He was inside the body like a firecracker, complexion was scary, like ferocious beast shaking the heaven, waves of breath hit and shot out, accompanied by the body’s Immortal Burning Nether Fire also aflame, like the same Fire Divinity standing on the top , Provoking Vault of Heaven.

The circumference of 1000 miles is the breath of Chen Qi, the crushed grass is lying on the ground, countless Monster Beast mourns, imposing manner boundless, and even covers the sky.

Hong long!

The sky thunderbolt was brewing for a long time, and suddenly a Dao Tian thunder descended from Tian’er. Heavenly Thunder 5 The thickness of the thunder, thunder rolls shaking the heaven, exploded the sky into a spider web, bent and stretched for several hundred zhang, and fell suddenly.

This thunder is about 10000!

Chen Qi stepped forward without using any method to appear in front of thunder and lightning as fleshy body.


Chen Qi put his head on his head, firmly resisted the blow, and he was tingled with thunder and lightning, inside the body with pain, with a tingle of itch, without any harm.

Hong long!

Second Heavenly Thunder dropped again, the volume is 5 times that of the first, such as Bai Hong Guanri, fell again, as if tearing Space’s stars.

Chen Qi raised his arm and grabbed his big hand. The thunderbolt fell into his hands. Chen Qi grabbed the thunder and lightning suddenly, and Ka-cha thundered the thunder and lightning by his Immortal Power. and lightning entered his body being tempering fleshy body.

Crackle and rattle !

Everyone who sees this scene is embarrassed by complexion, and is frightened by Chen Qi’s behavior of divinities.

In the eyes of everyone, this is an insane behavior, but Chen Qi doesn’t care at all, and the same is true of third thunder and lightning.

It wasn’t until fifth thunder and lightning that Chen Qi used secret art.

5 thunder and lightning are as strong as dragons. They contain thunder and lightning destroying Concept, hovering in the black clouds and then shooting down. This shot down Chen Qi’s arm. Calling Wind Immortal Technique!

Hong long!

A hundred zhang storm appeared on his side, heading up, the two met and issued a Great Explosion.

The storm tore down thunder and lightning and completely disintegrate thunder and lightning.

The sixth thunder and lightning fell again, the formidable power was stronger, and it seemed that Chen Qi would be killed. Chen Qi flicks to shoot with the finger, the Immortal Burning Nether Fire ejected into the sky, and the flame was divided into 2 strands in the air, 100 red, like two flame dragons of different colors, suddenly colliding with thunder and lightning.

2 types of attributes explode, destroying thunder and lightning.

Until the end ninth thunder and lightning Chen Qi was safe and sound. Because thunder and lightning locked him in, Chen Qi not at all completely destroyed thunder and lightning, but left him a little tempering his body.

When 9 thunder and lightning fell, Heaven and Earth changed color, and the sky ’s black clouds also shrunk sharply. All this thunder and lightning, a thick ten zhang, 1000 meters Thunder Dragon, thunder and lightning shining, both eyes like Roulette, white light is dazzling, like a white sun dragon.

The moment Dao Dragon appeared. The circumference countless Immortal Soldier is all lying on the ground. Standing upright by a thunder prestige. His bones burst. Can only lie down

And Chen Qi’s bones were just rattling, but not like Immortal Soldier.

With a stiff body, Chen Qi’s spine is soaring into the sky like a sharp sword, standing upright, not afraid of Thunder Dragon.

Thunder Dragon both eyes contains power, suddenly a tail swing, a violent surging space, thunder and lightning 4 shots, is a combination of pure thunder and lightning, is the dragon of Immortal Thunder, as if it is about to smash the planet.


Thunder Dragon fell, Chen Qi’s right arm was lifted, and the contradense became a Fire Sword composed of Immortal Burning Nether Fire. It was red and white, Icebound Heaven and Earth, burning all living things, and two kinds of Peak strength merged and came out.

A huge explosion rang through the sky, shaking the circleference several tens of thousands of li. At this moment everyone has the illusion of the end of the world. The sky collapsed, the ground trembled, and countless mountain peak trees were uprooted and fluttered in the air. The ground is filled with flower of thunder and lightning, spreading violently, showing a sweeping trend.

Even more flame ice frost qi 4 overflow. It was a scene of destruction that scared people.

Fire Sword smashed Thunder Dragon’s head into the sky, and Icebound became Ice Dragon with a cold-ice breath. With a heart motion, the scorching strength spread, Ka-cha blasted Thunder Dragon between ice and heat. Completely disintegrated.

But a few thunder and lightning strengths were given up by Chen Qi to resist and penetrate into his body, constantly tempering.

This is the last Thunder Tribulation. Although it is a little, it has just reached the limit of the Chen Qi fleshy body and repeatedly tempered his physical body. His whole body skeleton, veins, dantian, flesh, and musculoskeletal skin all get huge benefits.

It took a long time for the body surface to dissipate, and the cultivation base of Chen Qi Low Grade Golden Immortal was completely and firmly stabilized by thunder and lightning exercises.

Chen Qi’s eyes were like electricity. He glanced at the mountain and rivers below. With a glance of his eyes, he pinched the fist, and a strong strength emerged from the whole body, making him feel that his strength had increased 100 times.

