Above the mountain range is Chen Qi ’s number of 1000000 troops. Chen Qi stands in front of him, looking at Zhu Shi above, both eyes squinting slightly, within the body Immortal Power, like the quiet sea, on the eve of wind and rain, it is always possible break out.

“Someone from Southern Celestial Immortal Domain? Grass, so many people?”

“It’s impossible for Sir to leave now. He can only fight hard.”

“Everything depends on Sir, but it’s so hangy, maybe I lost my life here today.”

Many Chen Qi’s subordinates saw the densely packed Southern Celestial Immortal Soldier complexion deathly pale in the sky, and they were not afraid that it was deceiving. After all, they were not as many as Southern Celestial. On Leader strength, this Zhu Shi seems to be stronger.

“Chen Qi, you rebelled against Southern Celestial and provoked Domain Lord. Today is your death, and the shrimp soldiers around you are also killed.”

Battle General Bai Sha next to Zhu Shi stared at Chen Qi with a thick killing intent. They had 5,000,000 Immortal Army behind them, and Domain Lord Zhu Shi did it again.

Chen Qi is not enough to kill them.

“Chen Qi, what is hidden in you, this Eminence is curious about you. Now that the soldiers are under pressure, do you have to bear resistance? Bring about one’s own destruction?”

Zhu Shi was full of breath, scorned, and sneered: “Your strength seems to break through the Perfect Profound Immortal, but in the eyes of this Eminence, you are far from being the opponent of this Eminence.”

“Isn’t it your opponent, try understood without a try. Today, Chen Qi is here to kill you. After occupying your Southern Celestial Immortal Domain, Southern Celestial will be my Commander.” Chen Qi was not afraid, Hold the Top Grade treasure sword and stare at Zhu Shi.

“Arrogant and ignorant dog thing, do you really think this Eminence is your opponent? The Golden Immortal who died under this Eminence is innumerable, but you are Profound Immortal. Regardless of the law and of natural morality by getting some inheritance?”

“Chen Qi, I’m afraid you don’t know yet, our Domain Lord is now High Grade Supreme Unity Immortal. To deal with your piece of cake, you dare to speak up, and it is too overestimate one’s capabilities!” Battle General Bai Sha still sarcastically said.

“Go away, Laozi didn’t talk to you. Where did a dog bark here?” Chen Qi said, the complexion of Battle General Bai Sha trembling.

“You.” Battle General Bai Sha was full of killing intent, waiting for Zhu Shi to order to rush down.



With the order of Zhu Shi, the killing intent of overflowing heaven descended from the sky, and 5,000,000 Immortal Soldier behind him also rushed down, headed by Zhu Shi both eyes with a trace of very ruthless, a long sword appeared in the hand, which was an Earth. Level Low Grade Immortal Sword, extremely sharp, Immortal Qi lingers on it, inspiring Celestial Sword.


Chen Qi also rushed up, counting 1000000 Immortal Soldier behind him, most of them were Little Hei hairs, it can be said that behind him were densely packed countless Little Hei hairs, each and everyone was fierce, holding The bone spear is full of rune blooming, and is not afraid of death.

And those Immortal Soldier also rushed together.

During this time, Chen Qi gave these Immortal Soldier General, and also saved a lot of Immortal Artifacts, simpled them and improved their strong battle strength to cope with this battle, although those Immortal Artifacts were not enough to arm everyone. , But it can also improve the overall strength.

Hong long!

1000000 people rushed together in the sky, the front was drawn for a long time, and the densely packed head was seen at a glance. The end of the sky could not be seen. The sky and the ground were covered with silhouettes. Flying.

Zhu Shi was holding a long sword, and the word pierced through. A buzz that the long sword not only dumped myriad Sword Qi, but also a strong wind sounded with the moment the sword came out, and a path of tornado swept along with Sword Qi. 100 meters of tornado at least 30. Howling like a black wind. Ominous Beast that seems to be guilty of human beings.

This wind is not an ordinary wind, but with Rule Power, the layer upon layer diffuses the formidable power of his sword blessing greatly. The sword has just arrived, and the sky and clouds of hundred li are rolling and Heaven and Earth are discolored.

The word for High Grade Supreme Unity Profound Immortal, formidable power is extremely important.

In the hands of Chen Qi, the Top Grade Immortal Sword also rushed up, and immediately shook. Within flame of the body emerged from the sword, forming a hundred zhang Fire Sword, a countless flame high temperature swept the circleference number hundred li, and two people aroundings Immortal Soldier quickly evaded.

Hong long!

all around Count 1000000 Immortal Soldier started to kill, and Sky 2 silhouette also collided together, all the flames of Chen Qi robust condense the sword, Nine Dragons Thunder Astral Fire 4 overflowed, swept through those storms, and the aftershocks splashed all around For the first time, Chen Qi and Zhu Shi turned out to be equal.


His body trembled, a strong strength came from the sword, Chen Qi’s wrists shook, the flames swept down and his attack was destroyed by Zhu Shi’s sword.

The two of them took a step back, and the strength was comparable!

“What’s going on, Perfection Profound Immortal can resist my Zhu Shi’s attack, it’s a little strange.” Then Zhu Shi startled, how strong his attack is, he knows that the word can penetrate the earth through the several hundred zhang abyss, and a deep one appears. Gully, but Chen Qi resisted.

