“What dog stuff is also eligible to speak in front of Sir Immortal Monarch, act recklessly!”

Pu chi!

Hao Nan was lying on the ground, and the complexion was red. He really has no qualifications, he is just a little Celestial Immortal.

Facing Immortal Monarch, the rumored Supreme powerhouse did not even have the right to speak. But he had to do so, and seeing that Chen Qi was going to be punished by Immortal Monarch, it was all caused by him, and he was not upset.

“Sir!” He was going to continue to speak, but the middle-aged Princess Celestial Immortal flew down. “You brat doesn’t seem to understand the current situation. Now it is Sir Immortal Monarch. Okay, you’re wasted today! “

This guard raised an eyebrow. Immediately, Palm shot out, rising winds, scudding clouds, and Hao Nan would be abolished.

“Stop!” Chen Qi suddenly drank, inside the body Vermilion Bird Burning World Secret Art running at a high speed, both eyes are sharp, “who dares to attack my people!”

“This Eminence is here, you are so brave, let Luo Tian, ​​otherwise …” Immortal Monarch Guan Hou both eyes squinted slightly. But he wasn’t finished.

Suddenly a water qi wrapped Luo Tian in his hand, and a powerful suction was uploaded from the Chen Qi 5 finger. Chen Qi scratched his throat in Luo Tian’s extremely fearful look, and the suction went deeper into it. Luo Tian’s cultivation base and Rule Power in his head all absorbed into Chen Qi within the body.

“Sir, save me!” Luo Tian screamed for the last time, but when the water qi dissipated, a flame ignited Luo Tian into nothingness.

Chen Qi feels that his current cultivation base is getting stronger and stronger, and he is about to reach a breakthrough point.

He absorbed this Luo Tian only in an instant. At this moment, Chen Qi within the body Divine Art was running at a high speed, eyes flashed. In the distance, the Princess Celestial Immortal who attacked Hao Nan had come to Hao Nan.


Chen Qi’s body disappeared in place, and he was about to appear in front of the middle-aged person.

“impudent !”

Suddenly, the Immortal Monarch was obviously angry to the extreme. Chen Qi had completely ignored him. He dignified an Immortal Monarch here. Chen Qi even killed Luo Tian in front of his own face and intercepted another Principle. Celestial Immortal.

This is contempt!

He was scorned by a Supreme Unity Profound Immortal.

Everyone also felt that it was incredible. At this time, Chen Qi had no intention of repentance.

“courting death !”

A huge Rule breath was shot from Dao Fruit behind Immortal Monarch Guan Hou and turned into a sacred light. The layer upon layer of light seemed to be evolving each and everyone World civilization. When it appeared, it filled the entire sky and shrouded it. circumference is ten thousand li.

The sky ten thousand li was filled with rays of light, and everyone was trembling.

Immortal Monarch’s strength is truly extraordinary.

The breath of countless Light Rule seems to clean away the filth of the World. The white light carries the purification strength and the cutting edge, repels all energy not belonging to rays of light.

The sky trembled. Rays of light appeared to be 100 to 1000, or even 10000, 100,000, and 1000000 rays of light unrolled bolt of white silk. Each one was extremely dazzling, with the breath of Immortal Monarch.


This blow was enough to smash Wide Origin City more than half.

Immortal Monarch Dao Fruit is the source of the bright sacred river, continuously shrouded like mountains and seas.

Chen Qi’s body that had just flew out was suddenly shrouded in light, and the whole body was making explosions. Every inch of his skeleton seemed to be unable to withstand this pressure, and it was torn apart. Chen Qi looked crazy.

Suddenly, Chen Qi shouted loudly in the sky, and his pain was suppressed.

“Because you can’t resist this Eminence’s attack, this Eminence is Immortal Monarch, and you, just a mole cricket and ants, petty and low Supreme Unity Profound Immortal, how is this Eminence’s opponent, eh?”

Immortal Monarch Guan Hou tone aloof and remote, eyes full of contempt for Chen Qi.

“Vermilion Bird Burning World Secret Art, Vermilion Bird Blood Essence, quote, break for me!”

Chen Qi shouted in his heart, within the body the flame was boiling, a red and white group of Immortal Burning Nether Fire burst out in dantian, running through his four limbs and 4 skeletons. Chen Qi’s entire hair stands up in anger, and his body is full of flames. , Just like Fire Divinity.

“Immortal Monarch? I Chen Qi will show you today, your Immortal Monarch is in front of me, not worth mentioning!” Chen Qi both eyes stunned.

All around Space is distorted and unshaped under the flame of Chen Qi within the body, and the Immortal Burning Nether Fire erupts from within the body, as if the flame of myriad burst at the same moment, and it was appalling.

A Phoenix Sword appeared in his hand, straight into the sky, reaching a length of hunted zhang.

In the bright sea, a red flame appeared, sweeping the circleference ten thousand li. Chen Qi unreservedly displays the formidable power of the Body Immortal Burning Nether Fire. After the high-speed operation of Vermilion Bird Burning World Secret Art, the formidable power of Immortal Burning Nether Fire has been greatly improved.

Presenting a mighting burning the heaven and boiling the sea, the Phoenix Sword fire-red in his hand, Sword Horizontal Slash, like the sword of water, the translucent light zi zi rang.

The sky is constantly exploding, but Chen Qi’s Phoenix Sword wants to split the light, which is obviously not strong enough.

This is the real Immortal Monarch, not the withered Dao Fruit of the Slashing Principle Monster Monarch, with only 1% strength, but a full 100% strength.

Immortal Monarch is to condense the existence of Dao Fruit. The halo radiation rays of light behind Guan Hou’s head have the effect of dissipating dissidents, and the flames have also shown a tendency to fail.

“Useless, you can’t resist this Eminence attack!” Immortal Monarch Guan Hou sneered, as if watching a struggling prey.

But next moment, Chen Qi once again showed a more terrifying atmosphere.

Chen Qi held Phoenix Sword and immediately turned on 8 times berserk.

Originally, Chen Qi did not plan to use the Berserk System because he wanted to hone himself, but at the moment he had to do it. He was just a Supreme Unity Profound Immortal, not an Immortal Monarch.

He is too far away from Immortal Monarch Boundary. According to common sense, an Immortal Monarch can instantly kill 100,000 Supreme Unity Profound Immortal. Because Rule Power of Immortal Monarch is very condensed, only Chen Qi, the Supreme Unity Profound Immortal of the cultivation Divine Art, can barely resist it.

Although he killed Principle Celestial Immortal quickly, Immortal Monarch would kill Principle Celestial Immortal faster than him.

The gap on the boundary cannot be ignored by Chen Qi.

Unless he breaks through the Great Principle Golden Immortal now, however, it’s coming.

Chen Qi both eyes is crazy. As long as he kills the Principle Celestial Immortal and absorbs his cultivation base, Chen Qi feels that he can break through the cultivation base on the spot. Once you break the Great Principle Golden Immortal, you can fight against Immortal Monarch yourself!

He faced the prestige of Immortal Monarch all the time, and the bones within the body showed cracks. He could not hold on for too long.

Immortal Monarch is not as good as Principle Celestial Immortal. Chen Qi knew that his limit would soon be reached.


The moment when the 8 times berserk opened, Chen Qi sword became stronger 8 times, the flame breath swept all directions, burning aura radiated from him, and the sky fire-red.

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