The aftermath of the attack was just approaching, disintegrating all the Immortal Soldier attacks, exploding, the horrifying breath swept through, and the countless Immortal Soldier took off.

“Really strong, Principle Celestial Immortal. We are not opponents and we can’t bear the aftermath.”

countless Huaxia Immortal Soldier complexion pale. Shocked inside, it feels like five viscera and six bowels are shattered and painful, and the Principle Celestial Immortal is too strong.

They are in front of these people, just like mole cricket and ants Immortal, no more will do no harm, no harm will be done.

Chen Qi within the body continuously’s Immortal Power spread, wrapped around, and forcibly offset part of the attack.

“Hurry back! Thousand Phoenixes Strangling!”

Chen Qi both eyes was cold and suddenly burst out, and Phoenix Battle Lance in his hand resisted on his shoulders. At the same time, 1000 hunting zhang Phoenix erupted continuously from the body, a path of phoenix cry sounded across the sky, and Vermilion Bird Imprint flashed.


Flame Phoenix spurted out of Chen Qi and turned into a Divine Bird in the sky, tweeting loudly, like reborn from the ashes, the fire chi chi sounded, and these flames are not only hot, but also 50 cold- ice Phoenix, with his eyes on the world, with a unique ice-cold breath.

It’s made by Immortal Burning Nether Fire, Ice-Fire Cold Flame condense.

Hong long!

All the attacks were carried out. Chen Qi shouldered Phoenix Battle Lance. At this moment, the battle lance became ten zhang long, penetrated Heaven and Earth, sharp and unparalleled, and rushed directly to the past.

There are 2 Phoenix on his left and right sides, making harsh tweets.

Everyone complexion dumbstruck.

“This is, Flame Phoenix, with the smell of Phoenix burning all living things, how much Phoenix Bloodline does Chen Qi control?”

“This aura is nothing worse than a few Domain Lords, which is too scary.”

Hong long!

In the eyes of everyone, Phoenix rushed forward, 2 attributes issued a giant Great Explosion, and 4 Princess Celestial Immortal attacked.

In the explosion, a red lance was immediately revealed from countless Ice and Fire. A sharp ray of light penetrated the Immortal Dragon. The Immortal Dragon exploded a crack. The ruler’s scales shattered, and a mourn was heard. From the back of the head.

That Carefree Fairy orchid also stopped the offensive at this moment.

The golden mountain peak was topped by Chen Qi, and the heavy mountain peak was lifted by Chen Qi, and the scene was extremely shocking.

Li Qingmu’s word was stirred up by Phoenix Battle Lance.

Deep in the center of chaotic energy, Chen Qi holds the battle lance, like Battle Divinity, and shakes up four Princess Celestial Immortal!

“Strength surprised this Eminence.”

Dragon King Immortal’s gaze was fixed, his arm grabbed again, and he looked careless. Then Immortal Dragon recovered as before and snarled again at Chen Qi.

Chen Qi battle lance stabbed, and stood on the head of the giant Great Dragon. This Immortal Dragon wanted to directly kill Chen Qi with the strength of berserk, Chen Qi silhouette shakily retreating a few steps.

Seeing Chen Qi flew by this blow.

Chen Qi stepped forward and stepped out, trampled on Void, and forcibly anchored his body.

There was a sign that the Phoenix Battle Lance in Chen Qi’s hands was slipped back by the Immortal Dragon.

Suddenly, Chen Qi made a long howl, the sound of exploding sound came from within the body, the force of the fleshy body was exerted, the neck and arms were bruised, and at the same time a Rule of Power spread the arms.

Chen Qi suddenly grabbed the battle lance, the long howling aerodynamic mountain and rivers, might of lance, and rushed forward!

Ka-cha !

The powerful fleshhy body, and the Rule of Power infused lance, this blow made the dragon horn ka-cha stabbed and stabbed.

Chen Qi took a step again, his body moved upwards, suddenly grabbed lance with both hands, hung above the head of the faucet, the battle lance flipped over, and barbed down!

Chen Qi looked horrifying and thundered.

The Immortal Dragon was penetrated, like a stab in, nailing the Immortal Dragon to the starry sky. Chen Qi grabbed the other corner of the dragon, and the force of the fleshy body swayed, smashing the dragon back directly. The smashing banged.

The whole dragon rolled in the air and was thrown out by a huge strength.

“What? Smash it back?”

“What’s wrong with Chen Qi, this is too outrageous.”

Even the Dragon King Immortal was a bit surprised. Although he only used less than 10% of the strength, Chen Qi resisted the past so much that he was unexpected.

“So put up a desperate struggle, then die, do you really think that Principle Celestial Immortal can’t kill you?”

Dragon King Immortal seemed to have a burst of fire, with rays of light blooming on his body, and a dramatic dragon roar suddenly appeared from the back of his head. The breath of countless water emerged from there, and the river-like water seemed to appear out of thin air, at the same time.

He grabbed his hands. On the planet of Huaxia Immortal Domain all around, the currents of countless rivers and seas were all rolled into the starry sky. A path of Water Attribute Rule Power permeated those large waters, at least several tons of water, as if they were countless Celestial River, Yellow River, flood.

There is even a path of sea breath, and the endless blue sea floats in Void, contaminated by the Rule breath of Dragon King Immortal Domain, turning into a sea of ​​anger, and containing Supreme murderous intention.

At this moment in Li Qingmu, there was a terrifying breath on his body, and the other several Principle Celestial Immortal began to shoot. The breath of death grew stronger.

The Principle Celestial Immortal were really moving.

Dragon King Immortal seems to want to kill Chen Qi immediately, countless big water waves surging forth, can flood a piece of continuous, let the countless creature die, all drowned.

This strike came, and Chen Qi felt invincible. His current Immortal Power flames were consumed drastically, and he didn’t want to waste time.

There was a card in his hand.

Chen Qi wo n’t use this Invincible Card if it is less than 10000. After all, there are not many such cards. He does n’t want to use them, but now he has to do so. 4 Principle Celestial Immortal. Chen Qi has not been killed immediately. It’s terrifying.

Even the genius disciple of the great family cannot do this. At least those present were rarely heard of it.

The moment I was about to go out, suddenly, in the dark area of ​​the Huaxia Immortal Domain, in the deserted planet, a multi-colored treasure light shot from the bald mountain and penetrated the starry sky, looking extremely dazzling.

That dark area was already covered by the guard’s great formation when Chen Qi conquered 2 Immortal Domains, but now this treasure light almost reveals the guard’s great formation and appears in the starry sky.

At the same time the treasury key in the Chen Qi storage ring trembled violently.

“what is this?”

“It must be the land of Immortal Monarch Treasury. It actually emits a treasure light. Here we go.”

Four Princess Celestial Immortal complexion greatly changed, then Dragon King Immortal immediately took the attack, and the silhouette went down quickly.

Immediately, the countless Immortal Soldier also followed. The four Princess Celestial Immortal, especially the Li Qingmu glanced at Chen Qi, and accidentally Chen Qi’s strength, but now it is impossible to cast secret art, otherwise the next battle He will definitely fall below because of his secret art strength.

Once the Four Great Immortal Domains quarreled, for a Chen Qi, losing Immortal Monarch Treasury would be too cost-effective.

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