“Chen Qi, our Elder Wang He from the Wang Family is here, you just wait to die.”

Seeing Elder Wang He here, a group of people looked excited, knowing that they would definitely kill Chen Qi this time.

“Dead? You can’t kill me by virtue of you. Today you have to be prepared to destroy them all, and your Wang Family, what is it?”

Chen Qi is not afraid at all.

“Hehe, little bastard, I have heard of you and killed our Wang Family that many people, you have enough courage, you trifling a Small Universe, really anger us Wang Family, believe it or not Laozi The universe is gone? “

Wang He is a serious bossing, staring at Chen Qi with a scorn of disdain and pride as a Wang Family disciple.

But Chen Qi said with a smile, “I have heard so much, but people who talk to me generally die very early, including you Wang He.”

“Hahahaha, who do you think you are? This is our Elder Wang He, don’t you know? Know what our Elder Wang He is a strength? Much stronger than you, I do n’t know how many powerhouses in our Elder Wang He The arrogance in front of you, who was beheaded by Sword, are you old, waste. “

A woman from Wang Family next to her face with a mouth and face of tart and mean, wearing clothing similar to Earth. Although there are some differences, they are basically more fashionable women’s clothes. While speaking, I respect and respect Elder Wang He. Plus, I wish I could stick it to Elder Wang He.

Looking at Chen Qi’s eyes was a look of contempt. At this time, she was courting Elder Wang He. After all, Wang He’s status in the Wang Family is very prominent. If he can be related to Wang He, the future will be Much better.

People all around Wang Family are afraid of Wang He, counting on Wang He to kill Chen Qi.

Wang He also enjoyed everyone’s eyes, knowing that it was time for him to make a shot, and he was too lazy to talk with brats like Chen Qi.

“You are not my opponent.”

Chen Qi shaking one’s head.

“Really, we, Elder Wang He, you won’t know about East, South, West, North if you fight later.”

The woman retorted.


“Tiger King Roaring Heaven!”

Suddenly, Elder Wang He from head to toe erupted a strong wild beast breath. His both eyes were extremely horrifying, like wild bloodthirsty bloodthirsty, which made people feel terrifying and cold.

A huge red Fierce Tiger suddenly rose from the height of Wang He’s body. It was as wide as hundred zhang and mighty and unparalleled. It was like an immemorial Fierce Tiger blessing Wang Wang’s body. Slammed over.


The huge Fierce Tiger slammed with a formidable power that broke the mountain and rivers, to crush Chen Qi into slag. Who knows that Chen Qi backhand palm, “garbage goods, dare to mad, and make you gray in minutes gray.”

Hong long!

Fist hit, simple and simple, but the formidable power contained in it makes people feel dumbstruck, so the fist was torn by Fierce Tiger by Chen Qi and shattered in a shock.


Wang He’s Fierce Tiger collapsed. He couldn’t stand the fist of Chen Qi. Then a big hole appeared in his chest. It was penetrated by Chen Qi fist, spitting blood, and he felt terrified.

Do not!

Wang He felt fear for the first time.

How strong his strength is, he knows that even if a mountain is in front of him, he can’t stop one of his claws, but in front of Chen Qi, it seems fragile, how strong Chen Qi is.



“What is going on here.”

“Elder Wang He is not an opponent? My God, how is it possible?”

The woman exclaimed, and her both eyes changed from her contempt to extreme fear.

“Why, how can you be so strong, this is impossible.”

That Wang He was struggling to death, trampled by Chen Qi on the ground, with a high look, “Because you are too weak, just your 3-foot cat’s work, dare to show up in front of me, Chen Qi, don’t know how many A few pounds? “


Wang He was ashamed and furious.


Chen Qi waved backhand, the screams of people blowing by the huge wind.

“No, don’t kill me, as long as you let me go, I’ll be your woman.”

Said the woman of the Wang Family dumbstruck.

“You’re too ugly to think about it,” Chen Qi said.

“What? What are you talking about?”

The women are a little bit shy.

Chen Qi had a palm and beat the woman to ashes. She didn’t know how to die. The rest fled in panic, but how could she escape. All were captured by Chen Qi and crushed to death.

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