At the same time, the entire Bei Family is in a state of ecstasy. When Chen Qi wins, it means that their Bei Family wins and they can get 100,000 Rule Crystal Stones.

“Zijun, this time your vision is correct. Earn a lot of resources for our Bei Family. With these resources, the strength of our Bei Family will surely grow stronger.” Patriarch Bei is also ecstatic.

At first I still had 7 up and 8 down, but now there is no such emotion at all, only ecstasy. Excitement shivered. The 100,000 Rule Crystal Stones are a huge asset to them.

“Zijun, it was an old man just now. You made the right choice. This Chen Qi is beyond everyone’s imagination. I really don’t know how he did it. It’s amazing.”

The middle-aged high-level of Bei Family who opposed Bei Zijun’s bet, this middle-aged man stood up at this moment, his eyes were shocked, and he was nodded again and again.

He did not expect that Chen Qi won in the final result, and he still won, and Chen Qi was not hurt.

This is what he did not expect.

Many of Bei Family’s high levels are nodded. While shocking Chen Qi strength, they are also praising their Bei Family Bei Zijun’s vision, so sharp.

Bei Zijun only relaxed at this moment, and heard the praises of everyone, knowing that he made the right bet this time, not only did not bury all the wealth of the family, but also turned over ten times.

For the Bei Family, at least 800,000 Rule Crystal Stones are unimaginable.

Right now, the people of the Bei Family cash out the Crystal Stone in the Auction Chamber. The odds are a dozen times, almost 870,000 Rule Crystal Stone.

Getting so many Rule Crystal Stones at once, the entire Bei Family was in a state of excitement. Looking at Chen Qi’s eyes, in addition to awe, was particularly pleasing to the eye.

Without Chen Qi, they would not have earned so many Rule Crystal Stones. It can be said that a large part of the credit goes to Chen Qi.

Of course, Bei Zijun’s vision is also unique. Bet right.

“Lose.” Everyone was discoursed spiritedly, and many people bet Chen Qi lost, and some even pressed all their belongings in, which is equivalent to losing a homeless property.

Most people are dejected, but there are still some people who bet on Chen Qi to win, or both sides bet. Although there are relatively few Crystal Stone bets on Chen Qi, fortunately, they have not lost too much.

“Hahaha, Laozi won.”

A fairy people is happy, but also a man with unusual thinking. Everyone bets on Grade 4 Immortal Monarch to win, but he bets on Chen Qi because many people still think that Chen Qi is so fearless, maybe there is really a comeback. may.

The most important thing is that there are too many bets on Chen Qi to lose, resulting in a bet on Chen Qi to win, the odds are doubled, and once the bet is double profit for Rule Crystal Stone, this is what excites these people.

As it turned out, they were right. Both have made more than ten times of Crystal Stone.

Some people bet 1000 and the gains were around 10,000 3. Some people bet 10,000, that’s a dozen 10000 Crystal Stones.

People who have made Crystal Stone can’t wait to see Chen Qi’s eyes rush to hug him, and talk about the excitement at the moment.

“Hahaha, didn’t expect. I actually made 1000 Rule Crystal Stone at once.” Liu Qizhou bet Chen Qi to win. Made a lot.

Huo Wu also earned. The Immortal Monarch disciple and Hao Ming lost, shaking their heads with a look on their faces. Pity.

I knew it was such a result, and all of my net worth was up, wouldn’t it be full of money?

It’s useless to say anything now.

By the time everyone was spiritedly, Chen Qi had collected dozens of Immortal Monarch storage rings that had been killed by him. Divine Consciousness enters into it, this time his gain can be said to be very rich.

Just the various Rule Crystal Stones amounted to a total of 1.4 million. Various medicine pill, Immortal Stone countless.

What is the 1.4 million Rule Crystal Stone?

Even Chen Qi felt a little scary.

He has never seen so many Rule Crystal Stones. These Immortal Monarch powerhouses that he killed were all Grade 1 or more, and there were a large number of them, and all of them were searched to get this horrible number.

However, these Rule Crystal Stones have nearly 300,000 from Mu Yan storage ring, which should be given to him by Fasting River Building high level and let him auction treasure map. Even Chen Qi thinks this Fasting River Building is very rich.

He packed all these multi-colored Rule Crystal Stones into his storage space. Of course, all kinds of medicine pills piled up into his storage ring. There are countless materials, Immortal Artifact.

At this moment, his Space ring is a collection of mountains, stacked with countless Rule Stone, medicine pill, and Immortal Stone.

However, Chen Qi deliberately rummaged through Mu Yan’s storage ring and found a problem.

There is no treasure map of the Amaterasu Fire in the Mu Yan storage ring of the Fasting River Building.

How is this going?

Chen Qi searched the Immortal Monarch powerhouse storage ring in the other Fasting River Building, but also did not find the treasure map.

“It’s impossible to find. Could this Mu Yan transfer the treasure map?”

Chen Qi was suspicious, and surely he wasn’t looking for it anymore. This hidden treasure map is of great value and must have been transferred.

After a rough look, he still has a palm-sized Nine Dragons Divine Cauldron, a few Heaven Level Immortal Swords, and a Fire Wheel from Huo Yuntian.

The harvest of this time is the most that Chen Qi has got so far.

At least, the temporary cultivation resources are not worrying.

At this time, Chen Qi thought about it, all around all the killed people, sprinkled the equipment in Void, all kinds of materials were ransacked by Chen Qi, all the unwanted recycling was turned into EXP.

The densely packed equipment disappeared before him, and a voice sounded in his mind.

“Ding! Congratulations to Player for recovering the equipment and rewarding EXP 700 000. The current EXP is 730,000 /2.8 million.”

After doing all this, Chen Qi started to look, leaving a relatively high-level equipment in front of him.

He grabbed a pair of black wings and looked closely, and Chen Qi thought it was pretty good.

item: Nether King Wings.

One of Nether King Kit, ten times faster than Wings of Antiquity Monster. Out of sight, like Nine Nethers King, the wings spread out several ten zhang, sweeping the dark wind, Murderous aura boundless, is a rare treasure wing, and can be used as a sharp killing artifact to cut a human body with wings.

The Nether King Kit, after collecting eleven sets, inspired the Strength of Nether King to form Nether King Protection. On the body, an incarnation of Hell Nether King, up to the hunter zhang, was integrated with the wearer, executing the immortals and cutting the demons, play horrible strength.

With this wing, Chen Qi instantly recycled his Wings of Antiquity Monster into 50,000 EXP.

He looked again, except for this Nether King Wings. There are also several pieces of black equipment.

A pitch-black ring, the black atmosphere surrounds, absorbs light, and its weirdness, there is a mysterious strength working in it. There are countless veined patterns all over it.

…… ..

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