Ka-cha !

His number of 1000000 Chasing Sun Sword Qi immediately collapsed, and the Power of Thunder and Lightning flowed away, tearing his Chasing Sun Sword Qi. Condense ’s more than 100 Phoenix were also smashed by thunder and lightning, and the sky ’s Nine Dragons Thunder Astral Fire Collide with Azure Thunder Dragon.

Thunder Dragon collapses into Power of Thunder and Lightning and infiltrates Chen Qi within the body.

However, all his defense methods were broken down by thunder and lightning, and the remaining more than 100 Thunder Dragons fell on Chen Qi. The whole person was smashed into the depths of the ground, and his pain was extremely painful. Within the body came the sound of broken bones.

Chen Qi swears that the suffering he suffers is unprecedented, and the expression on his face is extremely interesting. This thunder and lightning is too strong.

A loud noise passed, and the ears of people watching in the distance were numb with this loud noise, stunned.

Fortunately, Chen Qi has carried 2 Dao Tian robbers, and his fragile atmosphere has gradually strengthened. He has twice passed Heavenly Tribulation and has been promoted from 2-Tribulation Great Ascension to 5-Tribulation Great Ascension cultivation base.

Looking at the remaining Transcending Tribulation Profound Dragon Immortal Fruit in his hand, only half of him was bitten by him at the moment. Chen Qi simply bite it down, as if eating an apple, even the ka-cha with the peach kernel in his mouth rang . As the energy of Immortal Fruit enters the body, his within the body skeleton is gradually repairing.

Chen Qi felt that he had resumed the Peak state, at this moment the sky seemed to feel the strength enhancement of Chen Qi.

The atmosphere became extremely depressing. Looking at the sky, it has been completely covered by black clouds. No sunlight can be seen at all, as if the Demonic Monster came to earth, as if covering the True Martial Continent. Into the gloom.

Everyone stared at the center of the black clouds in the distance, a path of thunder and lightning flickering, emitting rays of light of death, as if to blast people into fragments.

The level of black clouds in the sky has increased tenfold, and it is 100 meters thick. I do n’t know the margins, but the thunder and lightning strength in the clouds is concentrated above Chen Qi ’s head, where a huge vortex appears.

Chen Qi can feel the black clouds of the sky with 2-layer, the last 8-Tribulation Heavenly Thunder, and 9-Tribulation Heavenly Tribulation. It is also 2 together.

This thick imposing manner made Chen Qi feel cold all over. Although Heavenly Thunder didn’t fall, the horrifying atmosphere radiated. Chen Qi was under thunder and lightning and had a thriller.

The depressed atmosphere lasted for a long time, and the black clouds were only a few hundred meters away from Chen Qi, as if covered on top of his head, which looked more scary.

Chen Qi has crossed the Great Ascension Tribulation 9 times in a row, and the cultivators of True Martial Continent are watching from a distance. They have seen this Heavenly Tribulation for the first time.


3000 Azure Thunder Dragons have appeared in the sky, 3000 eyes are looking down at Chen Qi in the clouds, fierce killing intents, dragons are dancing, and the rays of light of azure are dazzling. The color of this dragon is light azure, dazzling, Seen from afar, the 4 claws are terrible, composed of entire body lightning, and the 2 horns on the head are extremely sharp, and the thunder and lightning strength are blooming myriad rays of light.

As if at this moment the black clouds of the entire True Martial Continent were gathering over the sky, and the destruction of strength continued to fill the entire continent.

At this moment, Chen Qi ’s Heavenly Tribulation is different from ordinary people. Where is the ordinary Great Ascension Stage Heavenly Tribulation so horrible? The dragon prestige radiation, the Monster Beast outside the tens of thousands of li are all on the ground, and the atmosphere is scared.

Countless said that Divine Consciousness lingered outside the Heavenly Tribulation, afraid to approach, afraid of touching the thunder prestige.

Chen Qi’s pupils reflected the Thunder Dragon in the sky. The Thunder Dragon was divided into 2-layer coils. Suddenly, at least 1 of the following 1000-layer Thunder Dragons roared down, and the waves were rolling, showing a ruined strength, down 3 The corner crashed directly into Chen Qi.

