“That’s a pity, Chen Qi isn’t ours. I’m afraid such a perfect man is like this, Nangong Yue’er, what do you think?”

A group of women chatted at a wine table, one of them looked at Nangong Yue’er, and Ao Feinuo, Yao Xuelan and the others, and Nangong Yue’er twitched his lips, “They are a couple, what can I do. Only blessing Jiang Xiaomei. “

“Hahaha, Yue’er is jealous.”

“I do not have.”

“I see it all.”

“And Yao Xuelan, Ao Feinuo, I think you all have a sense of jealousy.”

“You bullshit.”

“Hahaha, rest assured, Sir Chen Qi will not forget you.”

“Everyone is married. What do you say?”

“What’s this, a man like Chen Qi is a Universe, a character of Emperor Level. It’s normal for someone like Emperor to order Imperial Concubine.”

“I’m afraid there’s no such person’s status as Imperial Concubine.”

Nangong Yue’er shaking one’s head.

“Well, don’t say anymore, the wedding has begun.”

During the discussion at the scene, suddenly huge heavenly music resounded. In the attention of the trillion people, Chen Qi stood on the spot, and a group of maids behind him took the robe, the phoenix crown, and the beautiful Jiang Xiaomei.

On the top of the seat was the father of Chen Qi ’s Antiquity Divinity Race, and everyone began to saluted and act in accordance with the rules.


Everyone looked at the grand wedding, it was discussedly.

“Tsk tsk, everyone in the universe is here. Is this the biggest wedding in the world?”

“Well, yes, it is.”

“It is estimated that no one’s wedding can exceed this time. After all, Chen Qi is very powerful now, he has this strength and ability.”

Everyone at the scene is discussed spiritedly. And Jiang Xiaomei felt that he was surrounded by happiness, felt Chen Qi’s affection for him, and could not tell what happiness was in his heart, so happy.

myriad girls and women are very envious of Jiang Xiaomei at this moment.

Who doesn’t want a wedding, let alone a wedding in this scene, only once in a lifetime, and in Myriad Realms, this thing can be famous for 1000 years. It is an unprecedented event, and it may not be possible to have such a huge banquet in the future.

“Hahaha, Little Feifei, when are we getting married?”

At this moment on a wine table, Little Tortoise tilted one leg over the other, and his small paws grabbed a piece of fat on the table, eating elated, and a pair of small eyes looked around at the wine table.

He grabbed a piece in his left hand, and grabbed a piece in his right hand. With a mouth full of greasy, Little Feifei next to his ears held Little Tortoise’s ear, “You eat slowly, so many people are watching, can you look better if you eat like this.”

“Well, it hurts, it hurts, Little Feifei, you can do it lightly. Your husband, I just eat more.”

Little Tortoise continued to eat.

Little Feifei rolled the eyes, next to the Little Feifei parents, and Little Tortoise’s parents shaking one’s head, “This child, how old it is, is like a child.”

“Hahaha, Little Tortoise is still a kid, and at our Black Tortoise Race, at such a young age, it is still very young.”

Next to Little Tortoise is a middle-aged man who appears to be the father of Little Tortoise. People at Black Tortoise Race.

They have known each other for a long time. Now sitting together, and the family of Little Feifei seems to be thinking about when the wedding of Little Tortoise and Little Feifei is also done.

However, depending on the age, it can still be over a period of time, and there is no rush.

At the scene, the wedding was held for a long time. With various cumbersome etiquettes, the boiling voice at the scene has continued for a long time. During the wedding, naturally Chen Qi and Jiang Xiaomei became the focus of the audience.

Until the end, the banquet was also held for ten days and ten nights. Everyone got together, but it was very comfortable, especially Earth or Immortal of Lesser Realm, Demon Realm. Great benefits were gained at this party.

Here is Divine Realm.

Divine Realm’s food, whatever you eat and drink, are good things, because this is Chen Qi’s wedding banquet, so after those people eat, for example, some people broke through the cultivation base, increased their skills, and so on.

After having eaten the sick Earth people, they found that they were ill, not only that, they were very smooth. each and everyone is excited and don’t know what to do.

“Eat and drink are Spirit Pill marvelous medicines, which can cure diseases!”

“Really, have I had a heart attack for years?”

“My God, my illness is getting better, it’s incredible.”

Divine Realm’s Spiritual Qi is rich, and the food that grows is Mortal Spirit Pill. Moreover, Chen Qi collected many spiritual medicines in the Universe and mixed them in the wedding feast. The natural effect is out of the ordinary.

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