Then a silhouette of a man on the shore appeared in the sky. The man was still deep in the sky, and the next moment stirred the situation, and it landed in an instant and appeared in front of Chen Qi. both eyes Like electricity, everyone looks down when looking down. Shows the status and identity of an absolute Overlord.

It is a man wearing a gray gown. Figure stands on the shore, standing upright, as if to have the courage to support the entire Vault of Heaven! Body surface Rule is extremely corrugated and distort Space.

His five senses are like carried by a blade, standing with his hands on his back, his hair is black, his eyes have a sky, a thunderbolt, the storm flashes, his mind is full, and his prestige is extremely heavy, as if in his eyes anyone should be exposed, and he cannot resist it. There must be no deception.

He is the most powerful house of the entire Southern Celestial Immortal Domain, a Supreme Unity Profound Immortal, Zhu Shi.

Suddenly, a repressive breath from soul emanated from the men, pressing on everyone’s body and mind, making the entire Space dignified, seemingly heavy several times, and struggling. The strong breath makes dumbstruck.

This is the first time that many people have seen Southern Celestial Domain Lord. But someone has seen it with awe and compliment in his eyes.

“Pay respects to Southern Celestial Domain Lord!” Suddenly Southern Celestial counted 100,000 Immortal Soldiers half paid kneel respect.

Thousands Cranes Immortal Soldier trembled the moment he saw the man. It seemed as if he was afraid to stand, and Chen Qi also faced a strong pressure. It seemed that there were mountains falling from his head to smash him, but Chen Qi ran Divine Art and immediately stood up. The pressure was suddenly reduced.

Southern Celestial Domain Lord Zhu Shi’s eyes glanced at the scene, then fell on Chen Qi, and saw that Thousands Cranes Continent’s resources tents were taken away by Chen Qi, and he just received the sound transmission of Yan Dou in the retreat, and everything Told him.

At this moment I saw the corpse of Yan Dou in the distance and Chen Qi, a younger than 20 years old, with a slight surprise.

“Chen Qi, you killed my subordinate Yan Dou, you can confess sin.” Zhu Shi stared at Chen Qi, his words were flat and he couldn’t see joy.

“It turned out to be the Domain Lord. This Yan Dou has repeatedly framed me. I just fight back. He first provoked me. The Domain Lord can detect it clearly.” Chen Qi was not humble, and said things. He had a dread of this Zhu Shi. Zhu Shi had a terrifying Rule breath.

Compared to Zhu Shi’s Rule Power, Yan Dou is pediatric.

“Yan Dou is my Zhu Shi proud of Battle General, and the master of Southern Celestial Immortal Domain Eight Great Immortal Palaces. It is your superior. You openly kill Yan Dou. No matter what is wrong with Yan Dou, you can report it to me. But you can directly kill Yan Dou without the permission of this Eminence, and despise Southern Celestial. You should be questioned about this. You know. “

Zhu Shi said here as if he was careless. He was full of breath prestige. He had a deterrent to speak, contained Rule Power, and the whole turbulent sky was roaring. It was also the domain Lord of aloof and remote that reprimanded a soldier.

“I don’t despise Southern Celestial. I only know that whoever kills me will kill anyone. If I do n’t kill, I will be beheaded by Yan Dou. I’m afraid I have no chance to report. Presumably Sir also understands this.” Chen Qi continued, but he felt that Zhu Shi seemed hostile to himself?

“impudent !”

Zhu Shi stepped out of his body, like a river roaring, and suddenly a Rolling Rule Power was released. A rolling wave appeared in front of the river, which swept Chen Qi.

Chen Qi was bombarded by this strength, within the body qi and blood, and felt like a strong strength strikes. There was an illusion of rolling and perplexing in the waves of the sea.

Is this the strength of Supreme Unity Profound Immortal? Chen Qi was startled, and was shakily retreating.

There was a slight accident in Zhu Shi’s eyes. Although he just sent a blow just casually, Profound Immortal at least had to be seriously injured, Chen Qi just stepped back and resisted. There was a killing intent in Zhu Shi’s eyes.

“Dear sin body still dare to talk back, what is your identity, dare to talk to me like this? Come, catch him!”

Zhu Shi waved his hand, and immediately 100 Immortal Soldier rushed over, looking fierce, taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune. These people are under the subordinates of Yan Dou. Just now Chen Qi is too strong. Now Zhu Shi is here. They are all ridiculous, secretly thought. Head?

Hundreds of Immortal Soldiers were coming to arrest them, with Sir Yan Dou behind them being much more daring. Not afraid of Chen Qi.

Chen Qi eyes flashed, this Zhu Shi is clearly indiscriminate and must punish himself. Once caught, there is still a way to live?

“Domain Lord, do you just grab someone without even understanding it?” Chen Qi complexion changed. He figured it out, then Yan Dou must tell the Domain Lord everything about himself. This Zhu Shi wanted to get the treasure key of his body and inheritance. Simply has no intention of letting go of himself.

“Dare to talk back! What Sir is saying is not enough to question the Domain Lord based on your identity, and you are waiting for sanctions.”

A leading middle-aged Immortal led the Immortal Soldier to tie Chen Qi with jeering sarcasm. “Now Sir Zhu Shi, if you don’t want to die, be honest. Even Sir Yan Dou dare not speak to the Domain Lord like this, What do you really think you are? “

This middle-aged person bully people by flaunting one’s powerful connections, angry, both eyes stared at Chen Qi.

“Forget it, this Southern Celestial Immortal Domain doesn’t stop there.” Just then, a sneer came from Chen Qi’s mouth, and then Chen Qi’s eyes turned, staring at the talking Immortal.

“What? What did you just say! You!” The Immortal complexion greatly changed, and I felt that Chen Qi was too daring. This sentence also dared to say, “Chen Qi, wouldn’t you want to rebel? Big dog guts!”


The middle-aged man just said that Chen Qi’s eyes were cold and he went directly to a palm fan. Berserk’s True Qi emerged like a river boundless. The wall slammed on his face, and the middle-aged man’s astonished expression slammed. The body exploded, turning into a ball of blood, screaming screaming and being beheaded by Chen Qi.

Immortal Power continued to sweep, and several hundred Immortal Soldiers who were about to arrest him were killed by Chen Qi boundless’ Immortal Power.

“Chen Qi, do you dare to disobey my orders?”

Zhu Shi complexion was shocked, and he also held his arms for a while, so that he didn’t block it. Chen Qi was too brave to dare to kill the Southern Celestial Immortal Soldier in front of him. The crowd present and the Immortal Soldier of Thousands Cranes Continent couldn’t make a turn. This is the Southern Celestial Domain Lord.

Such a powerful man Chen Qi is dead. Does he think the Domain Lord is a display?

There was a scream at the scene, Chen Qi coldly snorted, a big wave of his hand, put away the storage ring on the ground, staring at Zhu Shi:

“Zhu Shi, I respect you as the Domain Lord, didn’t expect to be with the Yan Dou snake rat. But if you think you can kill me, you have to be prepared to be killed by me, and I see you Southern Celestial has also come to an end. I would n’t have done it as long as you did n’t hit me. Even if my Chen Qi strength increases in the future, it is possible to help you destroy this Sovereign Qin Immortal Domain. “

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