And just then, Golden Immortal had just become firm, and a spirit in his mind appeared in his consciousness. His mind entered another Space-Time.

In front of him appeared the densely packed countless multi-colored Rule River.

This long river is boundless and boundless. There is no end to it, and there is a haze in the distance.

Chen Qi broke through Golden Immortal and finally saw Rule River.

Each Immortal breaks through Golden Immortal and can see Rule River, but how much can be grasped depends on its own creation.

Arrive at Golden Immortal, you can have a preliminary grasp of Rule Power, which belongs to your strength. Although there is no hierarchy of Supreme Unity Profound Immortal, it should not be underestimated. It is a strong dividing line that distinguishes Immortal under Golden Immortal.

Chen Qi spirit appears in the multi-colored Rule River. In the distance, the rule rolls like waves, endless, all around is completely filled with the breath of the rule. Chen Qi wanted to move, but found that he couldn’t make it.

In front of this vast Rule Power, Chen Qi could not move because of his breath.

This Rule can only be absorbed by telepathy. How much it can absorb depends on the individual opportunity. Chen Qi looked around and found that the multi-colored Rule has thick and thin, various Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, gold, white, and black lines rolling.

If anyone were to do this again, they would be shocked by the Rule River as seen by Chen Qi.

Because of the breakthrough of ordinary Golden Immortal, the long river seen is definitely not so vast, it can only reach a small river, but what Chen Qi sees is a Rule river of vast vast sea.

And how much you can see is related to the strength of Spirit Power, Chen Qi tempering physical body, and the strength of the spirit has been greatly tempered. Far surpasses ordinary people, the Rule River just seen through is also vast.

Chen Qi’s gaze was fixed, and the nearest white rule emerged. It was a Water Element Rule Power. For a moment, Chen Qi knew bite off more than one can chew and ignored it.

A distant pale-yellow Rule drew from it. Chen Qi sensed that this was Earth Element Rule Power, and looked again.

Then a ray of red Rule floated over. This is the Fire Attribute Rule. Chen Qi moved with his heart and absorbed it directly. Although there are not many Fire Attribute Rules, it is easier to absorb it because he is close to him, and he can master the fire and can bring out the best in each other.


A strand of red Fire Attribute Rule was incorporated into his Spirit Body. Chen Qi spirit felt a trace of heat, absorbed dozens of strands in a row, and the symptoms of extreme fatigue appeared.

Finally, 120 strands of Flame Rule entered his head. Chen Qi couldn’t stand it hot, and Flame Rule condense in his head into a red wave the size of nails, the same amount as his Wind Attribute Rule.

Just after it was absorbed, Chen Qi Spirit Body was struggling by a stretch of strength that seemed to be crowding out of the Rule River.

Chen Qi kept fighting, but to no avail, the Spirit Body would soon dissipate.

Damn, I haven’t sucked enough, is this over?

Chen Qi called out, but the crowded strength had been working, and it was getting stronger.

No, it was easy to sense it once, and I couldn’t just miss it.

Chen Qi looked at 4 places and finally noticed suddenly that a ray of white not far from the front resembled the invisible ripple of Rule Power. He couldn’t feel what the Rule was. A little far away.

This Rule is 3 inches long, like silk, fluttering, very few.

The other Rules are small rivers, and small clusters are condensed together. Only this Rule Power has only a faint strand, a weak faint strand but much stronger breath.

Chen Qi was puzzled and wanted to pull it over, but to no avail, and his repulsive force was getting stronger and stronger. Chen Qi thought about it for the next time, but in this brief moment, he stared suddenly and noticed the incredible A scene.

I saw a small group of Palm Power in the distance drifted and hit the Rule Power. Unexpectedly, this Rule burst the Rule and split it into 2 halves. Hit two and a half, and that white rule is still intact.

What is this?

Seeing that rejection was getting stronger, Chen Qi quit.

Come over to me. Chen Qi condenses his mind and wants to absorb it. Instinctively, he thinks this Rule Power is absolutely strong. But no matter what he did, the concentrated and calmed traction had no effect.


The Spirit Body was gradually dispelled, and at the moment he was about to dissipate, Chen Qi reached out with his arm, Absorbing Stars Great Technique!

A suction force radiated to Rule Power on his arm. The ruler in the distance didn’t seem to resist, and inhaled it, like a small snake rushing into it, and Chen Qi was about to disappear into his arm and appeared in his mind.

Was absorbed.

Chen Qi also withdrew from the space.

Opening both eyes, Chen Qi is overjoyed.

I just stayed in the Rule River for a long time, but the outside world was actually a blink of an eye. Chen Qi felt the finger rule-sized Flame Rule in his head. He knew that the Rule was integrated into the flame and the formidable power would be greatly increased.

Furthermore, with this Rule Power Chen Qi, an ordinary fire can be derived out of thin air, as long as the Rule will not go out as long as there is no foreign object interference.

Because it is Rule.

Chen Qi is not pleased by this flame, but by a wavy white line in his mind, which is only 3 inches, but the strength of the strength is not weaker than the Flame Rule and Wind Attribute Rule.

In other words, this silk is comparable to 100 silk Flame Rules.

Chen Qi had a swollen head, but his expression was very excited. When he moved the Rule to his arm, this Rule gave him a very heavy breath. This, this is … ………… ..

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