“So horrible, is this one arm of Monster Monarch, and one arm shows such a terrible strength, if all comes out, is it okay?

“Let’s stay away. Only 4 Principle Celestial Immortal can deal with it. We are not opponents at all.”

“This is the first time I’ve seen Monster Monarch hand bone. The imposing manner of Monster Monarch is too scary. Look at the sky. It’s completely distorted. It’s a completely red world, too terrifying!”

Everyone is frightened.

Four Princess Celestial Immortal complexion greatly changed, but then a look of great joy appeared on their faces, and the Dragon King fairy laughed:

“Hahaha, okay, very good. You can tell from this aura that this is the real Monster Monarch. Although it is not Immortal Monarch, Monster Monarch is also a pleasant surprise. It also has Rule Power. It has Rule Dao Fruit and must.”

“All of you, we will surrender this arm, and then after breaking all other ivory seals and killing them all, we will definitely get Dao Fruit from Monster Monarch.”

The rest of Li Qingmu, Carefree Fairy, and Sovereign Yu Immortal looked with a touch of excitement.

4 people flew over immediately and did not back off, a path of Celestial River-like immortal light, Rule Power, from the depth of Void, from the Rule of Light continuously behind their heads.

Such as mountain waterfalls, flood slopes, 4 silhouettes occupy Void, twisting surroundings of the air of hundreds of li, ripples, like ripples on the lake, the entire Void has become a curved World.

The four Princess Celestial Immortal have waited too long at this moment, they didn’t expect that there really is a Monster Monarch here.

Only by virtue of the thick thickness of this hand bone Monster Qi, they can conclude that this arm must be a true Monster Monarch-level powerhouse.

But with one arm, aren’t they 4 afraid of Celestial Immortal?

Hong long long !

The sky was completely chaotic for a while, all kinds of energy surged, and it became a ruined space. Sand and stones, countless bones flew, yellow water shot, and even the ground was blown out by a path of sky Rule Power. .

The hand bone grabbed the demon sword, imposing manner like a rainbow, and every time it was cut out, the sound of the shock was endless, showing an absolute kill.

Dozens of mountain peaks towered in the distance, and suddenly the aftermath of the fighting between the two sides shot out and was blasted into flat ground.

Each blade is like a peerless attack by Shattering Mountain and Rivers. The halo behind the heads of four Principle Celestial Immortal shots Rule of Light like boundless endlessly, and Azure Wood Divine Sword of Li Qingmu assassinates it, turning it into a path of straight Lines, colliding with that Sword Qi.

Myriad Sword Qi appeared again behind Li Qingmu, all green Sword of Rule. Just like the entity, every word can kill the Great Principle Golden Immortal. The sharp Sword Qi contains boundless life force, but with a hint of death, I want to slay the Remnant Soul hidden in the bones of that arm.

Golden rays of light bloom on Sovereign Yu Immortal, all of them are Metal Element Rule, transformed into vast great sea, mountains, various weapons, fiercely shot in the past, showing cutting space, piercing through everything, golden light blooming , Rule Power is also extremely thick.


A huge Water Dragon appeared in the air, Dragon King Immortal mastered the Water Attribute Rule Power. With a little movement, a rule-like atmosphere appeared in the back of the head. It belongs to the Rule Power owned by Principle Celestial Immortal and has a long white rule of several hundred zhang. Dragon roared into the sky, all around water qi transpired, and tens of thousands of tons of strength hit the past.

Carefree Fairy is like the source of the same myriad flowers, with white orchids floating out and flying in the air, like phantom, Rule flowers on 10000000 covered the sky. At this moment, everyone showed their powerful method. .

Hong long long !

All the attacks collided with that Blade Qi, and the sky exploded like a mushroom cloud.

The Blade glow of Monster Monarch was shattered, the hand bone shakily retreating took a step, and then it flew again, and a larger one appeared like the sky glow blade glow condense. The carrier’s blood color World surged.

This blade has already appeared in the world, shivering soul, blade glow surroundings, blood red, magnificent army with thousands of men and horses are killing, countless demon emits roar, red air flow surging, as long as it is contaminated on people, it seems to be able to Monster transformation, bloody and cruel.

Oppression circleference The atmosphere of the mountain and rivers that swept 1000 miles swept, countless mountain peaks collapsed, the earth all split up and in pieces, and the blood accumulated underground rivers emerged into the sky, gathering in the blood color world, adding a sense of terror.

The 4 people attacked were disintegrated by this blade, such as the long blade splitting into the sky and divided into 2 halves, and the crash continued. The breath of ice cold came through.

“This arm is really strong and actually split the attack of 4 Principle Celestial Immortal !!!”

“Well, Monster Monarch is also called Monster Monarch. Although it is an arm, but the formidable power displayed is beyond my reach, but it is too strong. I don’t know if the four Principle Celestial Immortal can handle it.”

“If Principle Celestial Immortal can’t handle it, will we be killed?”

“Let ’s pray that Principle Celestial Immortal is the opponent, otherwise we will be in danger. This is the fierce Monster Monarch. It must not be our place. Maybe it comes from the outer realm.

“Outland? You mean other Great Realm World powerhouses?”

“But our surroundings don’t seem to have a place to live for any monster, even the nearest place is the Celestial Sovereign Great Immortal world, right? This Monster Monarch doesn’t know why it was sealed here. Is it Monster Realm?”

“Monster Realm is unclear, but Monster Monarch is difficult to survive where Immortal exists. It is likely that the Monster Monarch powerhouse gathered by the monster group is dangerous. No one knows why it is here.”

“You see, the four Principle Celestial Immortal shot again.” Many Immortal stared at the scene at high altitude ahead.

At this moment, 4 Principle Celestial Immortal shot again, boundless method showed.

Suddenly, a breath of icebound the whole world appeared from Carefree Fairy. She opened her mouth full of redness and flew out of it a white Ice Orchid. Just all around appeared a 1-layer frost mist.

The earth was frozen in this brief moment, all around the broken mountain peak became Iceberg at this moment, and the white World spread. Carefree Fairy has exhibited her secret art, which is an Ice Orchid that she has coagulated for many years. It can be Icebound several tens of thousands of li mountain and rivers, which contains Ice Attribute Rule Power.

Several other Celestial Immortal attacks also came.

This time they hit each other more fiercely, attacking the long river to smash the blade glow world of Monster Monarch, countless Icebound, Water Dragon, Metal Element Rule, and Azure Wood Divine Sword by Li Qingmu. A crack appeared on Monster Artifact .

This time Monster Monarch lost his arm.

“Come on, kill this arm.” Li Qingmu, Dragon King Immortal, Carefree Fairy, Sovereign Yu man complexion was overjoyed and excited. both eyes is fiery.

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