Chen Qi fist hits, Rule of Power is released from his arm, hits a mighty ripple strength, meets the light, and a light wave blows up in the sky. Chen Qi feels a strong strength coming, the body is shakily retreating for 100 steps, It was hard to stop, but the light was still venting.

Blood Soul Sword keeps sword slashed out, but to no avail. All Sword Qi was disintegrated, and Chen Qi had an unstoppable dumbstruck in front of this rays of light.

“Immortal Monarch’s strength is really strong.” Chen Qi’s eyes showed a hint of fear. This Immortal Monarch Guan Hou is more than 100 times stronger than that Slashing Principle Monster Monarch. Chen Qi’s strength of the Principle Celestial Immortal is now difficult to resist.


Chen Qi’s body protection Immortal Power ruptured in this light, and despite being able to withstand most attacks, he was still injured by the shock.

“This Eminence said, you are not an opponent of this Eminence! How immortal Monarch’s strength is as simple as you think!” Immortal Monarch Guan Hou seems to be no accident. If he can’t deal with Chen Qi with Immortal Artifact, it is a joke.

“Chen Qi is really not an opponent of Immortal Monarch, but it can be scary enough to stay in Immortal Monarch for such a long time. If he does not die, he will definitely be a character in the future, but it is too reckless, now if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off, it’s a death in the face of Sir Guan Hou! “

Hahaha !

Hao Yan laughed wildly, “Chen Qi, where did you go for the awe-inspiring just now? Now you know how many pounds and two?”

But Hao Yan was a bit annoyed next, because Chen Qi simply ignored him, as if he was a clown, ignored directly.

“Hmph!” Hao Yan coldly snorted, “Let’s see how you die next!”

Another blow, Chen Qi used the wings to dodge, but was still hit. In the end, Immortal Monarch Guan Hou shot more and more bright shots, which made him tired of handling.


Chen Qi was shakily retreating again. Not only that, the skin on the surface was burned with light, and there were a few cracks.

he got hurt!

Everyone shook their heads. The Great Principle Golden Immortal is no matter how strong the strength is, it cannot be an opponent of Immortal Monarch. After all, there are mole cricket and ants under Immortal Monarch. Chen Qi has not yet reached the point of Immortal Monarch, and it is extremely scary to be able to do so.

But everyone just thought this way, suddenly a path of green rays of light sprayed out of Chen Qi’s mouth, and he quickly recovered under this light, and a breath of life force filled the whole body of Chen Qi.

And at this moment, his Great Principle Golden Immortal ’s Heavenly Tribulation has all passed, and the fleshhy body thunder and lightning sparkle has been enhanced again by a dozen times.

Thunder and lightning smashed into the body and was forcibly resisted by Chen Qi fleshy body. Heavenly Tribulation passed through this way. This is also him. If he changed someone else, he would have died.

The green light erupted in the mouth, and in the eyes of everyone’s shock, a seed of Heavenspan Immortal Tree appeared in front of everyone.

Immortal Qi irrigated, it quickly grew into a towering tree, up to several thousand meters, countless wicker swaying, harder than steel, baring fangs and brandishing claws, grabbed together.

At the moment when 100 thick and thick wickers were caught on 1000, they collided with rays of light and all the wickers broke. Chen Qi quickly put away the Immortal Tree.

This Immortal Tree has not yet fully grown up, and I am still too careless. It seems that the casual method cannot deal with Immortal Monarch Guan Hou.

Immortal Monarch Guan Hou, like the sacred light Immortal, has become a source of light in the sky. The countless light has not stopped since the moment of the war.

Chen Qi was defeated one after another, but at this time Chen Qi turned on 8 times berserk immediately, anyway, his current Resolution Points are enough for him to splurge.


Chen Qi both eyes killing intent suddenly, again fist, 8 times berserk, his strength surged.

At the same time, behind Chen Qi was a large area of ​​fire sea, Calling Wind Immortal Technique, hitting them together, a path of light was temporarily resisted. But it cannot be disintegrated.

