Exhaling like a dragon, this is the scene that will appear within the body when the breath is so powerful that it usually appears on those powerful and terrifying peerless powerhouses, but at the moment in a 6-year-old Chen Qi .

This scene is shocking. Every breath within the body is like a burst of thunder rolls, and the arms are slightly entangled with muscles. The sound of steel delivery is filled, full of the strength of berserk.

The skin on his body has a little muscle, and there is a slight undulation during exercise. The skin of ancient bronze is full of exquisite sense of beauty under the sun.

both eyes dazzling, as if the soul can penetrate people. A glance can fascinate myriad girls and provoke their ignorance.

Hong long!

The sky a path of thunder and lightning smashed down, containing Heaven’s anger. Chen Qi resisted directly with the strength of the physical body, simply did not use any method, and barely punched directly firm resist thunder and lightning, which caused him to be resisted every time. Thunder and lightning tanks, densely packed with densely packed white thunder and lightning flow like spider webs.

If other people are contaminated by the aftershocks of thunder and lightning, they will be immediately smashed into ashes, and only Chen Qi’s powerful fleshhy body dares to be such a body refining.


For an hour of Body Refining, Chen Qi suddenly hit the ground with fist, arm muscles swelled, roaring, and suddenly fell, the entire hundred zhang mountain top burst suddenly, cracks all directions, and finally the whole mountain top collapsed suddenly A thousand zhang deep pit appeared on the ground.

The mountain ranges of surroundings were shaken by this fist. The trees were shaking, and the entire Imperial City was shaken, as if an earthquake had happened and it was scary.

But after a few days of shaking, everyone was used to it.

It is said that it was their Emperor who practiced the exercises that caused such a scene, and everyone was relieved.

In the hearts of these common people, Chen Qi, an Emperor, is definitely a horrible existence. He repelled the Demon Domain and captured the Northern Monster. But in just half a month, such great achievements have never been seen in the history of the True Martial Continent. .

Chen Qi is a thoroughly evildoer Emperor. But with such an Emperor, these common people are very relieved. This way they don’t have to worry about people from other places offending Huaxia.

The Eastern Domain Dynasty is now fully decree accessible and under the Huaxia Dynasty. And the Emperor temperament was kind and sympathetic to the common people, and the entire 3 years of tax relief was granted just after unification.

There are also some younger generations who have recently committed crimes. They have also converged a lot, because this Emperor has a method of iron and blood, and will never let go of those who harm common people.

Under the rule of Chen Qi, all common people lived and worked in peace, and even rolled sheets were relieved.

Many continent girls heard that Emperor was only ten or six years old and was extremely shocked. They were so moved that Emperor was too far away from them, even if they had an idea, they could not get close.

They are just common people, Chen Qi is the Emperor of the ruling party, under one person above ten thousand people, and the casual people have no chance to even take a look. Moreover, where Chen Qi goes in the sky, he rarely travels to the people. In the hearts of everyone, this is a Celestial Divinity descending on the mortal world, an Immortal Emperor that saves the common people in the world.

If you can meet up, think about making these girls laugh.


Chen Qi’s body beat several times, appearing in the mountain range outside Imperial City, a path of flame pu chi, and a countless Flame Phoenix volley flying around his all around, a path of phoenix cry accompanied by The sound of dragon roar resounded.

The flames filled the sky, and Chen Qi was beating like a flame King silhouette 4 and was practicing his own method of controlling the flames.

The place where he appeared was astonishing, Phoenix’s coercive radiation, 100 beast knowledge allegiance, lying on the ground shivering, shocked by this aura.

This has just inspired a little Phoenix breath, and it has such an imposing manner. It is conceivable that if the real Phoenix appeared here, the might might be even more amazing.

Five Thunderbolts!

Ka-cha !

Suddenly, Chen Qi moved by hand, performing Five Thunderbolts secret art, the sky was covered with black clouds, and a countless thunder and lightning flashed, and soon the area was flooded, and many large trees were scorched black.

Then Chen Qi was inspired, and the white thunder and lightning with the thickness of 1000 buckets in the sky gathered, like ten thousand dragons came down, fiercely fell, perfused his body, he danced in the flame, and the thunder and lightning kept falling down, Lightning is shining all over, and it’s extraordinarily amazing.

Looking from the distance, Chen Qi is deep in the center of the flame, like a generation of Fire Divinity, but after the fall of lightning and lightning, the circleference is white electric flower. In contrast, he is like destroying Thunder Divinity and prestige is like prison.

This secret art requires strong cultivation power to be cultivated to a high place, and Chen Qi has practiced it for a long time.

After ten days of cultivation, Chen Qi felt that he had integrated all the secret art on his body, and his proficiency and mastery skills had improved a lot.

Any secret art on his body is exhibited in his hands, and he can pick it up at will, as long as he can, he can maximize the formidable power. And he also summarized the details of the most recent battles with many powerhouses.

I also analyzed many shortcomings in my own battles and improved them to avoid mistakes in the future. Cause himself to die.

And the strengths that have been exerted have been reflected in their minds, and they have been practiced many times to become more proficient.

It ’s like the chrysanthemum of Tyrannosaurus Rex. After thinking a few times, he found that he was not perfect. He should pull the BMW and Tyrannosaurus Rex away, and then when Tyrannosaurus Rex thought he was escaping, he suddenly speeded up and caught the next one. The burst of chrysanthemums will make Tyrannosaurus Rex even more shocked by this sudden burst of chrysanthemums. It’s fun to play like this.

Well, you should pay attention to it later. Think more about the way you fight, or you will leave regrets.

As a otaku in the new century, Chen Qi is able to think like this, and it is enough. After all, living in a cultivation World, we must improve our strength everywhere.

After all, he has a system but it is not 10000, and he will die if he really dies.

Chen Qi’s understanding of cultivation technique secret art is absolutely amazing. Even if there is no system, any cultivation technique is in his hands. He will learn a lot with only a little practice. This is not even Chen Qi himself.

After a few days of cultivation, Chen Qi returned to Imperial Palace.

On this day, Chen Qi had a rare early dynasty. I heard something about reporting.

“Well, there is nothing else. Let’s retreat.”

Chen Qi stood up and stretched a few bones before preparing to go to Harem and have a good time.

“Chen Qi!”

Who knew at this time, a woman’s voice suddenly passed from outside the Imperial Palace.

The Ministers looked at each other, and suddenly looked at a beautiful silhouette that appeared at the entrance of the Imperial Palace.

This is a beautiful woman, wearing a deep golden robe, wearing a phoenix crown, and carved dragon and phoenix. The slender figure is extremely tall, with exquisite facial features and fair skin. Although she has a smile on her face, it can be seen from her beautiful eyebrows that this woman has several points of domineering. Every move gives a very heavy prestige.

This is a temperament that can only be produced if the perennial is high. In particular, the woman’s eyebrows have a little arc, both eyes and gods, like gems, capture the soul, slightly noble manners, slender fingers plump body.

Just looking directly at Chen Qi above, this woman walked in slowly.

This woman turned out to be wearing a Western Domain style robe, Empress’s robe, wearing a golden phoenix crown on her head, prestige out of the ordinary. Like the living Empress descending on the mortal world.


ps: 5 more votes!

And thanks to Xiaoyao’s fake 4600 book coins for reward. Hanging up 800 book coins for reward. There is also a handsome guy who doesn’t know the name to give 100 books. 500 boiled boiled water rewards, eats and sleeps, beats Doudou. .


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