Chen Qi was a little confused by the sudden scene of Immortal Monarch Shi An.

He didn’t expect the coming of Immortal Monarch Shi An, but Chen Qi’s face remained unchanged. Immortal Monarch Shi An saw the killing intent in Chen Qi’s eyes unabated, and immediately loudly said again, “Sir Immortal Monarch, please also forgive me Sin, I am willing to compensate. “

Saying Immortal Monarch Shi An glanced at all the Immortal present at Wide Origin City, everyone understood what Immortal Monarch Shi An meant, and exclaimed again: “Please Chen Qi Immortal Monarch forgive me!”

The voice was up here, down there, and everyone was upset and downset about this changing situation. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

But it turned out that Chen Qi was showing strength at the moment and could only apologize to the three Immortal Monarchs. Otherwise, they are waiting for the dead end, facing the Grade 3 Immortal Monarch powerhouse, they have no way to live.

At this time, Immortal Monarch Shi An flashed his eyes in good faith, saying, “I am willing to take out 500 Rule Crystal Stone as an offense to Sir Immortal Monarch, and, Sir Immortal Monarch, I ’m just here, and not Knowing that Sir Immortal Monarch is Grade 3 Immortal Monarch, and if you knew Sir again, Shi An would never dare to be so unreasonable! “

Speaking of Immortal Monarch Shi An fiercely, he stared at Immortal Monarch Guan Hou in the distance, shouted angrily: “Guan Hou, can’t come to apologize to Sir Immortal Monarch, this Eminence is miserable today!”

“We are also willing to pay 500 Rule Crystal Stone as compensation, and ask Sir Immortal Monarch to forgive me for being rude.” Yang Family Patriarch and Yuan Family Patriarch, the two Immortal Monarch, also promised that the complexion was very frightened.

Immortal Monarch Guan Hou was trembling with fear in the distance. Although he was humiliated, he knew that life and death were now between Chen Qi’s thoughts, and he didn’t dare to make a mistake. He flew up obediently, cup one fist in the other hand, saying: ” Sir Immortal Monarch, just below was offended, and I am Guan Hou willing to pay 500 Rule Crystal Stone to compensate, please Immortal Monarch to forgive below’s offense! “

Immortal Monarch Guan Hou came to Chen Qi and felt the terrifying atmosphere of Chen Qi, complexion dumbstruck.

Although they are the Immortal Officials of Celestial Sovereign Immortal World, it is useless to notify them at this moment, and it is imperative to get Chen Qi’s forgiveness.

Otherwise, with Chen Qi ’s current strength, you can definitely kill them all and then escape through the Teleportation Portal. Wide Origin City is close to the Celestial Sovereign Immortal World Teleportation Portal and can definitely escape.

Even without Teleportation Formation, in the countless array method over Celestial Sovereign Immortal World, relying on Chen Qi’s strength, it is not difficult to escape.

To the point, Chen Qi will definitely kill them.

Chen Qi heard that these people wanted compensation, but it was coldly said: “500 Rule Crystal Stones, you want to save your life? I can kill you all and get everything from you, and then leave Celestial Sovereign Immortal World, presumably this It should be clear to you that each of your 2 Rule Rule Crystal Stones, I can consider killing you. “

“And you Immortal Monarch Shi An, you have 5000.”

4 Immortal Monarch complexion greatly changed, 2 1000 Rule Crystal Stones are too many, almost all their possessions, or accumulated for many years to have this number, Chen Qi will be so many at once, everyone’s heart is in the drop of blood.

“What?” Immortal Monarch Shi An face changed. He is Grade 2 Immortal Monarch. If Chen Qi bypasses him, he will take out 5000 Rule Crystal Stones, which is not a small number.

“What, you don’t want to?”

Chen Qi frowned, showing his killing intent, couldn’t help but walk over a few steps, and several people were nodded, Immortal Monarch Shi An complexion deathly pale, saying: “Sir Immortal Monarch, this is what it should be, and it disturbed Sir Immortal Monarch It’s our goddamn thing, and we’re willing to pay Crystal Stone to apologize. “

Immortal Monarch Shi An cold sweat on his forehead. Now Chen Qi’s breath has been suppressed on several people.

Chen Qi’s Invincible Card has always been on the verge of being turned on, but Chen Qi has always been suppressed and not turned on, because he does not want to waste cards on these Immortal Monarchs, and the number of Immortal Monarchs is too small.

Killing these Immortal Monarchs With a card, it’s not too cost-effective, even if it is turned on, it is worth killing countless Immortal Monarchs or more powerful enemies

This is the end of the matter. Chen Qi accepts as soon as possible. This time it is mainly the Hao Family. These people are the officials of the Celestial Sovereign Immortal World. What Chen Qi needs is quiet development and the use of Rule Crystal Stone to enhance his strength. His Huaxia store has not yet started to make a profit.

Now if these Immortal Monarchs lose these Rule Crystal Stones, Chen Qi will not be wasted in this battle, but he will gain a lot.

Celestial Sovereign Immortal World, who he didn’t want to make anymore, was chasing him everywhere. Chen Qi’s eyes glanced at a few people. Immortal Monarch Shi An was also very conscious at this time, but he could see the extremely painful complexion of his complexion. 5000 Rule Crystal Stone was also a rich resource for him.

The rest of Immortal Monarch also surrendered 2 Rule Crystal Stones with a look of pain, and for a time densely packed multi-colored, the Rule Crystal Stones emitting thick rays of light were all in Chen Qi’s pocket.

There are 10,000 1000 Rule Crystal Stones in total, most of which are Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, and Space Rule attributes.

Everyone noticed this scene, all dumbfounded.

With so many Rule Crystal Stones, everyone’s eyes were hot.

Yang Tao and Yuan Wu 2 are in the heart of the drop of blood. My father even took out so many Rule Crystal Stones. Normally, they only have so few cultivation bases, but Chen Qi got so many Rule Crystals at once. Stone.

If they have so many Rule Crystal Stones, they are enough to save a lot of bitter cultivation.

“These Rule Crystal Stones are a little rare. But for your sincere sake, this Monarch has spared you for the time being, pay attention later, if it falls into my hands, it will not be as good as it is today. I will kill you all. Do you understand me? “

Chen Qi rejoiced, but her face was coldly said.

Everyone heard Chen Qi say this and almost fell to the ground.

10,000 1000 Rule Crystal Stones, how much would it cost to change to Immortal Stones?

Is this still missing?

If anything is wrong, everyone has aroused great emotions.

“Ding! Congratulations, Host acting cool, for 50 points.”

“Ding! Congratulations, Host acting cool, for 50 points.”

“Ding! Congratulations to Host acting cool for winning 50 points in theputing.” …

Chen Qi ’s Resolution Points skyrocketed by 1000000 million. Now his Resolution Points have reached more than 700 and 10000.

Now to Immortal Realm acting cool Reputation Points is growing slowly. Chen Qi saw the Immortal Monarch complexion still trembling, knowing that he had scared them just now. It’s time to put away the card. Chen Qi calmly stowed the imposing manner, and the red Invincible Card in the sleeve robe also gradually converged rays of light.

From beginning to end, Chen Qi did not fully open the card, but borrowed the imposing manner of the card, but it can no longer reach the cultivation base atmosphere of Grade 3 Immortal Monarch, otherwise the card will be completely opened, and I have to say, 5 If the second invincible really opens here, it will be a great waste.

If it is dozens of Immortal Monarch and 100 Immortal Monarch, it is not a loss after using it.

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