Space is like an Immortal Boundary, and Chen Qi has long lost sight of the silhouette, and the ripples of the boiling Immortal Qi and Rule have permeated.

But the aura in the middle of the mist is getting stronger.

Half a month later, 10,000 Rule Crystal Stones were basically absorbed by Chen Qi by 80%. Thousands of Rule Crystal Stones have all turned into energy. The 1000 Rule light clusters in my mind are extremely thick.

Like 9 little suns. In particular, the Water Attribute Rule Power has reached 2 fist sizes.


Another 2 days have passed, and suddenly, from Chen Qi, a cultivation base atmosphere of Middle Grade Great Principle Golden Immortal appears, and the entire storage space rising winds, scudding clouds, gold brick gold coins, and Immortal Artifact have been 4 aura agitated and fluttered.

Chen Qi’s breath was a lot stronger. The whole body made an explosion.

He absorbed most of the Rule Crystal Stone and used a month to break through to Middle Grade and crossed a small boundary.

So many resources are enough for other Immortal to break through a big boundary, but here at Chen Qi is just a small boundary. Most importantly, it only took him a month.

The cultivation speed is so scary. Generally, the Great Principle Golden Immortal wants to break a small boundary for the shortest time in one year. Ordinary Immortal takes at least a few years.

Chen Qi stood up and felt a lot stronger.

With one stroke of the arm, all the gold brick gold coins of the entire Space flew to the sky to rotate, and my mind fell loose, and everything fell again.

During this time, the business of Huaxia Restaurant was so hot that it almost crowded the entire restaurant.

“Sir, this Chen Qi doesn’t know where to get the hamburger. Originally, our business at Fasting River Building returned a little bit, but now those people have gone to Huaxia Restaurant again, it’s too hateful.”

Wang Yuan was on a pavilion at the moment, holding a hamburger in his hand, looking at the Wide Origin City Huaxia Restaurant below, a hot and hateful gnash the teeth, but he was eating hamburgers at the same rate.

“This brat, I really underestimate him, but such a delicious thing, this Eminence can’t figure out how he made it, and Chen Qi hasn’t appeared in this time, but this hamburger has been selling, so he didn’t Is it ready for sale? Have you seen any chefs in his shop? “

“No, nothing. The waiters are selling. It’s been a month. I don’t know where so many hamburgers come from.”

“This Chen Qi is a bit weird. Keep an eye on it. Our Fasting River Building business has been severely damaged. It wo n’t work like this. By the way, you guys have to step up my research on this hamburger, and how is the instant noodles going? “

“It’s still not researched. We don’t have any of these materials on our side, and it’s not clear what was made by mixing.”

“It’s really useless. You asked them to research it out quickly. What waste food research do they spend that many money on to support them? Can’t this broken noodle and hamburger be researched? They can’t figure out how to do it and deduct them. “


At the moment Huaxia Restaurant.

“Boss, we want hamburgers.”

“Boss, come for a burger, thank you without ice.”

“Sold out, no more.”

Xiong Qian and the others helplessly said, they know that Chen Qi is now cultivation, so they didn’t dare to bother.

“What? No, fuck, right?”

“Close it today. Everyone will go.”

Xiong Qian was about to kick everyone out.

At this moment Chen Qi came down from above.

“Boss, Boss, you’re finally out. By the way, this is the recently earned Rule Crystal Stone. Look, don’t say, this hamburger sells well.”

“How much did you sell?”

“100,000 Rule Crystal Stone.”

Even Chen Qi had his eyes fixed on hearing this number, and 100,000 Rule Crystal Stone was not a small sum. It is estimated that he blew up a lot of oil and water from the rich Immortal in Wide Origin City.

A storage ring reached Chen Qi. Chen Qi looked at it and piled up into a multi-colored hill. Naked eye looked at the Rule Crystal Stone that had been distorted.

Throw 500 at random and hand them to Xiong Qian. Chen Qi said, “You have worked hard. These are rewards for you.”

“Many thanks Boss. Haha.”

Xiong Qian has 100 per person, and the value surpasses most Immortal in Wide Origin City.

“I still have a lot of burger instant noodles here, soda, you hold it, and continue to sell.” Chen Qi bought a lot of things, holding 100,000 Rule Crystal Stone upstairs for cultivation.

As time goes by, the cultivation base of Chen Qi is gradually increasing, but 100,000 Rule Crystal Stone is a huge number for other Immortal, but not much for Chen Qi.

The higher the cultivation base, the Rule Crystal Stone he needs to show a geometric growth. With his cultivation base of Middle Grade Great Principle Golden Immortal now, this 100,000 Crystal Stone is estimated to allow him to approach the edge of the breakthrough, but it cannot reach the breakthrough.

After a few days of cultivation, Chen Qi went to the Auction Chamber. The Rule of Power was available because the woman who received him the last time gave him sound transmission.

“Hello, guest.”

Chen Qi has just entered, and the woman gave Chen Qi a kind smile, “Hello, this guest, the Rule of Power Crystal Stone you said last time is now available in our Auction Chamber. How much do you want?”

A woman knows that Chen Qi is a Grade 3 Immortal Monarch, and these days are full of excitement, she knows.

The woman was smiling, but her heart was chilling. Chen Qi’s strength was too scary.

“How many do you have?” Chen Qi asked back.

“This time the Rule of Power Crystal Stone is around 300.”

“It’s all there,” Chen Qi said. The woman froze, then nodded, knowing that Chen Qi was not short of money.

“So, the price of Rule of Power is 30,000,000 yuan, which is about 4 times of the ordinary Rule Crystal Stone. You 300 Rule of Power Crystal Stone, should I exchange 1300 Rule Crystal Stone?”

“1300 pieces? This …” The woman frowned slightly. Chen Qi said that the price is at least 100 more Rule Crystal Stones, if he really exchanges in her hands, he can earn a lot of commission.

1300 Rule Crystal Stones in exchange for 300 Rule of Power Crystal Stones. The extra 100, according to the rules of the Auction Chamber, the extra profit, she can get at least 5 Rule Crystal Stone.

“Guests, this is too much. Actually, you don’t need so many, 1200 are enough.” The woman complexion was a little excited, but she thought Chen Qi was wrong. So I want to remind you.

But Chen Qi waved his hand, “Anyway, it’s a tip for you.”

The woman almost scared Chen Qi to death. Tips for 100 Crystal Stones?

How much money is so bold?

But at this moment, a middle-aged man suddenly hurriedly came from a distance, with a look of excitement, the woman was about to speak, the man pushed the woman away, and immediately pushed away.

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