Hong long!

A more terrifying atmosphere spread across the sky, and the entire Space spread instantly. At this moment, the sky shook like a bell. Monster Monarch grabbed it with his hands, and the countless red demon column struck from the arm. .

The Monster Qi light beam of 100 to 1000 is like sharp claw, grabbed from the depth of the sky, with a terrible ominous prestige, without mercy, to kill all of them.


Immediately, more than a dozen 10000 Immortal Soldiers were hit by the Monster Qi pillar, and the body became shattered, turning into a mass of blood and floating in the sky, entering the monster Monarch within the body through the red monster pillar.

Originally a skeleton’s body was twisted at this moment, condense became flesh, slowly covered his body, and the five viscera and six bowels within the body were gradually forming. But this blood qi is obviously not enough.

“Ah! Run away, this is a Fiend, cannibalistic Demonic Monster!”

Seeing this scene of the mind dumbstruck, the heart beats violently, and the complexion is pale as paper, as if terrified.

each and everyone Immortal Soldier lose one’s head out of fear 4 escapes, whether it is Star Gathering Immortal Palace or Carefree Immortal Domain, Sovereign Yu Immortal Domain, Dragon King Immortal Domain, and Immortal of the surrounding influence, and Huaxia Immortal Soldier each and everyone 4 escapes.

that aura spread from the sky, the tide was roaring, the sky completely turned into a blood red, the blood color rays of light spilled, and the whole space was illuminated like blood color Hell, full of death, fear, and panic.

Monster Monarch’s gaze was like the blood red revealing from the depths of Hell. The murderous gaze had no emotion at all, like a killing machine, full of cruelty, indifference and killing intent!

Killing intent has become substantive, spreading from above. The boundless prestige breath belonging to Monster Monarch floods every corner of Space. Some Immortal Soldiers have been paralyzed in the process of fleeing.

Because of the concept scene of a slaughter, it radiates from Monster Monarch all the time and penetrates into people’s mind. The slightly weaker Immortal Soldier cannot resist the bloody scene belonging to the Monster Monarch slaughter Execute Immortal.

This is Monster Monarch!

They have never seen Monster Monarch, but at this moment it was the last moment of their lives.

Li Qingmu and the others both eyes stared at the 2-inch red Dao Fruit behind Monster Monarch’s two gnawing heads. Both eyes were full of greed and deep fear.

“Ah! … don’t kill me, don’t kill me!”

Dozens of Immortal had just escaped, and the sky descended with a bloody mist, covering them with a moment of intense corrosion.

Their body protection Immortal Power burst like an egg, and the blood color mist spread over their bodies, the skin of their clothes, flesh turned into thick blood, a path of flesh Essence Qi condense into a small group of lights, and flew into the Monster Monarch skeleton to become The nourishment of his condom fleshy body.

“He is absorbing our flesh Essence Qi and casting the Monster Monarch fleshy body. Once fleshy body is condense, the strength of Monster Monarch will be even more terrifying!”

The sky that blood color Monster Monarch, with tall arms of 4 arms and 2 heads, is like a demo monster of the world, the body boils, and the whole space is covered with blood-scarred Monster Qi, roaming and reaping people. life.

The body protection Immortal Power of anyone contaminated by Monster Qi is broken, the body becomes red, as if stained by ink and then exploded, becoming the nourishment of Monster Monarch.

each and everyone The Immortal Soldier exploded, and even some people were still flying in the sky, and suddenly a blood mist shrouded, the blood color mist washed over, but the silhouette of the Immortal Soldier was lost.


Another dozen or ten thousand Immortal Soldiers were washed away by a group of Monster Qi with a circlecircle numbering ten thousand meters. Everyone became a skeleton explosion, and the Immortal Infant within the body did not escape.

Some Immortal Soldiers were shrouded in Monster Qi, knowing that their lives would soon die, Immortal Infant dropped the fleshy body and wanted to escape, but just flew out, contaminated with Monster Qi, withered and dried instantly, and was exhausted from Life Essence.

Immortal Infant has been cultivated for decades and condense for hundreds of years. No one can escape by being washed away by Monster Qi.

The thickness of this Monster Qi, like blood color Yellow River, like Nine Heavens Milky Way, is close to materialization, and Yin Hong is about to bleed. Various negative emotions filled it, with strong corrosiveness. Among them is a Path of Monster Monarch’s Rule Power.

“Let’s go to the edge of Space, the farther we can escape, the better, this Monster Monarch is too strong!”

Several Great Principle Golden Immortal eyes were frightened, their bodies moved, and their speed was fast. Fast as lightning was generally moved towards the distance, but Monster Qi of Monster Monarch was faster, hiding the sky and covering the earth. The 3 Great Principle Golden Immortal immediately became skeletons and exploded into blood qi.

Hong long!

There was another explosion, more than a dozen 10000 Immortal were infected with the blood-like blood qi, and all died.

One of the blood color arms of Monster Monarch was grabbed, and among all the dead Immortals, a path of Essence Qi permeated his body, and soon one of his arms was about to condense out.

Monster Monarch’s breath is rising.

Tang Qianxue is also fleeing at the moment. Complexion is a bit pale. With her knowledge, this Monster Monarch does not have the 1% strength of its peak period. Even if all the consense of the fleshhy body is completed, after all, Dao Fruit is damaged and it is impossible to exert 100% strength.

Even so, Monster Monarch is the Supreme powerhouse that condense Dao Fruit, and 1% strength is not something they can handle.

Monster Monarch is a powerhouse above the Principle Celestial Immortal.

Under Immortal Monarch, all mole cricket and ants!

Principle Celestial Immortal is also not an opponent in front of Monster Monarch, because Dao Fruit has been condense, which is very different in nature.

Each one is made through countless years of cultivation. It can be said that it is difficult to achieve an Immortal Monarch in 10 million Immortal. The base is calculated at least 100000000.

Like the Immortal Domain around the Star Gathering Immortal Palace, there has never been an Immortal Monarch-level powerhouse, strictly speaking. This Immortal Domain is a land of pellets compared to the vast immortal Realm, the remote Star Domain, and the scarce Immortal resources. Domain.

The moment everyone saw Immortal Monarch, they were filled with fear.

“Damn! I knew that Laozi shouldn’t have come in and lost something. It wasn’t worth it.”

A middle-aged Immortal complexion dumbstruck glanced back at the blood sea Monster Qi, which seemed to have become half-sky. He shivered, his flying body was floating up and down, and his mood changed dramatically.

Hong long!

A Monster Qi permeated, this Immortal was immediately corroded into a blood color skeleton, screaming strongly and unwillingly, and exploding into a ball of blood color Essence Qi, the scream stopped abruptly.

With Monster Monarch as the center, all directions are Immortal fleeing from mole cricket and ants, densely packed and spreading all around.

Monster Monarch, like an antiquity octopus, radiates densely packed blood color hands, supporting heaven pillar like all directions.

Many people have escaped from the 9 elephant mouths just now, more and more people have come out of this Space, and the Monster Monarch does not seem to be in a hurry, all died from the ground Immortal within the body is absorbing Essence Qi, a path of incantation, the red light shining on the body surface is gradually condense.

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