This is a waterfall of up to 1000 meters, falling from the turbulent water above, with a horrible strength of at least ten tens of thousands of jin, all around the deafening sound of water.

Hao Nan cultivation “Myriad Refining Stars Martial Divinity Secret Art”, the cultivation technique continues within the body to follow a special route.

His legs, arms, and even his abdomen were tied with ropes by Immortal Stone, and while tempering, he absorbed Immortal Qi from Immortal Stone into the body.


As soon as Hao Nan entered, he was smashed out by the high water of the waterfall, and looked up at the sky. The water flow above was too horrible. The whole ear, the buzzing of the water in his head.

Hao Nan couldn’t hold it anymore, he was smashed out by the current as soon as he entered.

His shoulder was extremely painful, the corners of his mouth were covered with blood, but he still gritted his teeth and did not give up. Step into the waterfall again step by step.

Today, Hao Nan cultivation this cultivation technique, using his Myriad Leakage Physique, now he has broken through to the enhancement of High Grade Celestial Immortal strength, making Hao Nan extremely excited, he did not expect that he has today.

Strength has increased too quickly.

At least compared to his previous days, it is an underground in the sky. Although he has suffered a lot, Hao Nan also feels worth it. As long as there is hope, he is not afraid of suffering. And now his hopes of becoming a powerhouse are visible.


Hao Nan was smashed again and again, but the cultivation technique was run again and again, within the body Immortal Qi reversed tempering his fleshhy body, the more the tempering benefited him the more.

A few days later, the Rule Crystal Stone of Chen Qi all around was absorbed by him within the body. Chen Qi both eyes opened, a trace of bright light flashed. Space Rule Power has been greatly enhanced.


As soon as the body moved, Chen Qi appeared in front of Hao Nan, “Hao Nan, I teach you how to temper the physical body.”

“Well.” Hao Nan nodded.

Chen Qi looked at the water above and thought for a moment. He stepped into the water step by step. Facing such a horrible waterfall, Chen Qi stepped in like this, completely relying on the fleshhy body without using the slightest Immortal Power.

And his body is exceptionally stable, without any shaking due to the high pressure of the water. As if Henggu stood here.

This scene fell in the eyes of several people and was extremely shocked.

“Our Boss fleshhy body is really strong.” Xiong Qian several people stared at Chen Qi.

Hao Nan looked shocked. At this moment Chen Qi stepped out of the waterfall and strolled in the courtyard. He was very relaxed. He also felt a huge gravity, but for Chen Qi, it was nothing. If he could fist, he could ruin the waterfall. It’s natural to do that.

“You’re optimistic, Hao Nan. If you walk in directly, your head and shoulders will inevitably be hit by a huge current. With your current strength, you can’t stand it, but if you change the method, you can walk in, you see.”

After Chen Qi came out, he raised his hands over his head, brought them together, stepped into the waterfall, and the water flowed down. After Chen Qi held up his hands, he swept away from his arms 2 and the impact on the whole person was reduced by dozens of times.

“It’s …” Hao Nan froze when he saw the method.

Put your hands close together and lift your head high, just to cut the water flow between the hands, the force point slowly buffered from both hands to the entire arms, running through the body, like a fish shape, greatly reducing the impact.

For Chen Qi, this is just an action on Earth divers, and it is just right for Hao Nan cultivation.

However, this action fell into Hao Nan’s eyes, but it caused Hao Nan’s entire body to be stunned, and even Xiong Qian was stunned.

“Boss, this method is too clever, how come to think of it, fuck.”

“I will try too.”

Hao Nan was very excited, raised his hands over his head, and stepped into the waterfall. He was hit by the current just after entering. But Hao Nan was getting more excited because he felt that the impact just now had been much smaller.

Tried it again.

This time Hao Nan was able to stand for 3 seconds. Not as difficult as it was just now.

The last is 5 seconds, 6 seconds, and the time is getting longer. Hao Nan’s physical body gets strong exercise under the impact of water for a long time. within the body cultivation technique works, withstanding external blows. Pinching inside and outside will keep his fleshy body tempering.

Hao Nan now feels that bitter cultivation is not as good as a master for 3 years.

This method seems simple, but if you don’t think carefully, you simply can’t think of it. In inertial thinking, waterfall training can be done by simply going in. Where can I think of this clever method?

Xiong Qian is also cultivation here.

Chen Qi one after another instructed them to teach them. With Chen Qi’s cultivation base boundary, they can see the problems on them with only a little induction.

After some advice, Chen Qi continued to absorb Rule Crystal Stone.

After a few days passed, Chen Qi absorbed 1000 Rule Crystal Stones again, this time is a metal Rule.

The day goes by, Rule Power in Chen Qi’s mind will be enhanced a lot.

In this way, a few people went to Clear Sky City while cultivation.

Many places were changed on the way, but during this time, people at Fasting River Building not at all appeared. I must know that Chen Qi is a Grade 3 Immortal Monarch, not at all.

After flying over this mountain range, Chen Qi and the others passed by 3 cities. Due to lack of time, the process was not fast.

Several people can reach Clear Sky City after passing a mountain range area.

On the way, Chen Qi cultivation again, more than ten 10000 Rule Crystal Stones were absorbed by him 80%. At this moment, nine types of Rule Power in his mind gradually increased.

Now on a mountain top, Chen Qi all around is filled with Earth Element Rule, a kind of pale-yellow Rule line. Enter Chen Qi within the body with suction.

He felt closer and closer to the breakthrough.

And at this moment, deep in the mountain range above them, the huge Stars Fasting River Building is still standing.

Chen Qi and the others can be seen by looking up.

But the people above are a little harder to see them, because there are trees everywhere.

That star is equivalent to a star in the sky, but it is not so far away from the Celestial Sovereign Immortal World continent, which can be seen no matter where Chen Qi goes.

At the moment the stars above, the Wang Yuan complexion of the Fasting River Building was gloomy, and there were 2 other Immortal Monarch glances.

They were looking at Chen Qi’s position, after Chen Qi and the others were out of Wide Origin City. It was so fast that they had no time to send someone to investigate. Chen Qi was gone.

There are now four Fasting River Building influences to explore. It’s all Great Principle Golden Immortal and Principle Celestial Immortal.

They’re just the people responsible for tracking Chen Qi.

“This Chen Qi, really dare to take action against me, Wang Yuan, so brave. I haven’t checked their movements.”

Wang Yuan was in a pavilion and was still in pain at the moment. When he faced Chen Qi before, Chen Qi had a killing intent in his eyes, and he really wondered if Chen Qi thought of killing him at the time.

“Reporting to Sir Wang Yuan, we searched their trajectory, which was moved towards Clear Sky Immortal City. Our people did not dare to act blindly without thinking.”

“Well, as long as they find their people, now Sir Song Ying is working on some things, and it will be here soon, when the time comes, we will join Sir Song Ying to capture this child together to force out the secret of food production . This food is very rare and must be obtained. “

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