“Hahaha, you mouse races certainly don’t kill as much as our Cat Race. Our Cat King Race is 72 Earthly Fiend’s top 40 Monster Race. The strength is a lot higher than your rat. At this time, our Cat Race will still be fiercely. You rat races down. “

Just then, a cat-like and human-like voice came from a distance, the sound of a cat from the other Cat Monster Race.

The cat is walking upright, one head taller than a human, with black and white hair, and there is a King word on his forehead.

From a distance, I thought it was a tiger, but if I look closely at the cat, there are a few white beards on the sides of the mouth, the small ears and the tail. If you look closely, you can see that it is a cat.

This cat is also a 1-Tribulation Loose Monster. Surrounded by Monster Qi, every time the claws are waved, a few red unrolled bolts of white silk are shot out, and Space has a crack and a powerful attack. The claws and their sharpness.

“Hmph, let’s compare them, don’t think that your Cat King Race ranks high and look down on us!”

The Monster Rat heard, frowned, and suddenly a finger moved, and set black armor was put on the storage ring and put on it.

At the same time a treasure blade was held in the hands of this rat, formidable out of the ordinary, and rushed into the crowd to kill all directions.

“Since it’s competition, naturally my Grandpa Dog can’t be left behind, we Dog Race also participate in one.”

In the distance, the black dog lying on the beast carriage on the brown shiny side came up, and flew up, loudly shouted! “Woof woof!”

A rays of light flashed across the helmet and armor, the battle armor was red, and a huge black dog head was carved on the chest, terrifying and scary.

These Leader-level Monster Generals are all 1-Tribulation Loose Monsters. Normally, they are fighting each other, and naturally they cannot be avoided at this moment, because this is related to their Monster Race 36 Heavenly Constellations Caves, 72 Earthly Fiend Mansions ranking. As a demon, they naturally hope that their race will rank high in the Monster Race.

“Give me kill!”

This black dog, dressed in armor, was loudly shouted, rushed into the crowd with Huaxia countless cultivator, and the soldiers began to fight fiercely.

Not only these Monster Races, but also various other Monster Races in other places, such as Ancient Elephant, Monster Lion, Fierce Tiger, Violent Leopard, Black Eagle, Big Tibetan Mastiff, Water Tortoise, Tree Monster, Red Violent Bear, etc. .

These Monster Races send out various infiltrating roars, Monster Qi soars into the sky, the front line stretches for 1000 miles, and the entire Huaxia Country border is filled with Monster Race killing sounds.

And the Mantis Race, all green, the locust leaps into the crowd with a bounce, and the sharp claw in his hand is like a sickle. Every cut can take many lives.

There is also Big Tibetan Mastiff with pitch-black, shouting shaking the heaven, especially powerful.

Various birds in the sky, Monster Eagle, big birds, spray a path of Monster Qi in their mouths to kill the enemy. There are countless Water Tortoises on the ground. These tortoises are human figures running upright, emitting a path of roaring sound, filled with Monster Qi, and holding sharp Blade, Spear, Sword, Stick in their hands, and fast speed.

They are all defensive and tall, and they are covered with black tortoise shells. They are well protected, and often the blade is cut down, leaving only a slight imprint, which cannot hurt them at all.

There are clusters of Tree Monsters, some are several hundred meters tall, some are more than ten meters, lush and green, and they run on the ground. Their thighs are thick tree roots, and even every time they run, they carry a lot of Dirt shots, countless wicker shots, spread like spider webs, powerful strangling strength can kill people on the spot.

There was a human face on the trunk, which was horrifying.

The colorful Leopard Monster is flying at speed and biting the enemy. Even more fierce Fierce Tiger, Lion Monster issued a path of tiger roar lion roar sound, sound wave shock this Void is shaking slightly.


In the distance a path of roar rang out, Chen Qi turned his gaze and saw the elephant with countless heads up to five meters behind Monster Race. Each step on the ground appeared a deep pit. These elephants ’long noses can dance to The man’s neck is broken.

Tramping down with each foot can kill a lot of people, and their skin is extremely hard, impervious to sword or spear. The ear of an extremely crying elephant cry will bleed.

“Fuck, is there anything wrong? What is it?”

Chen Qi jumped into the distance and suddenly saw each and everyone grotesquely shaped creation.

I saw behind the front line, continuously beasts of Monster Beast emerged, there was a white spot, and it turned out to be White Wild Boar standing and running. These White Wild Boars were 3 meters tall, with two sharp white pig teeth in their mouths, and a round belly. Get out and look strong.

They held a huge black axe in their hands, containing the strength of berserk.

Apart from this, there is also Blood Zombie with a bloody body like Human Race. These zombie are all Human Race, but after years of change, they have become zombie.

Blood Zombie kills people in Human Race and will be killed by the entire Human Race. Many of them went to the Northern Domain, and their appearance can no longer be regarded as Human Race. They have been zombieized. Like Monster, when they run to the Northern Domain, they also have Where they live.

si si! …

The roar sound of countless monster is also mixed with the sound of a path of si si. It is the sound of countless whole scorpions. These scorpions are upright like snakes. Venom is diffuse, and Venom can be spit out of the mouth.


Bang peng ~ peng ~!

a path of dull sounds, the gorilla from the Monster Race in the distance, no, it should be called Two Headed King-Kong, all covered with red, the two sloppy heads looked fierce, their hands beating their chests constantly, Like the abnormal killer.

Rush into the crowd and kill all directions. Covered with steel, it’s extremely powerful!

“So scary Monster Beast, this is the first time we have seen so many Monster Beasts.”

“Well, too terrifying, these Monster Beasts strength is very strong, and there are a lot of them, we need to be careful.”

The sect disciple came continuously from the back of Huaxia. The men and women were all suspended in the air, looking at densely packed in the distance, they could not see the black and dense piece, the grotesquely shaped demon, and the complexion was whitish. Most of these Monsters have powerful physical bodies, some with venom, and they may be killed if they are not careful.

“Is this Monster runaway, it’s too fierce, you see what it is in the distance?”

“Fuck, that’s a cockroach, is there a mistake? A people’s cockroach?”

Everyone exclaimed that 100,000 people in a distant area are basically crimson, with 2 beard-filtered cockroaches. These cockroaches are not only tall, extremely fast, but also strong in defense.

From Chen Qi’s point of view, these cockroaches are clearly the Primogenitor of the cockroach. A people’s cockroach looks extra penetrating, and Chen Qi’s scalp is tingling.

“Guo guo, guo guo guo … The brat above should be Huaxia’s Emperor. It looks really young. But since we attacked Huaxia in Northern Domain, this brat must not be alive. But this brat soft skin and tender meat It must be delicious. Now it is just the corner of Iceberg of our Northern Domain influence. It is estimated that this brat is scared, and it does not look good. “

In the distance, a 3 meter-high red pheasant stared at Chen Qi’s vicious path.

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