The sky was dark, and the mountain range here was already potholes, and the ground was torn apart by a space crack, showing like a cliff.

In the blink of an eye, Tang Qianxue and Chen Qi fought dozens of times, and the golden silhouette fought fiercely with the beautiful woman.

Bang peng ~ peng ~!

Three more collisions, Chen Qi within the body qi and blood completely boiled, perfused his whole body muscles, and stepped out suddenly. The space in front of him was blasted by one foot, black cracks appeared, and a trampled body was facing Tang Qianxue shoots.

Tang Qianxue opened her eyes, and a pair of beautiful eyes staring at Chen Qi was astonished. Chen Qi ’s strength in this brief moment was enhanced, and she was on a level. Her Sword Qi could not hurt Chen Qi anymore. .

Instead, each time Chen Qi waved fist, swept up with a space crack, stunned her Sword Qi, and sometimes even hit the Five Elements Light Barrier, stepping back.

“Empress was actually retreating by Chen Qi shakily!”

Everyone is stuck in a breath of cold air.

peng ~ peng ~ peng ~ peng ~!

Chen Qi stared at Tang Qianxue, punched again, the body speed skyrocketed, and suddenly opened 8 times berserk, all of a sudden the whole person’s breath skyrocketed, almost showing the strength of the mountain and rivers.

For a while, the circles and several tens of thousands of li’s Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi were all seduced by the breath on his body, violently scrolled, the ground collapsed trees flew up in the air, and they were rotated by Chen Qi’s strength and appeared in Chen Qi ahead.

Thousands of thousands of trees and countless stones, water on the ground, miscellaneous 7 miscellaneous 8, as long as it can be used, Chen Qi all use it, all gathered in front of the fist, with his berserk’s blow, smashed To Tang Qianxue.


Tang Qianxue’s long sword was assassinated in succession, and several hundred rays of light unrolled bolt of white silk swept across the sky like the Star River. The countless cutting edge penetrated all the big trees, stones and water, and the sword pointed directly at Chen Qi’s chest.

This sword directly penetrated Chen Qi’s body, but it stabbed an empty space. Chen Qi’s silhouette appeared on her left, hitting the Five Elements Light Barrier on her body, and a bang was hit by Tang Qianxue.

8 times berserk turned on again and again, Chen Qi’s body shot continuously, appeared in front of Tang Qianxue, and battered and exhausted smashing her in her shocking eyes, shooting at 4 in the sky.

It’s just that the Five Elements Light Barrier defense is too strong, and Chen Qi can’t break for a while.

At this time, Sasuke, Kakashi, and Naruto wanted to come over again to help.

A Sword Qi swept away and stirred up several people. It was Tang Qianxue ’s Sword Qi. However, Naruto and others have already reduced their battle strength. They could not resist the attack of Tang Qianxue. At this moment, they have lost their effect once again and have been shaken flying. .

Bang peng ~ peng ~!

Everyone was shocked. I saw the silhouette of Chen Qi in the sky constantly blasting Tang Qianxue, flying her 4 shots, battered and exhausted, Chen Qi’s speed exceeded Tang Qianxue in this brief moment.

“I don’t believe I can’t break your barrier.” Chen Qi instantly waved 100 fist techniques, bursting into the sky, bursting sounds up here, down there, the trembling earth trembled, and many people with a low level of strength hurried themselves Cover your ears, otherwise you will be deaf for a long time.

Tang Qianxue has been embarrassed by Chen Qi for 2.5 minutes, but there is no chance to shoot. The body’s Five Elements Light Barrier is wobbly, but it hasn’t broken.

But repeatedly succeeded by Chen Qi, Tang Qianxue frowned, suddenly when Chen Qi and fist smashed, suddenly loudly shouted, a strength that shocked Heaven and Earth appeared, a white three chi long sword appeared in her hands .

This sword is surrounded by a lot of white light. The sword body is white and held by Tang Qianxue. It just appeared. The sword body surrounds strength robust. It collapses the Void layer by layer, as if to destroy the source space strength of this True Martial Continent, thousands. Upon thousands of space cracks, it looks like Celestial River.

There is such a formidable power out of the sword. Tang Qianxue ’s Space surroundings have completely fallen, and the horrifying atmosphere is transmitted. The entire True Martial Continent 4 has explosions, continent shaking, and the sky shaking.

This turbulent sound seemed to come from the core of the True Martial Continent. At the same time, suddenly rising winds, scudding clouds in the sky, there are continuous black clouds of several tens of thousands of li.

It’s completely dark here!

Hong long!

The moment the sword appeared, deep into the Void of the True Martial Continent, densely packed invisible lines suddenly appeared, entangled with the sword. These lines carried a destroying strength and a breath covering the circleference several dozen li. surroundings blocked all.

As if this word appeared, Heaven and Earth could not tolerate it!

Because this sword is Immortal Sword. It ’s not a mortal thing. The formidable formidable power has just appeared, and Heaven and Earth Rule has spread, implying Supreme strength to destroy this sword.

This sword has threatened the True Martial Plane, and the Rule Power of this Space Plane must not be tolerated.

As soon as this scene came out, everyone’s complexion greatly changed and felt unusual. At this moment, no matter what corner of the True Martial Continent, the continent was shaking, trembling, and it seemed to be shaken by something.

Tang Qianxue complexion changed. She forgot that this is a mortal world. Complexion appeared pale. Although she had a strong strength, she was not strong enough to fight the True Martial Plane Rule.

Each Space Plane has Rule Power throughout, which maintains the operation of the plane. A small amount of space cracks can be restored quickly. However, the strength of Immortal Sword has shaken the essence of True Martial Plane. The strength of Immortal Sword can be displayed. The True Martial Continent was seriously damaged. In order to maintain orderly operation, Rule Power must kill Tang Qianxue together with Immortal Sword!

Tang Qianxue exuded a cold sweat on his face, and suddenly his hands twitched. A path of mysterious seal rune covered the sword. The Immortal Power contained in the sword was infinitely suppressed. In the end, it could only play 1% of the formidable power. Breath is greatly reduced.

Until then, all around that terrible Rule Power was back to Void. Did not appear.

Tang Qianxue took a deep breath, and just now she was almost killed by the rule of this little plane because she had cast this sword. If so, she died too wrong.

To know her previous strength, she can directly destroy this True Martial Continent plane. After the loss of the cultivation base, it will be limited by this small plane, which has to be said to be a sad thing.

Thinking of this, it also strengthened Tang Qianxue’s desperate heart.

The formidable power of a welcome Immortal is enough!


True Qi perfused, Tang Qianxue held Immortal Sword, slashed down, and killed Chen Qi. Although the sword’s formidable power is only 1000%, it is also dozens of times of its own strength, which is the formidable power of Immortal Sword. It also tears Space into several thousand meters pitch-black.

The densely packed Sword Intent envelops Chen Qi, which contains the power of Immortal Artifact, as if the mountain and rivers of the True Martial Continent are to be disintegrated, destroyed, and the sword common people cultivator will be buried!

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