“It’s useless, you are not an opponent of this Eminence, and when will the surrender be obsessed?” Immortal Monarch Guan Hou laughed at the smile with a smile, and his eyes were full of contempt.

“Is it right? I’ll see if you are brilliant, or if my secret art is amazing, Black Ripping Sacred Elephant Secret Art, now!”

Suddenly at this moment, Chen Qi chant was thinking, and suddenly violently fluctuated from behind. A ten zhang high Black Ripping Sacred Elephant, Three Heads and Six Arms, baring fangs and brandishing claws appeared in blood, just appeared. The baleful qi emerged from the Black Ripping Sacred Elephant. Suppress everything Immortal below.

Everyone was shocked by this aura, dumbstruck in their hearts.

The boundless baleful qi, bloody breath, and a tyrannical breath erupted from the body of the Black Ripping Sacred Elephant. The sloppy faces, 3 huge heads, and 6 blood-red eyes made people shudder.

“This is the breath of that Slashing Principle Monster Monarch! How could you have his secret art!” Immortal Monarch Guan Hou’s eyes changed, and he seemed to know the name of the Slashing Principle Monster Monarch.

The Slashing Principle Monster Monarch had previously appeared in Celestial Sovereign Immortal World, and at that time he was a Principle Celestial Immortal. He was extremely afraid of this Slashing Principle Monster Monarch. This Slashing Principle Monster Monarch was hidden in the Celestial Sovereign Immortal World. Principle Celestial Immortal and Great Principle Golden Immortal. It was a Slaughter Divinity at the time.

He was also afraid of being caught by the Slashing Principle Monster Monarch for devouring. This Monster has not appeared for a long time, but now his secret art actually appears on a teenager.

This secret art is strictly a monster technique, and few people can master it. Most importantly, this secret art is specifically restrained by Light Attribute.

“Corrosion River Tribulation Water, now! I don’t believe that this light can suppress Tribulation Water!”

Chen Qi a path of hand motion, the Black Ripping Sacred Elephant behind the entire body bloomed red, and suddenly a path of small holes appeared in 4 places in the sky, densely packed arranged in Void, yellow emerged from the countless small holes with The strongly corrosive nature of Tribulation Water soon converged into a large lake towering over Void.

Corrosion River Tribulation Water and Light Rule belong to the opposite nature of the two. They have mutual restraint and are more restrained than Chen Qi when it comes to fire.

Hong long!

Corrosion River Tribulation Water roared violently in the sky, stormy sea, and howled past, colliding with the light of Immortal Monarch Guan Hou.

Sure enough, although the light contains a purifying atmosphere, in the face of the corrosion of the Corrosion River Tribulation Water, the two devouring each other, and finally emit a huge explosion, and the yellow water and the light are scattered in 2 places.

“I can’t think of you mastering the Corrosion River Tribulation Water. In this rumor, the foul water deep in the Nether Realm river, what is your relationship with the Slashing Principle Monster Monarch, today you have performed this monster technique, and the entire Celestial Sovereign Immortal World cannot hold you , Once I report the Celestial Sovereign Immortal World high level, the only thing waiting for you is death! “

Immortal Monarch Guan Hou heart startled, but it was coldly said.

“What is my relationship with the Slashing Principle Monster Monarch? I killed him, what do you say about me and him, and I have mastered this secret art, not at all hurts the human reason, compared to the bloodthirsty work of the Slashing Principle Monster Monarch, I am again What’s the matter, whoever is righteous depends on who casts it. You, the Immortal Monarch Guan Hou, despise the Celestial Sovereign Immortal Rule. You just report it and think I’m afraid? “

“As the Immortal Monarch, City Lord of Wide Origin City, to protect the common people taking advantage of one’s position to bully people, regardless of indiscriminate killing, even if you ca n’t say anything! Do n’t threaten me, I wo n’t eat this set!”

Chen Qi voiced ice-cold, “And, can you be alive today and completely in my Chen Qi’s hands, do you really think I can’t help you?”

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