Heavenly Venerate Zhang Kuang suddenly drank, and saw what bullshit Wu Shao, and I wished that they were shot dead by palm. If it wasn’t for the countless battleship behind them, Zhang Kuang, he rushed up, but why this fuck is too Strong.

“Dog stuff, act recklessly. I think when your grandfather acted cool, you didn’t know which hole to stay in, dumbass.”

Chen Qi laughed, a look at dumbass, then Wu Shao was so angry, “Who do you call dumbass?”

“Whoever answers, who I scold.”


Wu Shao both eyes glared, “I fuck you.”

“Laozi doesn’t see you know who you’re talking to?”

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