60 pieces of Immortal Stone, 500 jin immortal grain?


Although there are not many 60 Immortal Stones, 1000 people will get at least 60,000 Immortal Stones when they come down. Normally, it is impossible for them to obtain 60 pieces to accumulate military power without a few battles, and more importantly, these immortal grains.

500 jin immortal grain can also be used for cultivation. If you take it for a long time, you can increase their cultivation base, which is richer than the 60 Immortal Stone rewards. Normally, they delivered a genius and a pound of immortal grain, which is equivalent to several months of grain.

Immortal grain is not purely for eating. It does not absorb as fast as Immortal Stone. It needs to be taken daily. The long-term accumulation is no less than 1000 Immortal Stones.

For their ordinary Immortal, this is a benefit. There are too many Immortal Stones, they ca n’t get them, but these immortal grains, High Level Immortal, do n’t use it, but they are the bottom Immortal Soldier used for cultivation. Although it ’s been a long time and needs to be taken, they are better than nothing Immortal Stone Not many of these things are the best cultivation resources.

Chen Qi also distributed some Low Grade Immortal Artifacts to those Captains and Elite Captains to enhance their strength.

“Many thanks Sir Commandant!”

Everyone is happy, and quickly put away these Immortal Stone immortal grains. I think Chen Qi is really good to them. As their Commandant, even if Chen Qi does not release these things, it is reasonable. Everyone knows that Chen Qi is a private deduction. Distributing things from chariot to them is an additional reward.

They were lucky to have survived, and now there is immortal grain, Immortal Stone is excited to reward each and everyone.

“Well, then you cultivation. You will follow me and I will not treat you badly, there will be something in the future, as long as you build military merit, you will be rewarded.”

After the distribution of Chen Qi, there are 30,000 Immortal Stones left and 5 ten thousands jin in Immortal grain.

He could have annexed these things privately, and 1000 people were born and died with him. This reward is nothing. Although Chen Qi doesn’t have much Immortal Stone right now. But in his opinion, the battle was a joint effort of everyone, and he could not completely swallow it.

After the release, Chen Qi also inquired about some sections of Southern Celestial Immortal Domain. In this way, the military work can be reported on its own, and it can be honored as long as it is verified correctly.

He stepped out of the tent and walked to a Teleportation Formation on the edge of the continental. With a buzz, Chen Qi appeared on another continental in the Southern Celestial Immortal Domain.

All planet continent of Southern Celestial Immortal Domain has Teleportation Channel connection, Chen Qi soon came to Office of Military Matters of Southern Celestial Immortal Domain.

He did not plan to report military merit to Qian De. Instead, he came to the continent of this military plane. A section was set up here, and the countless palace towered over. It handled the Southern Celestial Immortal Domain countless Immortal Soldier and some military merit of the Immortal Official. .

In a main hall, Chen Qi came to tell him where he was coming. He met a middle-aged man from the Office of Military Matters.

Chen Qi reported his military achievements by destroying 1000 enemy troops in the Sovereign Qin Immortal Domain with 30,000 troops and seizing 500 enemy chariots. Among them are immortal grain 5 ten thousands jin, some Monster Beast furs are 1000 pieces, and some sundries.

As for the report of Immortal Stone Chen Qi not at all, the materials normally delivered by the immortal grain team are immortal grain, with 5 ten thousands jin immortal grain piled up enough to integrate dozens of small warehouses, and the annihilation of enemy forces, at least 60,000 can be obtained Military achievements.

This military achievement is no small. Enough for Chen Qi to take up the Commander role.

Chen Qi annihilated the enemy with 1000 Immortal Soldiers, and shocked the middle-aged man. He asked, “What’s your name?”

“Chen Qi.”

“You and so on.” The middle-aged man looked suspicious and disappeared for a while. He had already received the news from Immortal Tai Palace. There were things about Chen Qi. The Yan Dou influence of Immortal Tai Palace was huge. The Office of Military Matters was also Want to sell a little bit of face.

After the announcement, Yan Dou returned the message. Yan Dou didn’t make it difficult, just let this matter be done. He has his own way of dealing with Chen Qi.

Soon, the middle-aged man returned, holding the military merit book, recording Chen Qi’s military merit, and calling for a Commander official seal, a High Grade silver white color Immortal Armor, exquisite texture, and a High Grade treasure gun. , Entire body silver white, sharp head, round barrel, full of a heavy metal texture.

“According to the news above, this time the military achievements are confirmed. Chen Qi, this is your official seal, as well as official titles, weapon, Immortal Armor, and now you are appointed as Commander of Immortal Tai Palace Scarlet Flame Army. From now on, you are a Commander. Here! Manage 50,000 Immortal Soldier. “

Chen Qi took over everything after taking over.

Wearing the High Grade Immortal Armor, as for the High Grade silver long spear, Chen Qi thought about it. This spear is deep in texture and has a sense of coldness. Immortal Power is much smoother than its Middle Grade Immortal Sword. Decided to use this gun.


Spear flew through the air, Immortal Power rolled, cold glow absorbing soul. It’s good spear!

Chen Qi also wore the Commander Medal with 4 bloodstains on his left chest. From now on, he was a Commander in the army camp.

After doing this, Chen Qi shuttled Teleportation Formation back to his army camp.

Although reporting military achievements was extremely smooth this time, Chen Qi’s instinct felt unusual without being blocked in the slightest, but I didn’t expect that many. At least now his status has risen again, managing the 50,000 Immortal Soldier in the Southern Celestial Immortal Domain is no longer insignificant. Getting closer to the center of rights.

After returning, the entire Scarlet Flame Army knew the news, each and everyone was stunned, Chen Qi, a High Grade Celestial Immortal became their Commander?

“Very good Sir Commandant, no, Sir Commander.”

Chen Qi Congratulations to the original 1000 horses. The remaining 10000 Immortal Soldiers also came to pay respects to Chen Qi, the new Commander.

Chen Qi is wearing a silver battle armor, carrying a Commander ’s medal, holding a silver long spear, and wearing a white battle helmet on his head. It is very glorious, full of a little Commander demeanor, both eyes are shining, and they have God, with Chen Qi ’s handsome face, is exceptionally formidable.

Looking at Chen Qi in front of him, Zhao Xing complexion on the side was excited. He never dreamed that Chen Qi, who came from escort ascension, rose all the way in such a short period of time, and became a commander of army camp, too terrifying.

Since the new Commander can name the army camp, after all, this army camp will be commanded by Chen Qi. This requirement is allowed in the Southern Celestial Immortal Domain.

Chen Qi thought for a while and said, “Dear everyone, now I am your new Commander, and you will fight with me in the future. The former Scarlet Flame Army Camp no longer exists, and the new name of this army camp is Huaxia.”

“Huaxia? Good name.” Everyone had no opinion.

Most people here know the power of Chen Qi. The former Scarlet Flame Commander was not Chen Qi’s opponent. Now Chen Qi cultivation base has broken through again, it must be stronger.

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