“Many thanks This Immortal saved us, thank you so much.”

“If Immortal didn’t show up, we would all be eaten alive by those hateful savages, many thanks to Immortal for the life-saving grace, we must remember the great kindness of benefactors all our lives.”

Many immortal citizens are all lying on the ground, and for Chen Qi deeply grateful, they can’t wait to worship their heads in the mud deep in the ground.

They can’t forget the savage cannibalism just now, and the fear that they were waiting to be slaughtered is extremely joyful at the moment.

“You guys are immortal citizens nearby? Thank you, I’m not here to save you, yes, you know what other Savage Tribes are in this surroundings, the bigger ones.”

Chen Qi asked, after all these are some of the residents nearby who know a little about circumference.

“According to rumors, this Savage Tribe is just a small tribe. In the southern region, in a vast mountain range, there are hundreds of thousands of Savage tribes named Tagu Tribe, influence robust, and various sturdy anomalies. Does Immortal want Against those savages? “

“This will make you immortal. The Tagu Tribe has 100,000 savage groups together. The strength is very sturdy. I went to nine deaths and still alive. Once there was an Immortal City team to annihilate, but no one can live. Come back, that is already a great influence, and our Immortal City influence on this planet is not an opponent. “

There are many immortal citizens living on this planet, as well as the existence of Immortal City and City Lord. Occasionally those savages will sneak attack on Immortal City. Immortal City has always wanted to pay off nearby savages, but the leader of Nehna tribe is too strong.

The Leader is a Perfection Golden Immortal, and several Generals under him are Golden Immortal, and the owner of their Immortal City is also the Perfection Golden Immortal, but those savages will arrange rune formations, and the rune is like fortress, and no one is an opponent. Each attack was frustrated repeatedly.

Chen Qi waved his hands and released these people to return to Immortal City. Chen Qi determined that the resources of Savage were searched and led 80000 Immortal Soldier to the Savage Tribe.

After flying a few hunted li, passing through the countless earth mountain and rivers, the mountains and rivers, everyone finally saw the house of countless savage built of wood in front of the line of sight. From a distance, a large circle was circled, circled around hundred li, densely packed inside It’s all savage.

These savages are much larger than the Savage Tribe just now, and the houses are built even taller. The countless savage is roared in the sky, and the sound of killing intent and roar comes from a distance.

Chen Qi took a closer look and noticed that there was a sound of fighting in front of him. Apparently someone had already arrived, all standing in the air.

These people wore armor, and the first middle-aged man was a Leader character, a strong Great Immortal of Perfection Golden Immortal, with a dull complexion and rough eyes, showing a hint of domineering. Leading 300,000 Immortal Soldier behind him is fighting the leader of Savage Tribe.

The sky was tumbling with clouds and mist. The savage was ten meters high and majestic was like a black gorilla. It flew into the sky to fight with this General. Every time the power of the rune on the shot stirs the clouds, the sky flashes, and it is impossible to fight. The explosion is also up here, down there.

Savage Leader both eyes exudes fierceness, with a hint of ridicule, this General is not his opponent at all, two people fight dozens of rounds, Savage suddenly burst out a deafening roar, aerodynamic mountain and rivers, the body rune suddenly swept out Smashed directly for a wall-like torrent.

Hong long!

The middle-aged man of Perfection Golden Immortal immediately spit blood and fly back, but he was not his opponent.

“I said, how can you wait for the ordinary Perfection Golden Immortal to be my opponent? Act recklessly!” Savage smirked, as if laughing at the middle-aged man’s overestimate one’s capabilities.

“Really dog ​​blood. Dignified Immortal City Lord is not your opponent of Savage. Laozi doesn’t believe it.”

The ruthless middle-aged person shouted again, a path of immortal light shot from his body showing the potential of hiding the sky and covering the earth, blasting the air as if it slashed out dozens of swords, but still useless, that The rune of the savage body is very strong, and the boundless body is very powerful.

Fist burst out, and with the power of rune, huge light waves appeared, all the attacks were shattered and broken by this fist, Savage was more proud, staring at the middle-aged man, “The strength of you is also our opponent of Tagu Tribe The little ones, who did not stay, killed me. “

This savage continued to communicate with middle-aged people by using Spirit Divine Consciousness, and suddenly rushed again, the huge fist sent dumbstruck rays of light, shocking, as if ten giant mountains were to be disintegrated and suppressed under this fist.

Hong long!

Middle-aged people are again shakily retreating. Tumbled dozens of times in the sky. After finally stopping, the middle-aged man was unwilling to wipe the blood from the corners of his mouth, the more intense his eyes were.


“I’m fine.” The middle-aged person waved.


Below 400,000 savage each and everyone growled and slaughtered with everyone in Immortal City. The power of Sword Qi rune was dazzling. It appeared in 4 places and plunged it into a place of war.

The middle-aged man again fights with the Savage Leader, but he is not an opponent every time. Savage is full of muscles, like a steel Giant. Every time he makes a deafening roar, it seems that within the body there is a volcano showing a blowout. He is not an opponent at all.

This savage strength is too strong. No matter what Immortal Technique he uses, he cannot break the defense of rune rays of light.

2 people meet again!


The middle-aged spurt a mouthful of blood, within the body Immortal Power, there is not much left. If he fights again, this group of people may be wiped out.

They are troops in a nearby Immortal City, and the middle-aged Jiang Guang is the City Lord. This Savage Tribe often sends Savage sneak attacks on their Immortal City. With the influence of robustness, they do n’t even take his City Lord into their eyes. , Immortal citizen who has always provoked. Jiang Guang is here today, and the plan is to solve these savage for a long time.

To this end, he has brought all 300,000 troops in Immortal City, but he still underestimates the strength of the leader Savage, and he is not an opponent at all. He looked down and found that these savages were combined together, and he knew the way of formation. The rune permeated the air, and each stroke played a strong shock of strength.

Immortal Soldier is not an opponent at all.


Jiang Guang yelled and evacuated immediately with all Immortal Soldiers.

But they wanted to leave, but the Savage leader was sneaked, and the spirit sound transmission said: “You Human Races also want to destroy our Tagu, so easy to destroy, can our Tagu Tribe also grow to 300,000 people? My Tagu sneak attack looted city There are no ten and eight, and those of Immortal City dare to come to trouble with me Tagu? So don’t look away today and you don’t want to leave, die! “

The savage Leader ordered his subordinates to keep up and not give them a chance to escape.

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