Four people glanced at Chen Qi, then disappeared in place, continued gliding deep in moved towards Space, searching in 4 places.

Chen Qi is also searching in 4 places at the moment, but after searching for a while, Chen Qi not at all found something strange, let alone acquired Immortal Treasure.

While searching around the crowd, Chen Qi instead sat down, pieces of Immortal Stone in the storage ring were broken, and a large number of Immortal Qi entered Chen Qi within the body.

Chen Qi is now the strength of Perfection Golden Immortal, and can compete with a Low Grade Principle Celestial Immortal, but the Principle Celestial Immortal really uses all strengths, and even fights hysterically, with Chen Qi Golden Immortal’s cultivation base still Can’t resist.

Now raising the cultivation base is what Chen Qi needs most.

Not only that, the four Rule Attribute stones in his hand are also in the hands of Chen Qi, he is using Absorbing Stars Great Technique to absorb the Rule Power contained in these stones.

Metal, Wood, Water, Earth 4 types of Rule Power are continually spreading Chen Qi’s body, and strands of it are drawn out into his body within the body, and finally reach the mind to be stable.

He has mastered a little of Earth Element Rule, and he has mastered a lot of Metal Element Rule. Among them Wood and Water Chen Qi not at all. Other Rule Attributes come to mind into those nail-sized Rule particles.

And these two Rule Powers condense into two tiny Rule particles in the depths of my head.

These Rule Powers could not have been absorbed so quickly, nor could they be absorbed so directly. They need to be taken slowly. At least one stone can take months, or even half a year. But here at Chen Qi this is not the case.

He used Absorbing Stars Great Technique, which reduced the volume of these stones by 10%. There are 2 more Rule particles in my mind.

Absorbing Stars Great Technique is very wonderful. As his cultivation base improves, it seems to become more and more overbearing. After a special route operation, it is extremely complicated. Then a huge suction force is issued. Chen Qi often exerts it. Now this suction force Getting stronger and stronger.

In the face of a powerhouse of the same strength, or an immortal Chen Qi that exceeds its strength, it cannot be directly absorbed, and it needs to be defeated so that it has no resistance to perform.

But now Chen Qi feels that there are ten Golden Immortal in front of himself. He doesn’t need to defeat, he can directly pull people by performing Absorbing Stars Great Technique, and the suction will penetrate the enemy within the body and instantly absorb its essence.

If anyone knew that Chen Qi was so absorbing Rule Power at the moment, it would definitely startled. Because this speed is too fast. And Chen Qi cultivation so many Rule Power?

The Rule Power that Chen Qi has grasped at this moment includes Space Rule, Wind Attribute Rule, Rule of Power, Metal Element Rule, Flame Rule, Earth Element Rule, Wood Element Rule, Water Element Rule.

Equivalent to 8 Rule Power. Although these Rule Powers are weak, the move is crazy.

Ordinary Immortal cultivation One kind of Rule Power has been extremely difficult, but Chen Qi has cultivated 8 kinds at the same time.

The more cultivation Rule Power, the stronger the strength in general, but the process is very difficult, because it is equivalent to 8 times harder than ordinary Immortal. Chen Qi cultivation Divine Art, and fleshhy body physique are inherently powerful, within the body meridian dantian qi sea is dozens of times of the same level Immortal, up to 100 times.

In other words, he cultivated the same Immortal Qi concentration, and the ordinary Immortal could be promoted to the next boundary, but for Chen Qi, it was just the beginning and not enough. Not to mention the difficulty of cultivation so many Rule Power now.

Rule Power spent in cultivation in the future is an astronomical figure. A Rule Power finally cultivation condenses Dao Fruit, the Rule Stone spent is too huge. Fortunately, it is ascending Heaven to achieve a Rule cultivation to the Immortal Monarch Boundary.

Not to mention so many Rule Power. And according to Chen Qi, he may condense more. Because he mastered Absorbing Stars Great Technique this Supreme Secret Art. It is not an ordinary person’s way.

It is rumored that the Immortal Monarch that can cultivate five Immortal Fruits is already the world’s rarely seen genius in 5. It was also extremely difficult, and Chen Qi had to say it was crazy.

“What’s Chen Qi doing? At this time cultivation?” Dragon King Immortal noticed the scene in the distance, a hint of irony appeared in the corner of his mouth, “It is not our opponent to give him cultivation in such a short time.”

“Regardless of what he does, after this, the first thing to die is this brat. Principle Celestial Immortal dare to blackmail, this Eminence will let him know what mistake he made.” Li Qingmu revealed a hint of cold in his eyes glow.

An hour passed.

People searched in this vast space and found nothing. Many people began to search deep underground.

Hong long!

A terrible attack smashed, immortal light bursts, smashing the ground out of a huge nature, red dirt shot, but not at all found anything. Some Immortal perform Immortal Technique directly, use Sword Qi as the head, drill deep into the ground, slamming all the way, a time of earth shaking, overturning seas and rivers.

countless Immortal chiseled the ground and searched deep in the ground. Many Immortal had already reached the bottom 1000 meters, still so, not at all found anything strange.

“What bullshit Immortal Monarch Treasury is a ruin, nothing, nothing.”

A lot of Immortal yelled and scolded, apparently a little angry, and the mountain peaks were shot down by the immortal light, and tossed in 4 places, but found nothing.

4 Principle Celestial Immortal are also complexion ugly.

It is impossible to have nothing in such a large place, and there must have been some kind of war when looking at the ruins of this site.

Did anyone come in early to empty everything here, so they didn’t find anything?

But looking at the traces here, obviously not at all traces of someone rummaging, so this inference seems unrealistic.

Chen Qi is still cultivation.

At this moment he has absorbed more than ten 10000 Immortal Stones, and Rule Stone has absorbed two tenths. However, there is still a long way to go to fully absorb it. Not a while and a half.

Just when everyone was impatient and looked a little annoyed, suddenly, in the depths of the earth, an antiquity Great Desolate sound was heard suddenly, and a path of boom rang through the entire space. It seemed that there was something colossus to break through.

“what’s the situation?”

Everyone complexion greatly changed, searching 4 places. Suddenly, on a deep ground, I didn’t know what was breaking out of the ground, lifting up a large amount of dirt, even on the bottom of a large mountain peak up to several hundred zhang. Out.

The huge movement caused the tall mountain peak to split from the middle. In the shocking look of everyone, a huge antiquity elephant head with a huge head of 100 meters drilled out of the ground.

The sound of a path of antiquity elephant is Void, the huge elephant head is extremely tall, with its mouth wide open, revealing 2 white tusks, brown body body, both eyes scarlet, curly nose, open mouth, It seems to be connected to a deep Channel.

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