Although Chen Qi is strong, it is impossible to beat her. Because the secret art she has is not what this World can imagine.

Chen Qi ’s Sword Qi split again, and the sky supporting pillar like Sword Qi swept the sky, with the white Immortal Qi twisted. Thousand zhang’s Sword Qi contains Supreme strength, which smashes the sky and chops it down.

This blow showed the might of the mountain and rivers, and fell down on the top of Empress’s head.

“Hahahaha, girl, you still have to be defeated by me.”

Chen Qi smiled at the corner, but expression was always paying attention to the woman’s every move. After all, this is the most powerful house of the True Martial Continent. It is a character standing on the continuous peak, which is much stronger than that Tyrannosaurus Rex.

You still have to be careful. Don’t think this is just a girl, but the strength is so strong that Chen Qi can’t bear it. A little unexpected will be succeeded by this woman.

“hmph! ”

Faced with Chen Qi’s immortal Qi word, this woman just laughed and did not avoid it.


Chen Qi’s Execute Immortal Sword Qi penetrated directly through the woman’s body hole, and he froze.

Everyone was holding back. Why didn’t this Empress hide?

But at this moment, with a swipe, a white snow light suddenly appeared from the left side of Chen Qi. This word was extremely fast. At the same time, the Empress silhouette pierced by him disappeared in this brief moment.

Just a phantom.

How can it be?

People complex greatly changed.

Chen Qi ’s word they all saw, the speed couldn’t be avoided, the formidable power contained could tear the sky into a huge crack, but everyone in Empress had disappeared without seeing it.

Not only that, the moment Sword Qi struck on the left side of Chen Qi, Empress silhouette appeared on the right side of Chen Qi again. There are actually 2 identical Tang Qianxue.

This is not over yet, 2 Sword Qi assassinations came, followed by third, fourth, fifth … until Chen Qi all around densely packed, every corner is a beautiful silhouette of Tang Qianxue, everyone at this moment was sucked in a cold breath.

Even Chen Qi’s complexion has changed. There are at least dozens of Sword Qi around the surroundings of his body, which means that the speed of Tang Qianxue has reached the intensity of synchronizing with dozens of silhouettes instantly.

These Sword Qis are real and not false. Each one contains the formidable formidable power. Space is cut by Sword Qi and chi la, accompanied by the Astral Wind in the countless crack.

peng ~ peng ~ peng ~ peng ~ Bang!

The white light Immortal Formation on his body was hit by dozens of Sword Qi at the same time, and Chen Qi had no time to escape. Those Sword Qi have penetrated the body protection formation on his body surface.

The white protection formula turned out to show signs of collapse.

A strong strength is even going to penetrate the formation into his body, Chen Qi expression changed, what is this movement technique, how so fast.

Tang Qianxue was bland and did not show any surprises. She performed the Tang family “Thousands Illusions Impetuous Light and Shadow Killing Technique” is their Tang family unspread secret, which is a powerful technique in Immortal Realm.

This was taught to him when his dad was dying, and he can only teach his most trusted or dear ones.

It is precisely because of this technique that people who killed his Tang family.

Her dad revealed to her before she died that this technique is not superficial on the surface, and contains the strength of Supreme Great Dao’s retrospective source. Even if her dad just learned a little bit of the superficial level, he killed a lot of power with one person. Great Immortal, just because the enemy was too strong, almost used the entire organization’s strength to kill her whole family.

The cultivation of this technique can copy the strength of the true body to the highest place, that is, it will have a continuous strength, and only if you are strong enough, one person is equivalent to a huge influence. Reaching Peak, it is difficult to ascending Heaven for those who want to kill cultivation. Because their lives can continue in the avatar copied by myriad.

If you want to kill, you must kill all the copied bodies.

Of course, the premise is that this method can be thoroughly understood, and the cultivation reaches Peak Boundary, otherwise it will be difficult to show such a horrible strength.

And this technique fell into her hands. It is only with this technique and her innate talent that she has reached today’s level in just a few years. However, this technique cannot be disclosed casually. Not many people know this technique, but there are risks. Only in this plane did she dare to use it unscrupulously.

She just cultivation a little fur, she can’t really use the formidable power of this technique, but it is enough to deal with Chen Qi.

In an instant, dozens of silhouettes appeared around Chen Qi, carrying out serial assassinations. Each hit contained a Peak hit, destroyed Space, penetrated the Universe, and locked every corner of Chen Qi.

“I said, you give up resistance, your cultivation base is too low, and no matter how many methods you have, it is not my opponent. Don’t struggle with fearless, you are a genius, at least here. Maybe years later There is also a foothold in Immortal Realm. There is little to do. I don’t want to kill you. After all, we have no big hatred. “

“Girl, that sorry, it’s not me who stand behind me, it’s countless Worlds. Your technique is really powerful, but I also have a way to see through your tracks.”

Chen Qi withstood several attacks and knew that this would not work. He differs from this Tang Qianxue cultivation base boundary by ten, and this Tang Qianxue is also a genius. Not easy to deal with.

Chen Qi was burning the bag and took out three cards, “hahaha, Hatake Kakashi, Sasuke, Naruto, all come out.”

Chen Qi said that the three cards in his hand were thrown into the sky, and the sky was roaring suddenly, and three square Void Portals appeared.

In the ten meters tall door, there is a dark, as if connected to a World, full of mysterious.

Suddenly three powerful breaths emerged from this. This is a strength different from True Qi. The strong breath is oppressed, giving a feeling of trembling in the mind.

At first, a handsome guy came out, this handsome guy was wearing a black hood, a ninja turban on his forehead, only his right eye was exposed, half opened, and he looked like he wanted to sleep. Hair is silver white, like a hedgehog, wearing a ninja outfit, and holding a book in his hand.

A strong breath emanated from this handsome guy, and everyone was shocked. I do n’t know if Chen Qi has a powerful presence.

This person is Hatake Kakashi.

At the same time, a teenager came out in the middle of a Void Portal. The teenager had hedgehogs with blond hair erected, wearing a ninja turban, wearing yellow and black clothes, long and handsome.

Within the body, there is a strong breath of Monster Beast, which gives people a sense of horror, but it seems that the contorts one’s face in agony of the boy’s mouth is very upset.

There is also a teenager in the third Void Portal. The young man’s five officers are like carved by a blade, and he is also a handsome man. Both sides of his face are scattered with black hair, and his forehead is covered with black hair, revealing a pair of powerful both eyes, with deep red in the eyes.

He was also very slender, in a gray costume, holding a sharp long sword in his hand.

At a time 3 line of sight all locked Chen Qi in the sky.


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