At the moment in Imperial City. The middle-aged man received the order and exclaimed: “Zhang Mengyu, Emperor told you to go in.”

“Really?” Zhang Mengyu was about to fall into a coma. When he heard this, both eyes flashed a ray of light suddenly. It was unbelievable that his weak body was shaking.

“It’s not true, can I lie to you?” Middle-aged person shaking one’s head.

Zhang Mengyu struggled for a long time, then stood up, her legs have lost consciousness, but the remaining True Qi forcibly operating within the body recovered a little, step by step, even the ground was dropping of blood along the way, just go Entered Imperial City.

After Zhang Mengyu came in, he saw a handsome boy on plaza, from head to toe, filled with a breath of out of this world for a while, especially Chen Qi ’s both eyes, like sun, moon, stars in it Flashes, extraordinarily deep, people can not see through.

Zhang Mengyu didn’t expect not to see these days, Chen Qi is just like Immortal, the breath revealed from head to toe makes people only look up.

Next to Chen Qi is a myriad of stars surrounding the moon, and Ye Fan, Zhu Bajie, Bai Qi, Yao Xuelan, Xiang Gu and the others.

“Zhang Mengyu, see Emperor!” Zhang Mengyu was trembling, revealing a glimmer of rays of light in her eyes. Whether her father or mother could be saved depends on Chen Qi.

“What’s the matter, let’s talk.” Chen Qi didn’t want to look at the woman and turned around.

Zhang Mengyu complexion was even paler, his voice was trembling, facing Chen Qi ’s back or is: “Although, I know I shouldn’t find you, and I’m not qualified to find you, but my father and mother are seriously injured now. , True Martial Continent, I’m afraid only Emperor can save my father and mother, I … “

“I hope Emperor can save my father and mother. Now my father and mother can’t last long. I … I beg you.”

In the end, Zhang Mengyu’s eyes turned red, and tears cried. Knelt down and begged in tone.

“Zhang Mengyu, you still have Chen Qi in your face.”

Chen Qi didn’t speak, but Ye Fan stared at Zhang Mengyu: “Maybe you don’t remember, how did Chen Qi die in front of you?”

“In the beginning, as long as you said a word, Zhou Tian could release Chen Qi, but you watched Chen Qi die in front of you. When Chen Qi was infatuated with you at the beginning, he ended up like that. If Chen Qi was dead, Maybe there is no Chen Qi now. Do you still have a face to look for Chen Qi? “

Zhang Mengyu cried even more, she recognized Ye Fan aside.


Zhang Mengyu didn’t know what to say, she did exactly that. Presumably switching to anyone, she would not watch Chen Qi be killed, but she did not say anything when she watched Chen Qi die, which is equivalent to acquiescing to Zhou Tian.

“Okay, you do n’t need to say anything, Zhang Mengyu. I could have killed you at the beginning, but I did n’t have anything to say to you. I do n’t want to have anything to do with you, so you may be looking for me now Anymore? “

“I want you to come in just to tell you that your business has nothing to do with me. You won’t even shoot if you kneel to death, you go.”

Chen Qi waved his hand. Don’t want to see Zhang Mengyu at all.

“Chen Qi, I beg you …”

Zhang Mengyu became more and more desperate. Chen Qi didn’t look at her more from beginning to end. She thought that there was still a glimmer of hope when she saw Chen Qi, but when she heard Chen Qi say that, she knew that her father and mother could not be saved.

“It’s useless to ask 10,000 times. Come, please leave for me.” Chen Qi waved his arm and immediately countless court eunuch came over to drag Zhang Mengyu away.

“Emperor, seeing that we are all Ink River City people, don’t you … can’t you really save my father and mother, I’d rather trade my father and mother for my life, so you can get revenge.”

Zhang Mengyu continued to plead, her face was covered with tears, and her whole body trembled.

“Zhang Mengyu, Chen Qi really wants revenge, I’m afraid you can’t live today.” Ye Fan said: “Chen Qi has done everything right without killing you. Now you have something to find Chen Qi. Reasonable in every circumstance is not consistent.”

“No, Chen Qi don’t …”

Someone has dragged Zhang Mengyu out of the Imperial Palace. Zhang Mengyu knows that once he leaves the Imperial Palace, it is almost impossible to see Chen Qi.

Only now she asks Chen Qi. Although she knows that there is not much hope, but thinking of her father and mother lying in bed, Zhang Mengyu keeps crying.

“Chen Qi, it was my fault at the beginning, I shouldn’t be so ruthless, but I still want to ask you, only you can save my father and mother. Chen Qi, I … I … pu!”

Zhang Mengyu was out of breath, and the whole person spit out blood on the spot. The internal injury was triggered by the intense emotions at the moment and fell to the ground, but because he was obsessed with saving his father and mother, he was still begging for Chen Qi.

In these circumstances, it was desolate.

Zhang Mengyu, dragged out, bleeds two long blood lines from his knees.

What happened to Zhang Mengyu during this period of time, rushing on the road for a long time, and kneeling for two days without stopping for a while, the breath is almost non-faintly discernable. If you continue to do so, it is likely that you will die before leaving the Imperial Palace.

“I beg you, Chen Qi …” But Zhang Mengyu still murmured in his mouth, and the whole person was extremely sad and earnestly prayed.

“and many more.”

Yao Xuelan, looking aside, struggling for a moment, walked to Zhang Mengyu, True Qi felt it, and found that the wound on Zhang Mengyu’s shoulder had been severely bleeding. He had already infected the viscera due to no treatment, and the breath was nearing nothing at this moment.

Maybe less than 2.5 minutes, Zhang Mengyu will die here.

Yao Xuelan looked at Zhang Mengyu’s pale complexion, and she couldn’t bear it. After thinking about it, she knew that Zhang Mengyu had no other way to treat her at the moment. She took out a medicine pill and stuffed it into Zhang Mengyu. She was pale but still mumbling. In the mouth, Immortal Qi drifted.

Yao Xuelan resolved half of the medicine pill into her wound, and half swallowed her.

“Xuelan, what are you doing?”

Chen Qi saw that Yao Xuelan had taken Immortal Pill to treat Zhang Mengyu with black lines on his forehead. This little lass is too kind.

Soon, Zhang Mengyu woke up and glanced at Yao Xuelan gratefully, still kneeling stubbornly in front of Chen Qi, “Chen Qi, please, save my father and mother. I know I don’t have this qualification, nor do I There should be this face, but I really don’t want my father and mother to die. If you don’t save my father and mother, no one in the world can save it, okay? I don’t know what to do, I can only ask you. “

Zhang Mengyu looked up at Chen Qi. Chen Qi looked relaxed for a moment, but still refused, “You go.”

“No more, you don’t have to go, because I will kill you!”

Chen Qi added a long sword in his hand, pointing directly at Zhang Mengyu’s throat. “I pray to you like a joke, just like a play.”

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