It can be said that the circumference number hundred li has completely fallen into a dangerous area.

Especially above Beiping City, space cracks looted, and occasionally a space crack slammed all the white glass of a building on a high building great summer, and even the building cracked from it. It was about to collapse and countless people fled in panic.

Beiping City has completely fallen into destruction.

The horrible energy surges over the sky, and the falling waves will cause countless deaths and injuries.

At this moment, the black sky over the mine, because space cracks spread over that sky, as the dark sky descends on the earth to destroy Earth.

Countless contains killing intent eyes, within the body to spur True Qi flowing sound, countless Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, thunder, electricity, rays of light, big mountain, palm, blade and sword, magical treasure fiercely. The whole scene is like the end.

Three Supreme powerhouses with 3 Loose Immortal, Loose Demon, and Imperial Family disciple present attacks that destroy Heaven and Earth, such as Heaven’s Wrath, drop the World Exterminating Divine Punishment, and wipe out everything in Earth.

The citizens of Beiping City, the whole Earth Human Race was trembling, especially the close-up Beiping City fell into a panic, because the energy of the sky turbulence not only locked Chen Qi, but even led the entire Beiping City, even several cities next to Beiping City. among them.

There is no doubt that such a horrible strength will fall, and instantly destroy Beiping City and even dozens of surrounding cities into ruins.

The countless child was crying in fright, even the Sir complexion was pale and trembling. Many people pray in their hearts that Earth can escape this cataclysm.

They have never seen this kind of strength, which is a great strength that can destroy Earth. No method can counteract the existence.

Countless people from overseas, high level, head, Leader including China Country high level, all staring at this scene, many people are desperate.

The turbulent energy of the Celestial River drops, and no one can survive.

Are we going to die?

No, I don’t want to die!

Many people still want to survive the panic. Too many people are still young. They still have a great life, relatives and friends, and many concerns. They don’t want to die.

But in the face of such an attack, I am afraid that it is also a luxury to survive.

The attack from the outside world powerhouse condense the eyes of the entire Earth people, and what makes them harder to believe is that these people joined forces to attack Chen Qi. What is the mood of Chen Qi under their unimaginable sky attack.

Obviously, the first person to die in the attack was Chen Qi. It is them next.

“You step back!”

A dignified voice came from the side, even the entire world. It was Chen Qi’s voice, Yang Feicheng Xiao Zijun complexion deathly pale on the side, the body was shaking, but Chen Qi had not responded, and shot a True Qi from two people. Moved into the distance.

Chen Qi looked up at the sky, facing the long turbulence of destruction, the multi-colored rays of light long river did not have the slightest fluster on his face.

In the eyes of everyone, a very handsome Chen Qi wearing white casual clothes, a watch, white running shoes, short hair, and so handsome stood just under the attack, his eyes flashed a trace of bright light.

Everyone thought Chen Qi was frightened.

But suddenly, the boy suddenly moved.

I saw Chen Qi suddenly shouting, a sudden burst of red rays of light centered on his body, a light beam connecting Heaven and Earth soared into the sky, communicated with Vault of Heaven, and deterred ten parties. The voice of countless sou sou came from within the body, and a path of red Sword Qi burst out like myriad.

10,000, 20,000, 30,000, 100,000, 200,000, 500,000, 1000000.

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~ shua ~! !! !! !!

The sharp whistling sounded through Heaven and Earth, countless Chasing Sun Sword Qi emerged from Chen Qi within the body, forming a path of red light beam in the sky, like the trend of violet dragon soaring to the heavens, sweeping up.

The attack above is long river hiding the sky and covering the earth, but Chen Qi’s attack is stronger!

Countless Chasing Sun Sword Qi made the sound of wu wu wu. With the horrible high temperature, he twisted into a conical sword in the sky. In order to pierce the Vault of Heaven and escape from the shackles of the sky, everything blocked must be torn and hanged !!

The atmosphere of terror spreads circleference number hundred li, 1000 miles, ten thousand li.

Everyone felt the heat of Chen Qi and the sharp edge of Chasing Sun Sword Qi. At this moment, the entire world seems to be red’s World.

Chen Qi within the body Chasing Sun Sword Qi broke out, formidable power was amazing. Chen Qi was surrounded by red light, his sleeves were swaying, his eyes were cold, and suddenly his body rushed up with the daily torrents.

Hong long!

A huge roar rang through Earth, even the distant sea was shaking, the ground was shaking, and the sky was violently erupting.

Million swords qi destroyed the Divine Soul of all his scepters in the horrified gaze of Dark Old Ancestor, and met Sword Qi torn into nothingness.


Emperor eyes flashed by Nine Skies Continent, all his yellow Sword Qi met Chen Qi’s Sword Qi and collapsed immediately, disintegrating like tofu.

There is also the middle-aged fatty of Sky Spirit Continent, when the 100 blue giant dragons rushed over and hit Chen Qi Sword Qi, they immediately disintegrated, the blue giant dragon’s heads and huge bodies exploded in the sky and were destroyed.

And the three continuous countless Loose Immortal, Loose Demon, and Imperial Family disciple that triggered the circlecircle hundred li attacks were also destroyed by the red Sword Qi.

Chen Qi ’s Sword Qi no stronghold one cannot overcome, tearing everything apart, their attack seemed to be a joke in front of this Sword Qi.

In the end, the horrible strength encounter exploded in the sky in series, the violent energy faintly formed a huge ball in the air, and then burst into a sudden burst. The aftermath of the attack has arisen!

Chen Qi resisted this attack and shocked everyone, but then saw the huge aftermath in the air spreading in all directions, all mountain ranges where they passed were destroyed, and everyone was scared and panic. Many people even wanted to Fleeing in the distance, although they knew that it was impossible to escape the speed of the aftermath, they could not stand the panic waiting to be destroyed.

The energy of terror is centered on the Beiping City mine. The sky and the ground are full of energy waves sweeping through and spreading. The layer upon layer advances and contains the strength of strangulation steel.

At this moment, all Earth people were afraid.

They were scared.

In particular, the number of 1000000 citizens in Beiping City, all scared complexion was pale, breathing seemed to stop.

“Flee away!”

“Not good, it’s too late to escape!” 4 countless people fled in panic. But the distant aftermath was so fast that the carrier’s unstoppable attack spread.

These Beiping City people were still working yesterday, still thinking about their own affairs, thinking about trivial countless trivia, and the children thinking about what should be done today at school, who bullied them, who scolded them.

Sir is thinking about how the company’s colleagues are going, tomorrow’s schedule, and many people are thinking about the girlfriend he just caught.

The normal life was didn’t expect, and today everything has changed.

A fear of death emerged.

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