In the attention of 10000 people, the moment when Heavenly Dragon came, Chen Qi’s face became extremely scary. This fuck is to scare Laozi to death.

Hong long!

1000 Thunder Dragons like sky supporting pillar are coming. imposing manner boundless!

The 4 Spaces were locked by the dragon prestige. The squeezed Space exploded in series. There were blasting sounds at 4 places. They were deafening. Substantial coercion was carried out. Heavenly Thunder has not fallen yet. Chen Qi has been directly hit by the pressure with this pressure. In the depth of thousand zhang, the water from the underground river emerged and drowned Chen Qi.

At this moment, Chen Qi displayed all his methods, within the body, and the remaining Chasing Sun Sword Qi rushed, as red Astral Qi permeated his body surface, Execute Immortal Sword was shaking, while at the same time, within the body Transcending Tribulation Profound Dragon The resolution of Immortal Fruit’s strength is integrated into the body, a path of Immortal Qi forms a protective barrier outside his body, impervious to sword or spear.

1000 Thunder Dragons are boundless in the sky, shaking in unison. Faced with the small Chen Qi below, seeing Chen Qi’s resistance seemed to laugh at Chen Qi’s weakness and collide with all Chen Qi’s defense methods.

The sky exploded, the circleference several dozen li mountain peak set off, the soil exploded, and the countless tree was uprooted in midair and torn into countless by the explosion’s strength.

The underground river was evaporated by this strength. The space where Chen Qi was in was plunged into darkness. A low call came from Chen Qi’s mouth. Execute Immortal Sword Qi broke immediately. Thunder Dragon ripped off his defense and fell on Chen Qi. Body.

The skin on my body has been completely cracked, bones can be seen, Chen Qi’s expression is emaciated, and my expression of fuck you, within the body ka-cha keeps sounding, as if tortured in Hell.

The dragons are still implementing him within the body, crushing him all the way, the cliff has appeared on the ground, the scene is a mess, the moment when all 1000 dragons permeate Chen Qi. He completely became thunder and lightning.

layer upon layer thunder and lightning condensed Chen Qi, looking as if he was about to die.

The scene was quiet. When everyone thought that Chen Qi could not work, Chen Qi within the body delivered a powerful repair strength. That was the strength of his rebirth within the body and the strength of Transcending Tribulation Profound Dragon Immortal Fruit. He reappeared life force. The skin on the surface is gradually healed by the healing energy.

The whole skeleton is slowly being repaired.

Within the body Immortal Fruit energy gradually resolved into him within the body, nourishing the flesh, veins, dantian, skeleton of his body.

In less than half an hour, his whole body’s life force returned to the peak, and his breath reached 8-Tribulation Great Ascension. Around several tens of thousands of li, Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi flocked to him within the body, and the source of a fire was also supplemented. Chi la took a look at the Nine Dragons Thunder Astral Fire again, which was even more terrifying than before. High temperature radiation. Space is distorted.

At this time, the sky still has 1-layer Heavenly Tribulation, which is 9-Tribulation Heavenly Thunder of Chen Qi.

2 1000 Thunder Dragons seem to be very surprised that Chen Qi is still alive. With boundless thunder and lightning strength, they land from the clouds and contain a thunderbolt of 10000.

At this time, Chen Qi loudly shouted, within the body Nine Dragons Thunder Astral Fire and continuously True Qi bloom myriad rays of light, turned into a path of Celestial River unrolled bolt of white silk, and 2 1000 Thunder Dragons Meet.

At this moment, the Celestial River collapses, Thunder Dragon roar, the terrifying breath sweeps through, the weather myriad, the waves roll!

Hong long!

All around the air was lined up by the impact ripples, a vacuum zone appeared, Chen Qi’s defense was still collapsed by Heavenly Thunder, and there were 1500 Thunder Dragons left in the sky, which hit Chen Qi again, and Chen Qi appeared at the bottom of the pit.

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