Antiquity Celestial Court, himself and the others have only acknowledgement allegiance in front of this Celestial Court.

This fist completely carried thunderbolt 10000 Jun Zhishi fiercely smashed!

Not yet approaching, Chen Qi felt an overwhelming crowd of immortals coming together, crushed him into a powder, an invisible strength blocked his whole body, crushed his soul, He felt a sense of immobility, and even he was really immobile.

Sovereign Celestial Court Prestige Fist is an Immortal fist technique. It is a secret art method that Berserk uses to strengthen the strength. The formidable power is very powerful. This scene fell into Yan Dou’s eyes, which is what he expected. After all, a true cultivator is neither powerful nor immortal, and there is a fundamental gap with him. It is not a problem to kill Chen Qi 100 times with this set of fist techniques.

But at this time, suddenly, Chen Qi was running “Vermilion Bird Burning World Secret Art”, he has no Execute Immortal Sword now, he simply took all the flames, Sword Qi completely withdrew within the body, a path of chant appeared in his mind, and his whole body was like a sea. The flames gathered in his hands suddenly spinning at high speed, and a trembling strength burst from him.

The intangible breath that suppressed him suddenly disintegrated. Suddenly, all the Nine Dragons Thunder Astral Fire inside the body were entered into his hand and formed a Phoenix Sword according to secret art condense.

A Phoenix tweet emanates from Sword Body. A countless flame such as volcano erupts, and a terrible Phoenix Sword appears in his hand. Like an entity, you can feel the entity by touching it with your hands. All the flames within the body have become a handle in the hand. Phoenix Sword. Exudes the breath of Phoenix’s prestige.

The strange veined pattern flashed above, the word towering Void, breath tremor, weather myriad, shocked myriad people!

I can feel the power of Phoenix Sword all the time. like sky supporting pillar.

Almost immediately after the Sword Body was formed, all the clouds and sky in the sky were all lined up. There was no black clouds at all in the sky ten thousand li, and the waves of surging forth below the sea water rolled up countless stormy waves, the wind was blowing far away, with burning aura.

very powerful word!

Chen Qi The might of this sword is already comparable to Heaven Fist.

Then Yan Dou complexion changed, and continued to smash, at this time Chen Qi raised his hand, Phoenix Sword, and suddenly the word was cut.

Hong long!

The sky made an overflowing heaven loud noise, the whole Earth was shaking, Phoenix Sword and Heaven Fist collided together, then the illusions of the immortals of the Antiquity Celestial Court were swept away cleanly, all Concepts were ruled out, and everyone saw a rays of light fist several dozen meters circumference, meet Chen Qi’s long sword.

Phoenix Sword’s head exploded, but the light fist also collapsed, and did not show the effect that should have killed Chen Qi.

what? Actually resisted!

Yan Dou frowned, but once again hit 3 punches, formidable power is even stronger and faster!

Chen Qi’s Phoenix Sword head has been repaired by flame infusion and slashed out again. After several more collisions, ka-cha! Chen Qi’s Sword Body has collapsed from the head to the interruption.

But Yan Dou’s strength is endless, Chen Qi’s Phoenix Sword repair speed can not keep up with the speed of destruction.

If this trend continues, he will still be defeated.

“You’re dying! Don’t do unnecessary resistance, your ending is doomed at the moment this Eminence appears, that is death!”

Yan Dou’s eyes flickered with contempt. His strength was continuous, but Chen Qi was dead. Yan Dou while speaking has relaxed his vigilance over Chen Qi, or he can now ignore Chen Qi.

Chen Qi’s strength He has fully seen through and can only reach this level. And he still has a strong strength that he didn’t play at all.

“Really? Now!”

Suddenly, Chen Qi eyes flashed, a cold voice sounded Void. The moment Chen Phoenix’s Phoenix Sword approached Yan Dou, Chen Qi turned on 8 times berserk instantly. The Phoenix Sword in my hand suddenly inspired myriad rays of light, and the speed soared instantly.

As soon as Yan Dou relaxed, Chen Qi burst out.

He has been waiting for this moment for a long time!

His body was approaching in an instant, and his wings were flying close to Yan Dou. Then Yan Dou watched the Sword Body look flash a dumbstruck. How did Chen Qi ’s sword increase in formidable power, and this speed!


Chen Qi sword was beheaded, with a strong breath of 8 times. Instantly Heaven and Earth Rule Power rushed over, like a spider web. He could feel a path of invisible strength approaching. At this moment, the strength he was performing was beyond the rule’s endurance, and he was about to come out and kill.

Seeing that this strength is closer to Chen Qi than ten meters, but Chen Qi has no intention of stopping.

Apparently, Yan Dou felt the horrible Rule Power, and his expression changed greatly. “Brat, aren’t you afraid of death?” Yan Dou stepped back quickly, worried that the Rule Power would affect his avatar.

After all, his avatar can only be cast with the help of the soul imprint in the token left before, and can only be cast once. Once the avatar is destroyed, the treasury here has nothing to do with him. He cannot come below.

So he kept back, even if it was the Rule of Mortal Plane, it was the Rule of Supreme. It cannot be blasphemed.

But he saw the madness in Chen Qi’s eyes. Chen Qi took Phoenix Sword as if desperate and rushed over. At this moment, the Rule Power was only five meters away from Chen Qi.

“This brat is crazy!” Even Yan Dou was frightened by Chen Qi’s madness at this moment, which was clearly trying to kill him.

Chen Qi’s Phoenix Sword will not last long. Once Phoenix Sword is cast, it will fall into the period of strength decline, so this is an opportunity not to be missed.

Seeing that Rule Power is going to contaminate Chen Qi, Chen Qi has already approached Yan Dou, Sword Horizontal Slash, and Phoenix Sword of 8 times tears all defenses of Yan Dou, cuts on Yan Dou’s neck, and makes a Tzzzzzzz sound, This rays of light is extremely tenacious, and it is difficult to cut off for a while.

Chen Qi drank abruptly, his whole body was full of blue tendons, both eyes were crazy, fiercely cut deep again. ka-cha!


Phoenix Sword immediately broke through everything, and then a soaring head flew into the sky!

Yan Dou, this Immortal noble head was chopped off by Chen Qi sword!

“Impossible! This Eminence is not a avatar you can deal with. You even cut off my head, it’s damn, unforgivable, unforgivable!” The head flew in the sky, emitting an angry roar.

It was a great shame for an Immortal to beheaded by a mortal.

People shouted that Immortal was defeated by Chen Qi! very good.

Nine Skies Emperor 3 people complexion pale, Immortal was beheaded by Chen Qi?

But when everyone thought this was the case, the flying head of the sky collapsed, and the headless body was filled with rays of light again, and a head came back. This head contains boundless anger, complexion twisted.

Nine Skies Emperor The complexion is a joy again. It seems that Immortal’s method is not ordinary.

But at this time, Chen Qi seems to have expected such a situation. After all, an Immortal cannot really come, it can only be avatar, and avatar is the Spirit Body. It is impossible to cut off his head on the spot and only damage the Spirit. Power amount.

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