Chen Qi within the body is constantly roaring. Just now he is not only the Perfection Profound Immortal Immortal Power and the formidable power of the flame burst, but also the physical strength, which is naturally not bad.

With Chen Qi’s flehyhy body 100 times the ordinary Immortal, and cultivation Divine Art, that’s not a big deal.

“Very good. Sir actually blocked it.”

Jiang Guang and the others see Chen Qi not at all. All winds are relaxed. As long as Chen Qi can withstand, they have at least a glimmer of hope for how long they can kill. If Chen Qi is not an opponent, they will be killed in Baita. Because the battle between the generals is the key to determining the outcome.

Countless Little Hei Mao also killed even more vigorously. Each attack issued a roar of dumbstruck, and the power of rune bloomed. Strength should not be underestimated.

And these Little Hei hairs are all savages in a tribe. Normally, they are fighting together. At this moment, they are also more acquainted with each other. They know that they cannot face the Great Immortal Domain such as Southern Celestial. Otherwise you will be killed.

Bang peng ~ peng ~!

Chen Qi and Zhu Shi are fierce in the sky, all around is howling, Sword Qi 4 overflows, the horror ripple seems to blow up Space, white rays of light are flooding in the sky, and occasionally there are residual waves splashing out, Falling on the mountain top in the distance, the mountain top instantly turned into a flat bottom, and it fell to the ground and banged.

Everyone corner of mouth twitching, the farther away from the center of the battlefield, the battlefield of Immortal Soldier far avoided Chen Qi and Zhu Shi.

Another impact.

The flames of Chen Qi ’s hunted zhang Sword Qi are burning, the burning Space is shaking and twisting, and that Zhu Shi ’s complexion is getting heavier and heavier, he is shocked by Chen Qi ’s growing speed.

How long has Chen Qi been able to stand up to him, if in a few years, he is still an opponent? You know that he is now Supreme Unity Profound Immortal. It’s still High Grade.

But his attack smashed in, and Rule’s Power of Rob also collided together. Chen Qi was cut every time. Although he could not disintegrate all his attacks, it was not easy to hurt Chen Qi.

“Brat, I underestimate you.”

Zhu Shi both eyes flashed a hint of bright glow, a sudden whistle, aerodynamic clouds, tingling everyone’s ears, the sound was robust, as if the river erupted, within the body Immortal Power continuously condense.

Suddenly, Zhu Shi struck a few hands and performed an Immortal Technique.

“Calling Wind Immortal Technique! Die.”

Zhu Shi’s body was full of dazzling rays of light, immortal light shaking the sky, diffused circleference 100 meters, fingers linked, and finally pointed at Chen Qi, said with a sneer: “This is this Eminence cultivation Earth Level Low Grade Immortal Technique, see how long you can hold on. “

Zhu Shi both eyes killing intent Indifferently, once pointed out, the sky immediately fell into the night and turned black.

Large shadows spilled from the ground.

There was a black tornado of two hundred zhang around Zhu Shi. tornado has not yet come, the blowing sky seems to collapse, naked eyes can be seen wind-like lines entangled, rotating, containing the strangling everything, blowing people to death.

Chen Qi’s sleeves were swaying, both eyes were a little bit open, black tornado appeared in the eyes, and the ground was sandy and stoned. Tornado all around formed a huge swirling airflow, hitting Chen directly with black tornado as the center. Qi.

surroundings countless The trees were blown into the sky by this strong wind, tearing into countless copies

Even some of the mountains were bare and blown, and finally took off and took to the tornado surroundings to rotate. The storm that had only two hundred zhangs became like 500 zhangs, such as a colossus, black metal Qin pillar supporting heaven.

Chen Qi was surprised, what an Immortal Technique!

Chen Qi stood on the spot with a feeling of instability. As if floating underfoot.

“Not good, everyone retreat. This is the Great Immortal Technique of the Domain Lord. We do not distinguish ourselves from the enemy. We stay away, otherwise we will not survive the contamination of the Domain Lord.” Many Southern Celestial Immortal Soldier saw the huge distance The black storm swept through the complexion.

This Calling Wind Immortal Technique they have heard rumors, this is a great killing technique, which contains a strong Wind Attribute Rule, and this is not an ordinary wind, it is a black wind from the Immortal Technique method summon, blowing in On people, you can make people fall on the spot and the soul is extinguished.

Chen Qi also felt this horrible atmosphere. The moment his black wind came, his spirit showed a slight faintness, and it seemed that the soul was about to extinguish.

This was the first time he had seen such a magical immortal technique.

Zhu Shi seems to have expected this scene long ago, watching Chen Qi coldly said: “Now you know the power of this Eminence? But it’s too late. Since this Eminence has launched this Immortal Technique, naturally you don’t have to survive, you just Kneeling in front of this Eminence, this Eminence will not let you go. “

The black wind swept through everything, and the sky where it passed became turbid, and it seemed to be stained with black ink. It was not only with a strong tear strength, but also a mysterious Wind Attribute, which specifically extinguished the soul ’s Immortal Technique.


all around pieces scream!

There were panic sounds everywhere, especially those who were closer, and they were scared and kept away.

Many Immortal Soldiers were blown by the black wind, and then screamed suddenly and then stopped abruptly and fell to the ground. There is no breath in the whole person, and soul has been extinguished by the black wind like ink.

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