Suddenly, the Five Elements Light Barrier on Tang Qianxue’s body surface broke into two halves from the middle, and the two semi-circular covers were shaken open by Tang Qianxue. Her true body flew out of the barrier, and she used the method of Li Daitao to avoid the flames. .

There are still a few Amaterasu Fires that follow Tang Qianxue’s silhouette all the way, but Tang Qianxue’s speed is very fast, an avatar afterimage appears, the flame contaminates the avatar afterimage, and her people flash, completely get rid of Amaterasu.

“How is it possible!” Sasuke was startled, and his move was avoided by Tang Qianxue.

Tang Qianxue got rid of the flame, then the Amaterasu Fire was burning on the ground, and it continued for a long time.


Tang Qianxue had just escaped, and the crowd attacked again. Kakashi exhibits divide might, Space Shift.

Sasuke blue Giant came into the sky again, ten Fist Sword appeared in Giant’s hands, and Naruto’s blood-red silhouette glided across the sky.

Wind-Style: Rasengan!

wu wu wu! I do n’t know when a blue ball appears in Naruto ’s hands. All around is a countless blade that usually makes a wu wu sound at high speed. The space around the ball is shattered. Wherever I go, a space crack channel appears along the sky. Following his right hand Wind-Style: Rasengan trajectory, come out of a long black illusory shadow.

His silhouette appeared in front of Tang Qianxue in an instant, and he was about to throw it.

The Execute Immortal suit on Chen Qi has collapsed, leaving only a handful of Immortal Qi’s Execute Immortal Sword in his hands, which is still intact, within the body, the flames filled the Execute Immortal Sword, chi la, a several hundred zhang Sword Qi shot, The whole person rushed towards Tang Qianxue.

The 4 people united to kill Tang Qianxue again. Tang Qianxue has just gotten rid of the flames, the Five Elements Light Barrier on the surface has not appeared yet, and several people’s attacks have already come.

But Tang Qianxue didn’t panic.

“You are not my opponents, and it is useless to join forces. Although you just evaded the past and cracked my Five Elements Light Barrier, this is still useless. My Sword Qi can still be used, and your The trick cannot be played continuously. “

Tang Qianxue glanced at a few people. In fact, as Tang Qianxue said, Sasuke just cast Amaterasu, the whole eye was very painful, and Spirit also suffered huge pain. It is difficult to perform this move again, and Naruto ’s trick, Tang Qianxue Always on guard, it’s impossible for him to hit.

As for Chen Qi’s Execute Immortal suit, which has been disintegrated by Tang Qianxue’s Sword Qi, now there is only one Execute Immortal Sword left, and the battle strength is greatly reduced. Kakashi was spitting blood and was seriously injured. He had no battle strength just now.

In contrast, her Tang Qianxue, despite being cracked by Five Elements Light Barrier, still maintains its intact battle strength. At this moment, her body surface is blooming again with 5 colors of rays of light. Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth and 5 elements appear on her body surface slowly intertwined, and gradually evolved into a 5-color light screen, which is forming a new Five Elements Light. Barrier.

This Five Elements Light Barrier contains five attributes: Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth. They are mutually complementary, and they evolve and operate each other. The defense is amazing. Chen Qi ’s Punishing Immortal Armor is not in comparison with her Five Elements Light Barrier. A grade.

This is the secret art method inspired by Tang Qianxue’s own physique. Although most of her within the body is ordinary True Qi, it contains a few Five Elements.

The reason she is the genius of Immortal Realm is because she is a Five Elements Physique, within the body flowing a little Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth 5 elements, intersect each other, cycle within the body.

Although Tang Qianxue is not pure Five Elements Physique, the defense of this Five Elements Attribute is extremely powerful, and as long as she has the chance to make her Five Elements Physique more pure.

Once that time, her defense will increase by a factor of 100, and Thousands upon thousands of Five Elements True Qi pervades her all around, forming itself, endlessly, continuously, and her battle strength will tremble. What is more terrifying is that with such defense, coupled with her Tang family secret technique “Thousands Illusions Impetuous Light and Shadow Killing Technique” 2 the two cooperate with each other, bringing out the best in each other, and the strength that can be presented is unimaginable of.

Nevertheless, Tang Qianxue still wants to make herself stronger. She wants to absorb Chen Qi’s Phoenix Bloodline so that her body transforms, “Thousands Illusions Impetuous Light and Shadow Killing Technique” Five Elements Physique, and Phoenix Bloodline. When the three are combined, the innate talent she can show will be more terrifying, so that she can have a glimmer of hope for revenge.

However, there is only a glimmer of hope, so Tang Qianxue gets Chen Qi’s bloodline no matter what. Otherwise, with her current method, even though cultivation has reached the strength capable of slaughtering the original enemy, she is growing and the enemy is growing. Those people are all horrors, and if they don’t develop a little faster than them, they will end up empty.

If 1000 10000 bitter cultivation is able to slay the enemy ’s boundary, but finds that the enemy is stronger than you, just as Tang Qianxue is 10000000 million times stronger than his enemy, her revenge is useless. .


Tang Qianxue’s face is persistent, her eyes are closed, and the surroundings Chen Qi and the others attack her. A slender sharp sword in her hand once again stimulates a powerful unrolled bolt of white silk rays of light, while 20 afterimages appear on her All around, separated like Immortal Maiden’s scattered flowers, and then merged together, the Sword Qi formidable power in his hands increased by 20 times.


This sword still shows the extinction of mountain and rivers, crushing the destruction of everything. Heaven and Earth are rendered by this word, white light blooms ten thousand zhang, bright dazzling, people can only squint their eyes, otherwise they will Burned by this rays of light.

The entire Heaven and Earth is only left with this word, as if splitting heaven and earth apart came from the hit from the antiquity Space-Time, the violent strength long river kept venting!

This time Chen Qi The attacks of several people were not synchronized at the same time, showing signs of inconsistency.

Tang Qianxue held the determination to kill, sword out, penetrated several dozen li Space, the space was fragmented, and collided with Chen Qi, Sasuke, Kakashi, Naruto’s attack again.

“hong long! ”

The voice of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering is clear, and there is a storm of destruction that permeates the circleference ten thousand meters across that huge space, sweeping all directions.

peng ~ peng ~ peng ~ peng ~!

The powerful strength was vented, and the word seemed to be hitting 1000000 Sword Qis at the same time. Kakashi’s divide might strength was torn by the sharp edge of the sword, and the dagger in his hand flew away. Chakra disorder within the body, five viscera and six bowels appeared a slight shift. A bit of signs, the body flew a few thousand meters and fell to the ground.

The ten Fist Sword in the hands of Sasuke’s blue Giant directly collapsed, even the Giant of the entire body Chakra condense was disintegrated, the armor was broken, and the bomber flew a number of 1000 meters. In the air, the Giant had disintegrated and disappeared, revealing the silhouette of Sasuke. Spit blood and smashed a large hole in the ground.

And Naruto’s Wind-Style: Rasengan’s horrible crushed strength was smashed by the white sword in the hands of Tang Qianxue, and the whole person shakely flying several hundred meters.

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