Chen Qi’s voice was neither humble nor humble, and he did not show the expression that should be petty and low in Immortal’s eyes. Yan Dou’s expression changed slightly, as if provoked, shouted, “impudent!”

“Do you know, who are you talking to? Immortal who dared to be so provocative in front of my Yan Dou was killed by me, not to mention your little true cultivator, act recklessly! Death!”

Yan Dou both eyes contain cold glow, Immortal prestige cannot tolerate mortal provocation, “A Quasi-Immortal has never even casted Immortal Physique, and dare to boost shamelessly, presumably you do n’t know how immortal exists, and how weak you are, today I Yan Dou will let you know what the Immortal strength is, not your mole cricket and ants can be profaned! “


Suddenly, in the eyes of everyone’s horror, there was a sudden torrent of horror in the sky. As myriad collapses and destroys the long river, Yan Dou flicks to shoot with the finger, a strength is shot from the fingers, and myriad light comes out, shining on Heaven and Earth, at this moment Heaven and Earth all rays of Light was stunned by this immortal light.

It can be said that an unstoppable formidable power is exhibited at the first shot, all tears in the sky circle 1000, dense energy from the space crack, white light Immortal Qi contains the breath of strangling all living things, all the objects that are in front of it are Will be annihilated.

Everyone’s eyes are dumbstruck. If Nine Skies Emperor’s attack was just a snake, then this Immortal’s shot was 10000 violet dragons, roaring Heaven and Earth, is an attack containing Immortal Qi, and the entire Heaven and Earth Rule of Earth is at this moment. It seems to be a shot to kill this mighty shore.

But this Yan Dou is very savvy. His avatar can destroy Earth, but the strength of his shot is maintained at the critical point annihilated by the Void Rule, and the use of brought to the point of perfection, after all, it also contains the universe in the small plane. Rule, once it exceeds the limit of tolerance, it will be subject to Rule.

However, the strength has just been brought to the Rule critical point. This Yan Dou’s use of strength can be said to be outrageous. Although avatar can only play 1 / 10000th formidable power of his true body, it is enough to destroy everything in the world.

Everyone almost believed that this move Immortal Qi flood hit Chen Qi and there was almost no way of life.

Because it is too strong.

And as everyone expected, Chen Qi complexion changed. Suddenly thousand zhang giant sword was killed and collided with the immortal light. The sky exploded constantly. The space crack was like a spider web tearing, tearing Chen Qi’s Sword Qi. Cracked, shakily retreating.

“It’s over, Chen Qi can’t resist it.”

“This is the strength of Immortal, not Mortal can resist, Chen Qi can kill that many people is strong enough, unless Chen Qi grows up a few years and become a real Immortal may be able to resist, but now obviously not.”

“Well, it’s too strong. It seems that our cataclysm from Earth cannot really escape this time.”

“If Chen Qi loses, I am afraid Earth is really dead.” …

Yan Dou sneered, this Chen Qi simply ca n’t enter his eyes, he shot another blow, the immortal Qi continuously shot of the body berserk, like myriad meteor shuttle in the sky, the eyes of the sky are full of rays of light stars.

Like a meteor shower, a path of strikes out, and everything that passes is crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, sweeping everything, all matter appears extremely weak in front of this strength.

But at this moment, Chen Qi suddenly rushed out of his hands. He stood alone on Void, and in the face of another attack, he completely released all his cultivation bases.

A cultivation base breath of Great Ascension 9-Tribulation Perfection emerged from Chen Qi. The chasing Sun Sword Qi of red flowed out like a river, overflowing the circleference number hundred li, a path of Nine Dragons Thunder Astral Fire burst out. The fleshy body made a countless ka-cha firecracker, and the terrible strength slammed the surrounding Space and collapsed instantly.

The terrible atmosphere oppressed the entire Earth. Everyone seemed to see an invisible ripple sweeping Earth, like the same horrible divinities, bursts of prestige radiated, his eyes were cold, devoted, his imprint suddenly bloomed overflowing heaven The purple golden light mang is a source of destruction, and the breath is not worse than that of Yan Dou.

Even stronger.

At the moment when the cultivation base was fully revealed, surroundings swept through a wave of rules. Chen Qi knew that this was the Rule Power of Mortal Plane to maintain the operation of this Heaven and Earth. Chen Qi also recovered part of his breath and suppressed his strength. Critical point at Earth’s endurance.

However, it brought a boundless shock to the countless audience.

At this moment Chen Qi really showed his cultivation base. Although he was a Quasi-Immortal, it felt like everyone was not weaker than Yan Dou.

Nine Skies Emperor 3 people, and Yan Dou complexion changed, this brat strength doesn’t seem so simple. It was so strong without ascension. Yan Dou was also a little surprised. Although he was a avatar, he was not able to deal with the mortal powerhouse, but Chen Qi became so powerful.

Well, everything before that is obviously that Chen Qi did not play all the strengths, and this time was really revealed!

Everyone corner of mouth twitching. At this time, the attack has come, and Chen Qi ’s body countless Chasing Sun Sword Qi suddenly twisted together. The sound of shua ~ shua ~ shua ~ shua ~ shakes Void and turns into an overflowing heaven giant sword. When Chen Qi took hold of it, the white Nine Dragons Thunder Astral Fire boiled on the surface of the body, just as Fire Divinity came to life, and the heat was appalling.

At this moment, the space around Chen Qi ’s body has completely boiled, within the body “Vermilion Bird Burning World Secret Art” is running at a high speed, making a roar of rivers, completely erupting the brought to the point of perfection of the cultivation base ’s Chen Qi flame, at all around Pu chi whistled, all Nine Dragons Thunder Astral Fire merged into the long sword.

Suddenly stabbed!

With the sword out, Heaven and Earth was shocked. The entire Earth was surging violently, stimulating layers of energy, accompanied by horrible high temperatures, overflowing heaven giant sword suddenly hit Yan Dou’s devastating long river, and the sky made a loud noise of overflowing heaven.

Hong long long !

In the eyes of everyone, the Immortal long river was broken by Chen Qi sword, and then Chen Qi’s attacks were disintegrated.

But Chen Qi actually resisted this move.

Everyone looked trembling, watching the sky’s extinction energy, and turning into an overflowing heaven wave spreading, they were about to sweep away.

At this moment, suddenly Chen Qi waved his hand, the boundless strength instantly wrapped the diffused energy, and immediately threw it over the sky. The sky and clouds had been stirred by this aftermath, leaving only the pitch-black zone, completely chaotic, but good Is controlling the situation.

The Yan Dou complexion was shocked and looked at Chen Qi again, as if didn’t expect Chen Qi to have the strength he resisted.

Yan Dou shot again. He wasn’t going to leave, but Chen Qi showed a strength beyond his expectation. When he moved, he suddenly flew towards Chen Qi.

The instant countless attack locked Chen Qi to kill him, but Chen Qi suddenly moved and moved towards the depths of the sea.

He moved the battle site to the open boundless sea, where the 4 seas and blue sky are far away from the continuous. Chen Qi can attack unscrupulously. Even if the continuous will be affected, it is like fighting over Beiping City.

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