Suddenly, Bai Qi and the others were all fierce, holding long blades together with their men to solve these small monsters. The atmosphere of the entire scene was overflowing with Murderous intention 4. It is no accident that these small monsters will be killed by Bai Qi and the others!

All the small monsters present were panicked, their eyes rolled, and many small monsters were scared to the ground and collapsed to the ground.

They are just small monsters, which are under the jurisdiction of the great monsters above. Simply has no right to choose. Many of them just want to live in this area quietly and do not have the ability and idea to capture what Huaxia.

Just speaking above, they dare not resist, after all, the power is in the hands of powerhouse.

After Huaxia’s capture, all these small monsters surrendered, giving up resistance.

“Meow meow, Big Brother Chen Qi don’t kill me.”

Suddenly at this moment, a female voice came from the side and came over a gray Little Hei cat. This Little Hei cat seemed to be a mother. She ran to Chen Qi and cried with his pants, “Don’t kill I’m okay. I’m just a kitten, how old, I don’t want to die. As long as you don’t kill me, I’m willing to do anything. “


“Ahhhh … zhi zhi, Brother Chen, don’t kill me.”

When other small monsters saw this, they immediately ran over. It was a gray rat of half a person tall. This rat lay at the feet of Chen Qi, begging for mercy, and snotting and tearing:

“Brother Chen, I don’t want to die. I have a 7-day rat mother and an 8-day rat father. If I die, my mouse father and mother can do it. I have to support my family. I haven’t married my wife. Ah, I don’t want to die so early. I still have a great rat life. “

Chen Qi didn’t respond for a moment, so familiar scene.

How to ask for mercy is this routine? Can you change the trick?

But in what age is this fuck? Rat has to support his family?

Who knew that at this time a more stern voice came quickly from the side, a husband pig rushed from a distance, quickly holding Chen Qi’s thigh:

“Big Brother, what is he like? I am even worse. I have an old pig mother at 8, and an old pig father at 9. I am the pillar of my family. If I die, my pig will survive. Then, let me be merciful and take my life. I am willing to do anything. “

“Ahhh, Big Brother.” Suddenly a small shark came over, biting Chen Qi’s pants, “My family ten generations of single pass, can’t die, can’t die, I’m sorry Ancestor. I have to pass on the line. what.”

“Woof woof woof … who has me miserable.”

A Little Hei dog came running immediately when he saw this, his tail swayed to the left and right, and he lay at Chen Qi’s feet and stomped his feet. “Big Brother, don’t kill me, woof woof, I am loyal as long as you let me go, I am You work extremely hard. “

“Ahhh, Hero let us go!”

“Yeah, we are innocent.”

“I don’t want to die yet.”

Suddenly all small monsters crawled to the ground, and looked at Chen Qi with pitiful eyes.

Not only was Chen Qi stuck. Even the people at countless Huaxia were stunned.

The whole scene was miserable, crying for days, these small monsters shivered and made people moved.

For a while, Bai Qi and the others did not start. They wait for Chen Qi’s decision.

“Ahhhh …” Seeing Chen Qi hesitant, suddenly rushing from a distance to a people entire body deep red, 2 cockroaches with 1 tentacles crying all the way from the distance, rushing to Chen Qi Body.

Look like this cockroach is to give Chen Qi a hug and kneel down for mercy.

At the same time, in the other corner, a huge centipede with a length of 3 meters, covered with white and red, and countless tentacles, also came over, and seemed to want to learn to hold Chen Qi’s thigh for mercy.

“Don’t, don’t come over. Fuck.” Chen Qi glanced at the tall cockroach, scared the complexion, turned white, countless goosebumps, and the giant centipede, Chen Qi hurriedly shot a True Qi to shoot the centipede and the cockroach. Give the fly.

Laozi had to be in his heart if this fuck was on his body.

“Ah!” Both cockroach and centipede shot back, and they choked.

what’s the situation?

Why are kittens, puppies, and piglets begging for mercy, and we are going to be hit by flying? Is this the rhythm to kill us?

Centipede and the cockroach saw the panic in their eyes, but then they thought that they might not be sincere enough.

2 Aside, the cockroaches and centipede immediately crawled over again to show their determination to beg for mercy.

“Don’t come over?” Chen Qi appeared in front of a True Qi wall to intercept centipede and cockroaches. He was full of black lines and waved his hand. “Okay, I won’t kill you, it’s really grassy.”

“Ah, don’t you kill us?” The little cat at the foot of his feet was pleased, then kissed Chen Qi’s face suddenly, “Thank you.”

Suddenly puppies, rat, piglets, and sharks all want to learn from cats and want to kiss Chen Qi.

“Laozi can’t take it anymore. It’s all dead!” Chen Qi True Qi shook, all these small monsters were shakingly flying, “Bajie, these people have given it to you. Laozi is going back.”

“Since you choose to beg for mercy, listen to Bajie, from now on, he is your boss. And you can’t hurt your life in the future, otherwise you will kill it.”

Chen Qi helplessly said.

“We are all small monsters. We have not killed anyone, we will not kill anyone.” Many small monsters said excitedly, all sighed in relief. This is enough as long as they can save their lives, where they dare to kill.

Chen Qi immediately took out BMW and sat on it, a few moments of wu wu wu disappeared in the sky. At the same time, a voice passed over, “All Huaxia members can withdraw from the Eastern Domain, and here is the rule of Zhu Bajie.”

“As you bid!” Countless Huaxia cultivator.

After Chen Qi left, each and everyone Huaxia sect cultivator also each and everyone evacuated to the Eastern Domain. Now that the Northern Domain has been captured, all the Leader great monsters in the Northern Domain have been beheaded and killed in name.

This time clearing the Northern Monster can be said to be much less difficult than capturing the Demon Domain, because Chen Qi’s strength is too strong.

a path of sect cultivator silhouette Zhu Bajie smiled evilly at the scene and ran to the largest cave in the depths of the Northern Domain.

There is a large chair above this cave, enough to lie down Tyrannosaurus Rex, which is the place where Tyrannosaurus Rex used to be. Zhu Bajie is lying on it, beside him, there is a full box of full boxes of cigar, and many snacks, all of which are Chen Qi gives him benefits.

Let him sit in the Northern Domain for a while, and also left a lot of medicine pill to help him break through the cultivation base.

However, although Zhu Bajie is only a 1-Tribulation Loose Monster, the strength is good, and there is no problem in suppressing the Northern Domain. He laughed hehe lying on a chair with a cigarette, and in front of him was densely packed countless small monster, all waiting for his exhortation.

Zhu Bajie was very proud. He took a few mouthfuls of potato chips, took a deep breath, and a lot of smoke came out of his pig’s nose. Occasionally, he came back to his cage to look in from the nose, and looked down at the demon present, a mountain King’s posture.

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